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Call CRUA today

PostPosted: Mon Apr 12, 2021 1:46 am
by Narrator
During the summer, a series of midrolls and other online advertisements started cropping up throughout British social media.

"I never felt quite right."
"I was always different from others."
" My family never really understood me... then I started breathing fire-"
"My skin turned into rock-"
" I shattered glass with my voice."
"And then..."
"Everything went over kettle-"
"I started living in Mutant-Town -"
"Got in with the wrong sort I suppose-"
"OD'D on MGH."
"If the Center hadn't found me when they did, I don't know where I'd be now."
"CRUA gave me a second chance at a normal life."
"I get to play footie again with my friends!"

Do you suspect you're specially gifted and need confirmation? Are you or a loved one gifted and having a hard time acclimating? Perhaps you're just needing assistance. Whatever you need, CRUA has you covered.

Visit us at The Center for Research of the Uniquely Abled.