Sept 14th: Dinner and a show (open)

Up until recently maintained as a museum, the childhood home of the Braddock family has been pressed into service as classroom space for the University. Additionally, the increased demands have led to the main ballroom being converted into a cafeteria for University students on a meal plan. The old library has been bolstered with college textbooks.

Re: Sept 14th: Dinner and a show (open)

Postby Emilie » Wed Jul 15, 2015 12:22 am

"Salad is great. Vegetables are great. I'd go into further monologue but I am not with my boy peeps so my gross observations on the wonderfulness of vegetation for your digestive system will not be as appreciated."

Emilie didn't have a salad so maybe she was just talking smack. She was eating half a sandwich and a scoop of pasta salad.

"Genosha eh? That's cool. Much better than the midwest weather wise I imagine. And here. We were just talking about how much winter is going to suck here."
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Re: Sept 14th: Dinner and a show (open)

Postby Jezabelle Sherlock » Wed Jul 15, 2015 12:47 am

"Odd. From my understanding England doesn't get much snow. The southern parts anyway. Unless it's the lack of snow that sucks."
Two's company, she's a...
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Jezabelle Sherlock
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Re: Sept 14th: Dinner and a show (open)

Postby Haley Crusek » Wed Jul 15, 2015 1:37 am

"No but I'm sure it's colder than Texas. Which will suck," she giggled.
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Haley Crusek
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Re: Sept 14th: Dinner and a show (open)

Postby Emilie » Wed Jul 15, 2015 2:00 am

Emilie shrugged. " You're probably right. I don't know anything about England but what I have read in fiction books. Books say it's rainy and wet and nasty all the time. Do not want.

I don't have space for an umbrella in my hippack." She said thoughtfully, though she wasn't wearing it at the moment. She wasn't allowed during work shifts, so it was locked up safely in her half locker.
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Re: Sept 14th: Dinner and a show (open)

Postby Jezabelle Sherlock » Wed Jul 15, 2015 2:15 am

"Well most places are colder than Texas." Jez agreed. "And no armadillos, so that sucks."

"You should just wear a hoodie. I do. They're super comfy and they keep the rain and sun and people out."
Two's company, she's a...
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Jezabelle Sherlock
High Concept: Soapbox Sadie with a Secret
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Re: Sept 14th: Dinner and a show (open)

Postby Emilie » Wed Jul 15, 2015 3:14 am

"Oh, I don't need any help keeping people out." Emilie stated. Shoving the last forkful of pasta salad in her mouth, she held out the fork she had in her left hand and flattened her right out on the table next to her where the other girls could see. Flipping the fork between her fingers until she was grasping it in her fist, she then proceeded to bring the fork down upon her own hand violently.

At this point anyone at the table might have expected their dinner to be ruined, but what happened wasn't messy at all. The fork stopped an inch short of the girl's skin, a barely visible force pushing the sharp object away from piercing her hand. She really seemed to be putting an effort into trying to force it through, grimacing in strain as she did so.
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Re: Sept 14th: Dinner and a show (open)

Postby Haley Crusek » Thu Jul 16, 2015 3:25 am

"So you're a teek too?"
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Haley Crusek
High Concept: Pint-sized Powerhouse
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Aspect: Shitty psychic
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Aspect: Walmart-brand Tinkerbell

Re: Sept 14th: Dinner and a show (open)

Postby Jezabelle Sherlock » Sat Jul 18, 2015 1:51 am

Jez let out a sharp cry of surprise. Then she began patting the back of her eating counterpart, as that one was coughing from having been surprised.
Two's company, she's a...
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Jezabelle Sherlock
High Concept: Soapbox Sadie with a Secret
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Aspect: Tumblr

Re: Sept 14th: Dinner and a show (open)

Postby Emilie » Sat Jul 18, 2015 2:10 am

Emilie for her part barely reacted to Jez' shock. Once she realized how much she had upset the other girl, she frowned." It's okay, I'm not hurt." She replied sounding apologetic and letting up the attack on her own shields. She flipped the fork between her index and ring finger and bounced it up and down, causing the field to flicker upon each light impact.

