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Symkarian Chaos!

PostPosted: Mon Jul 05, 2021 9:12 pm
by Narrator
From the BBC

More trouble in the Balkans this evening, as explosions rocked the Royal Palace in Aniana. While details are sketchy, our foreign correspondents report tensions between the various royal families of the small eastern European kingdom boiled over at a dinner to celebrate the return of crown princess Katarina Karkov. Symkaria has enjoyed 40 years of peace under the rule of the Karkovs, though underlying tensions brought about by their unique elected monarchy have often threatened to boil over.

Symkaria is perhaps best known for it's history with the Wild Pack, but Silver Sablinova, reached at the Symkarian Embassay in New York City, had no comment on the upheaval and unrest in her home country.

Perhaps in response to this incident, satellite photos have shown the Latverian Ground Forces amassing on the Latverian-Symkarian border. A statement from General Karadick of the Latverian Army states that these are planned exercises, scheduled months ago, and their presence is a coincidence. Nevertheless, Reed Richards of the Fantastic Four issued a statement saying that, as always, he and his team were keeping a close eye on Victor Von Doom's Latveria. The United Nations has reiterated their stance that if the absolute monarch of Latveria was to take aggressive action towards his neighbors, that his membership in that body would be revoked and sanctions imposed, but as so often happens, the world awaits the so-called "Doctor Doom"'s next steps with baited breath.

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