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To: Studentbody, Faculty and Staff

PostPosted: Tue Jan 18, 2022 5:43 pm
by Ashlie Minamida

Dear Xavier's Community,

Over the next coming weeks, construction will be taking place on the grounds in order to expand the Recreational Center and establish new facilities to serve as a new Community Center for the wider Mutant community. Anybody willing to help out is welcome to do so and spear-heading individual projects is highly encouraged. Current plans include community and trade classes, a food kitchen, community garden and transportation hub. Plans for instantaneous transportation to Lambeth are currently being explored and will hopefully be in place soon to encourage a much easier growing together of us and the colloquial Mutant Town. Projects are also being organized on the Lambeth side and seeking volunteers to improve conditions in the city. The name Xavier stands for helping all Mutantkind, not just those fortunate enough to pass through these halls. So go forth and make the world a better place.

>> Ashlie Minamida, Headmistress