All The Lonely Starbucks Lovers

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All The Lonely Starbucks Lovers

Postby Narrator » Thu Jan 05, 2017 6:47 pm

Somewhere in a dark room, monitors lining the walls providing the only light. Seven chairs are arranged around a table, five of them occupied by the dark silhouettes of people. It's almost comically stereotypical, as if someone was trying way too hard to have a shadowy meeting and set it up to be unmistakingly shady. The screens aren't even displaying anything except for a logo of a company of some sort.

"Everything is proceeding well. All projects are producing results." a male figure speaks up.

"Two of them have produced significant failures." a female voice adds.

"Some losses were to be expected." a second woman appends.

"Failures are a kind of result."

"Shut up. Both missions of Project Moray in London were a complete disaster. I suggest we stop wasting funds on it."

"Chance of discovery is less than 10% but rising. I second we distance ourselves from those assets. Especially while we wait for our other endeavors to develop."

"Our main project is still operating perfectly fine. The occasional loss of an asset is to be expected."

"Retrieving 227B would still be preferable."

"It might spur 227 into action. She's been reported in Crimea. Prompting a retaliatory strike would be unwise." the last one finally speaks up in a slow, deliberate tone.

"We will refrain for now. Plenty of counters are available to 227B. In the meantime, increase asset activity in North America."

"We also need someone to attend the Rothrakov meeting still."

"I believe you just volunteered."

"Both of you go. I don't want any loose ends from this 'Outsourcing' to point at us. Take care of it."

"What about Project Octopus?"

"What about it?"

"It's been slow. Maybe we should check in?"

"Unnecessary. Give it time."

"If everything else proceeds as planned it will not be needed anyway."

"I like having contingencies..."

"And I like pastries. Doesn't mean I bring them to our secret meeting."

"Our projects are slightly more relevant than your consumption of sweets."

"They help me think."

"It's your own fault that you need it."

"That's enough. You all know what to do. Get to it."
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Re: All The Lonely Starbucks Lovers

Postby Narrator » Fri Mar 10, 2017 4:10 pm

The same dimly-lit room with the same five people assembled around the table, except the mood in the room is significantly more agitated.

"You're telling me not only did the Black Lotus agent survive but they made contact with 227? And you let them both get away?"

"Taking more direct action would have meant facing discovery..." Secret-Asian Man objects.

"Only at miniscule odds if done properly."

"She stabbed me in the leg!"

"And who's fault is that?"

"We made a snap decision. Avoiding discovery is more important than capturing the Cryokinetics or disposing of the independent contractor." Slow-Motion Walter adds.

"He's right. As long as we can operate undetected we're safe. Still, this was a tremendous failure and we lost the Chrono-Regulator. We only have a limited supply of Karonite crystals."

"We anticipated the new school to be an issue. Their successful interference should come as no surprise."

"Oh shut up. If you had known we could have done something about it."

"May I remind you that we did put plans in motion for just this situation? It is time to push our agenda in the UK."

A section of the screens turn on, showing a composite shot of a news program talking about a daring daylight train robbery by mutants.

"That wasn't one of ours, was it?"

"No. This is merely a happy coincidence that works in our favor. Tell Tony Danza it's time."
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