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Re: The Sins Of The Father Are To Be Laid Upon The Children

PostPosted: Thu Jan 30, 2020 6:19 pm
by Basil Benson
Basil is....." He paused, trying to decide a proper word that wasn't too harsh. "Mercurial."

"That's a fancy way'a sayin' he's a fickle lil' shite."

Howard's sour expression at the back of his brother's head was not even slightly hidden.

"He's a bit of an emotional mirror. He has a tendency to reflect what the people project at him. That's why he can sit there through a long, drawn out religious meal acting all pious and reserved on his grandmother's time, then immediately shove his tongue down your throat in her driveway when he's on yours.

If he is 'perfect' with you, perhaps he is projecting your behavior back to you.

Regardless, because of his nature, what the boy needs is stability. To some extent I think he knows that..... Actually, maybe that's why he does as he does.... behind closed doors.... "

Howard paused in thought, then shook it off because it really wasn't something he wanted to dwell on.

"Anyways, if you find a way to provide that stability, I'm certain that he would never feel taken advantage of. And provided he isn't being outright abused.... Isn't it his call whether or not he is being taken advantage of?"

Re: The Sins Of The Father Are To Be Laid Upon The Children

PostPosted: Fri Jan 31, 2020 2:48 am
by Colette Rosenhof
"Stability..." Colette mused softly, considering what that meant. "I zink... I zink I could provide zis."

Re: The Sins Of The Father Are To Be Laid Upon The Children

PostPosted: Fri Jan 31, 2020 3:23 am
by Basil Benson
"And if it makes ya feel better, if ya hurt 'im, you'll know. 'Cuz you'll getta visit from me." Harold added, sounding like he meant it as a consoling statement?

Re: The Sins Of The Father Are To Be Laid Upon The Children

PostPosted: Fri Jan 31, 2020 5:14 am
by Colette Rosenhof
"I appreciate ze offer, but Basil is pretty good at letting me know when I have offended him in some way. He becomes very quiet and stiff. I zink he sometimes forgets zat I can see him."

Re: The Sins Of The Father Are To Be Laid Upon The Children

PostPosted: Fri Jan 31, 2020 5:23 am
by Basil Benson
Howard giggles a bit in amusement. "Oh he's always done that... at least, when he doesn't want to upset a person back. Don't tell him this, but I always found his anxiety to be incredibly cute. The way his little brow used to furrow when things got particularly complex or weighty. I'd never seen such a worrisome child.

He tries to shrink into a little ball too. It's only gotten more adorable the bigger and lankier he's gotten. Where exactly does he think the six feet of him is going to disappear to? Is he going to fold his body into a pocket dimension?

Is that a thing mutants can do?"

"Never did that with me. He just pops off at the mouth with me."

Re: The Sins Of The Father Are To Be Laid Upon The Children

PostPosted: Sat Feb 01, 2020 2:41 am
by Colette Rosenhof
"Well, not all mutants. But it would be untruzful of me to say zat zere was not at least a small number on ze campus who could somezing of ze sort."

Colette considered Harold's comment. "Well, if his behavior mirrors zose around him, perhaps zat is ze reason he is so vulgar to you?"

Re: The Sins Of The Father Are To Be Laid Upon The Children

PostPosted: Sat Feb 01, 2020 4:03 am
by Basil Benson
Howard starting cackling madly at the insult to his brother.

Harold seemed to be fuming now, and not inclined to talk anymore.

Re: The Sins Of The Father Are To Be Laid Upon The Children

PostPosted: Sat Feb 01, 2020 6:21 am
by Colette Rosenhof
Like most times Colette insulted someone she hadn't intended it, so she was left confused as to Howard's sudden merriment and the driver's more surely attitude. The English were very perplexing.

Re: The Sins Of The Father Are To Be Laid Upon The Children

PostPosted: Sat Feb 01, 2020 5:01 pm
by Basil Benson
It wasn't much longer before the trio arrived at the Novotel London Greenwich Hotel. It wasn't nearly as fancy as the place she'd been taken for Christmas and was clearly designed for business travelers and the sort who don't intend to spend a lot of time in their room, but it was incredibly clean and modern.

Howard had already scouted ahead and got the room set up and paid for.

As she was waiting with Harold (who remained quiet for the short rest of the ride), Colette would receive a text from Basil:

"Where are you?"

Re: The Sins Of The Father Are To Be Laid Upon The Children

PostPosted: Sat Feb 01, 2020 10:53 pm
by Colette Rosenhof
Colette was actually very thankful that the hotel wasn't as fancy as the one they'd stayed at for Christmas - she was still getting used to having money spent on her. As it was the hotel still offered more than she needed, but wasn't so excessive that she would argue about it. Maybe it's unassuming exterior helped her, since it looked like a hospital at first glance. With Howard and Harold looking after her she felt like some sort of visiting dignitary with her own security force - something at least one other student knew the feeling of.

Her purse vibrated, the woman retrieving her phone and checking her messages.

just checking in @ hotel
The message was geomarked to her location.

Re: The Sins Of The Father Are To Be Laid Upon The Children

PostPosted: Sat Feb 01, 2020 11:46 pm
by Basil Benson
Harold parked the car.

"C'mon." Was all he said to Colette as he walked to meet Howard to get his own room key, he snatched it from his brothers hand.

"We're in 214!" He called after his brother, holding out a keycard to Colette as he did.

"And you're in 216."

"What room?"

