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I Don't Like To Think About The Pieces

PostPosted: Wed Apr 24, 2019 11:13 pm
by Natalie Denisov
Natalie has been doing her best to keep her local network profile low. Tethering to her phone for internet access and the like is slower than she likes, but she's avoiding Ashlie whether she'll admit that or not. She even had Muir land her at Southend and transport her up to the school. Still, there's only so quiet she can keep her presence when her meal card's being scanned and her name is listed in the 'current medical cases' for the Med Center due to her ongoing appointments with the physical therapist. Still, she does her best and so she's sitting in the common room, cel phone on one arm of the sofa and laptop on her lap as she types away. Her wheelchair, not 100% necessary at the moment, is sitting next to the sofa.