"See? No worries."

She then turned to Haley and shrugged. " Kind of? not really. I mean yes, but not in the way you think. I can't control objects and stuff. I can only do this." To illustrate, she dropped her shield on her right hand, and manifested it again in her left. The fork itself was now taken into the field, but when she let it go it slipped from her grasp, sliding down the inside of the field until it hit the floor with a clink.
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Re: Sept 14th: Dinner and a show (open)

Postby Haley Crusek » Sat Jul 18, 2015 2:20 am

"That's still awesome. You could like. Break a dudes hand if he tried to punch you.
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Haley Crusek
High Concept: Pint-sized Powerhouse
Aspect: Wannabe hero
Aspect: Shitty psychic
Aspect: Hothead
Aspect: Walmart-brand Tinkerbell

Re: Sept 14th: Dinner and a show (open)

Postby Jezabelle Sherlock » Sat Jul 18, 2015 2:21 am

Jez coughed and cleared her throat, trying to speak. The other stepped in to take her place as it were.

"It's okay. You just startled her while she was swallowing. She wasn't expecting that."
Two's company, she's a...
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Jezabelle Sherlock
High Concept: Soapbox Sadie with a Secret
Aspect: Painfully Situational Sociability
Aspect: Good is Not Soft
Aspect: Master Multitasker
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Aspect: Tumblr

Re: Sept 14th: Dinner and a show (open)

Postby Emilie » Sat Jul 18, 2015 2:31 am

"I'm a barrel full of fucked up, sorry." She laughed.

"I've broken more than fists in my day. The better usage is the fact that I can basically pummel anything into the ground when I use it in reverse. I mean, not literally anything. I've never crushed a diamond nor do I think I could taken on the Hulk... but ya know. Anything practical that needs it."
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Re: Sept 14th: Dinner and a show (open)

Postby Haley Crusek » Sat Jul 18, 2015 8:26 pm

"They told me that there's not really a limit to what I can do given time and training, but I dunno. I do know that I smashed an SUV into like a 3 foot cube when I was really pissed off."
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Haley Crusek
High Concept: Pint-sized Powerhouse
Aspect: Wannabe hero
Aspect: Shitty psychic
Aspect: Hothead
Aspect: Walmart-brand Tinkerbell

Re: Sept 14th: Dinner and a show (open)

Postby Jezabelle Sherlock » Sat Jul 18, 2015 11:37 pm

Jez was looking rather starry-eyed.

"You two are such badasses."
Two's company, she's a...
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Jezabelle Sherlock
High Concept: Soapbox Sadie with a Secret
Aspect: Painfully Situational Sociability
Aspect: Good is Not Soft
Aspect: Master Multitasker
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Aspect: Tumblr

Re: Sept 14th: Dinner and a show (open)

Postby Emilie » Sat Jul 18, 2015 11:49 pm

"I couldn't crush a car... that fast. I am sure if you gave me twenty minutes or so I might be able to manage it with enough very precise blows, but in situations where such a thing would be necessary I imagine time would be' of the essence'."

Emilie smiled at Jez. "When I've needed it most, my power has failed me. Being a badass doesn't account for much. Being quick minded is a much better attribute to have, and it's one that almost anyone can possess."
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Re: Sept 14th: Dinner and a show (open)

Postby Jezabelle Sherlock » Sun Jul 19, 2015 12:41 am

"Well now you just sound like someone out of Skyrim or something."
Two's company, she's a...
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Jezabelle Sherlock
High Concept: Soapbox Sadie with a Secret
Aspect: Painfully Situational Sociability
Aspect: Good is Not Soft
Aspect: Master Multitasker
Aspect: Gamer Chick
Aspect: Tumblr

Re: Sept 14th: Dinner and a show (open)

Postby Emilie » Sun Jul 19, 2015 12:50 am

"I think there's probably students here better suited to be yellin' 'Fus Ro Dah' at people than I am." She laughed.
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