Re: The Sins Of The Father Are To Be Laid Upon The Children

PostPosted: Sat Feb 01, 2020 11:58 pm
by Colette Rosenhof
Colette looked a little confused as she took the room key, luggage in tow. That was a common expression for her. "You are not returning to be wiz Basil tonight? Why so?"

She took the time to send back a quick reply.
ur not going to send flowers or something r u

Re: The Sins Of The Father Are To Be Laid Upon The Children

PostPosted: Sun Feb 02, 2020 12:04 am
by Basil Benson
"Basil told us to be here. We do as we're told.

I mean, it's not as if we're living in his dorm room either, and we weren't there last time you two stayed over. We're not always watching him."

"Why, would you like some?"

Re: The Sins Of The Father Are To Be Laid Upon The Children

PostPosted: Sun Feb 02, 2020 1:35 am
by Colette Rosenhof
"Oh, alright, very well zen. If Basil told you... wait. If you do not work for Basil, or his grandparents, who do you work for? His mozer? I do not zink I even saw her once tonight."

as sweet as that would b, no thx plz
trying to take them back 2 school on the train would b a hustle

Re: The Sins Of The Father Are To Be Laid Upon The Children

PostPosted: Sun Feb 02, 2020 1:44 am
by Basil Benson
Harold was already on the elevator, and didn't answer Colette's question.

"His father and his father's family." Howard replied, reaching out his hand to keep the elevator door open for Colette.

Re: The Sins Of The Father Are To Be Laid Upon The Children

PostPosted: Sun Feb 02, 2020 2:05 am
by Colette Rosenhof
Colette stepped inside and stood between the two men, contrasting them so terribly.

"Oh. I have never met Monsieur Benson. What is it zat he does? A banker of some sort, yes? Is he... have I had opportunity to meet him?"

Re: The Sins Of The Father Are To Be Laid Upon The Children

PostPosted: Sun Feb 02, 2020 2:18 am
by Basil Benson
Harold remained stoic, the only response he provided was to rub at his nose.

"Probably not. Mr. Benson doesn't take appointments with anyone that doesn't make him money."

Re: The Sins Of The Father Are To Be Laid Upon The Children

PostPosted: Sun Feb 02, 2020 4:29 am
by Colette Rosenhof
"His family included?"

Re: The Sins Of The Father Are To Be Laid Upon The Children

PostPosted: Sun Feb 02, 2020 4:38 am
by Basil Benson
Now it was Howard's turn to be speechless.

And Harold's to scoff. "Now you're gettin' the way'a things girl."

The doors opened with a ding, and Harold ushered her forward.

"You go to bed, then we get to."

Re: The Sins Of The Father Are To Be Laid Upon The Children

PostPosted: Sun Feb 02, 2020 4:42 am
by Colette Rosenhof
"How very sad."

Colette said as she stepped out of the elevator, taking enough time to see which direction she should turn before heading down the hallway and finding her room.

"Sleep well, gentlemen. And zank you."

Re: The Sins Of The Father Are To Be Laid Upon The Children

PostPosted: Sun Feb 02, 2020 4:49 am
by Basil Benson
"Goodnight Ms.Rosenhof. Pleasant dreams." The pair disappeared into the room next to hers.

When Colette got into her own room, she'd realize the two rooms were adjoining, but neither man had opened their adjoining door, nor made any move to disturb her.

In fact, nothing would until thirty or so minutes later, when her cell phone chime would go off again.

Vampires must be invited in dear. Even we reverse ones.

Re: The Sins Of The Father Are To Be Laid Upon The Children

PostPosted: Sun Feb 02, 2020 3:59 pm
by Colette Rosenhof
Colette had removed her clothes from her hard-shell suitcase and laid out a plastic garbage bag inside of it. While she was now quite confident in her ability to not "wet the bed" she didn't want to take any chances. It was while getting ready for bed that she got the text, glancing at her phone before she went to the door to the room and looked out the peephole and into the hotel hallway.

Re: The Sins Of The Father Are To Be Laid Upon The Children

PostPosted: Sun Feb 02, 2020 4:02 pm
by Basil Benson
Like the creepy stalker everyone thought him to be Basil was, in fact, in the hallway waiting for her to open the door.

At least he wasn't staring into the peephole. Instead, he seemed to be preening himself. Had he ran here? He had a plastic Boots bag in his hand, so he must have stopped off there before he made it here.

Re: The Sins Of The Father Are To Be Laid Upon The Children

PostPosted: Sun Feb 02, 2020 9:34 pm
by Colette Rosenhof
Colette opened the door almost immediately, keeping her voice down so as not to disturb the other guests as she beckoned Basil in, offering him a tight hug.

"Basil! What are you doing here? Your family will worry."

Re: The Sins Of The Father Are To Be Laid Upon The Children

PostPosted: Sun Feb 02, 2020 11:08 pm
by Basil Benson
Basil allowed himself to be pulled into the room, all too willing to have attention lavished on him.

"I'm sure they will..." Basil replied, leaning in to whisper againat her lips as he patiently awaited what commonly followed.

"I've come to sin."

Re: The Sins Of The Father Are To Be Laid Upon The Children

PostPosted: Mon Feb 03, 2020 1:14 am
by Colette Rosenhof
Colette was silent at first before her body shook with repressed laughter, resting her forehead against Basil. It was all so wonderfully romantic and silly and, well, wonderful. She lifted her head again to look into his eyes, her lips so close to his again.

"Well, in for a penny, in for a pound." That was the second time she'd said that in the same evening, followed immediately by a kiss and pushing her boyfriend toward the single bed. She didn't even let him take his shoes off.