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A distinct lack of something nearly non-existent

PostPosted: Thu Mar 11, 2021 3:43 am
by Basil Benson
At the beginning of the next school year, Basil Benson was no longer there to pick up the heavy lifting work for the head librarian.

No one really knew why, not even his girlfriend (though she had many many theories that all spiraled into self loathing).

She was one of two individuals that received a letter in the early summer on the issue. The other was mailed to Headmistress Minamida.

Headmistress Minamida,

Given that I have graduated, I am resigning my post effective immediately. Thank you for the opportunity you provided to me, but at this time I must focus on my mental wellbeing. As it stands, I feel I may be a detriment to the university in the state I currently find myself.


Basil Benson

Being that many students disappeared into the night without even a 'by your leave', this particular disappearance seemed to be quite clean and simple.