I2: What's all this then?

Built on the Braddock Estate not far from the Manor, these were constructed for the university's benefit to help house the student population.

I2: What's all this then?

Postby Sean Hall » Thu Aug 13, 2015 6:13 pm

Sean had driven a long time that day trying to get wherever the feeling of magical weirdness was taking him. Eventually he'd arrived at the university and after parking his car in the city he well... snuck onto the campus using a trick he'd developed playing hide and seek as a child.

"At least when I start glowing it wont be so bloody damn strange," Sean said to himself as he followed the trail towards the first magical 'hot spot' he could sense. A trail that ended at the dorms. He pulled a paper crane out of his pocket and began pushing magic into it, little circles of strange symbols steadily stacking in the air around the hand holding the crane.
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Sean Hall

Re: I2: What's all this then?

Postby Narrator » Thu Aug 13, 2015 9:46 pm

Oh, yeah, this place was practically DRIPPING in magical residue. Don't they have magical janitors here? How could no one notice this? Silly muggles.
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Re: I2: What's all this then?

Postby Will Stanton » Thu Aug 13, 2015 9:51 pm

Will was walking by, as well.

"Um....hi! I don't think I've seen you around."
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Will Stanton
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Re: I2: What's all this then?

Postby Sean Hall » Thu Aug 13, 2015 10:30 pm

"Point the way," Charles whispered to his little bird as the spell finished and the circles converged into the crane and began to fly. He was hoping the amount of magic wouldn't hamper the simple compass he'd hoped to have turned the crane into. He hoped it would point him to the source and be less obvious than walking around with glowing... Ah damn, people.

"Oh? Quite," Sean said going for a casual tone, "Don't believe I've ever seen you either."
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Sean Hall

Re: I2: What's all this then?

Postby Will Stanton » Thu Aug 13, 2015 10:44 pm

"Neat trick," Will said, pointing out the crane. "How'd you do it?"

The crane fluttered, spinning around a couple times, and started floating towards the exit closest to the sea.
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Will Stanton
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Re: I2: What's all this then?

Postby Sean Hall » Thu Aug 13, 2015 11:12 pm

Sean watched the bird and then looked back at Will.

"That? Was never really fully explained to me," Sean said not having lied as of yet, "One day it just came to me and I never really asked why. Probably because They always lead me someplace interesting."

Sean started to follow the bird at what he hoped was not a suspicious pace.
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Sean Hall

Re: I2: What's all this then?

Postby Will Stanton » Fri Aug 14, 2015 4:52 am

"Huh. Is that why you're here, then? To figure that out?" Will said, following Sean.

The exit led to a path through the quad. At the end of the path, a lighthouse stood.

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Will Stanton
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Re: I2: What's all this then?

Postby Sean Hall » Fri Aug 14, 2015 6:03 am

"I'm just here to follow the little bird to wherever it takes me... so yes, quite ," Sean said as he began following the path to the lighthouse. He tried not to look nervous, but ominous lighthouses tend to have that effect on people.
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Sean Hall

Re: I2: What's all this then?

Postby Will Stanton » Fri Aug 14, 2015 6:05 am

"Wherever it takes you? You don't have control over it?"
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Will Stanton
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Re: I2: What's all this then?

Postby Sean Hall » Fri Aug 14, 2015 3:58 pm

"I gave it a purpose, but I'm not entirely sure where that purpose will take me," Sean said, "Like a blood hound following a trail."
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Sean Hall

Re: I2: What's all this then?

Postby Will Stanton » Fri Aug 14, 2015 10:28 pm

"What sort of trail?"
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Will Stanton
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Re: I2: What's all this then?

Postby Sean Hall » Sat Aug 15, 2015 1:57 am

"Not sure yet," Sean said staring at the lighthouse as he approached it, "But it might just be leading me here."

A circle of light formed around Sean's hand small letters inside of it though it hurt the eys to look at it for too long. Sean pushed to see if it was the lighthouse itself that was causing the disturbance he felt.
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Sean Hall

Re: I2: What's all this then?

Postby Narrator » Sat Aug 15, 2015 5:13 am

Causing the disturbance might be pushing it--it wasn't quite the same fingerprint as what had happened in the dorms. That was more of a mystical beastie thing. This was..

...This was POWER. This was a magical nexus the likes of which you only read in stories. The sheer, pulsating power from this thing made it a little like looking directly at the sun.
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Re: I2: What's all this then?

Postby Sean Hall » Sat Aug 15, 2015 2:54 pm

Sean basked in the power for a moment or two. Awed by the sheer magnitude of the nexus of power.

This is beautiful. It's a shame that none of them even know it's here.

With that thought he instead tried to see if he could find more of the other magic fingerprint somewhere.
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Sean Hall

Re: I2: What's all this then?

Postby Alex Maurell » Sun Aug 16, 2015 5:56 pm

Rats perched on his shoulders, Alex wiped the dirt from his hands with a sigh before he noticed a couple of people approaching. At least one of them he recognized, "Hey Will. What's up?"
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Alex Maurell

Re: I2: What's all this then?

Postby Will Stanton » Sun Aug 16, 2015 5:57 pm

Well, SOME of that magic fingerprint Sean was sensing was on the new guy rapidly approaching, with rats on his shoulders. More like he had been touched by it than actively spreading it, though.

"Oh, hey Alex! This guy makes paper airplanes."
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Will Stanton
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Re: I2: What's all this then?

Postby Sean Hall » Sun Aug 16, 2015 6:54 pm

Sean smiled and bowed with a flourish as the paper crane circled him.

"Digging in the dirt?" Sean asked looking over at Alex.
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Sean Hall

Re: I2: What's all this then?

Postby Alex Maurell » Sun Aug 16, 2015 10:16 pm

He looked over at the stranger, noting the paper crane circling him. Interesting, a mutant with paper controlling abilities maybe.

At the question about the dirt and the digging, "More like following a trail. Something strange happened at the cafeteria and I was following this tunnel from there."
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Alex Maurell

Re: I2: What's all this then?

Postby Sean Hall » Mon Aug 17, 2015 3:09 am

Sean was intrigued that somebody else had sensed something though he knew it was likely not exactly what he was sensing.

"You lost the trail here?" Sean asked.
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Sean Hall

Re: I2: What's all this then?

Postby Alex Maurell » Tue Aug 18, 2015 3:29 am

"More like there was some force that kept my little scouts from continuing forward." He gestured to the rats on his shoulders. "I don't know what it was but when I tried digging down to it, I couldn't seem to reach it. Like it was an other area."
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Alex Maurell

Re: I2: What's all this then?

Postby Will Stanton » Tue Aug 18, 2015 3:51 am

"Maybe you didn't dig deep enough?"
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Will Stanton
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Re: I2: What's all this then?

Postby Sean Hall » Tue Aug 18, 2015 10:01 pm

Sean had a bad feeling about what was going on and needed to confirm something before he decided to well, act. The circle around his hand glowed brighter as he began trying push magic out of the immediate area to get a clear view of what was going on in the earth below him.

Obviously the staff never thought about cleaning up all this excess magic...

"Or maybe they don't want to be followed?" Sean asked trying to act like he wasn't really doing anything in particular.
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Sean Hall

Re: I2: What's all this then?

Postby Alex Maurell » Wed Aug 19, 2015 4:56 pm

He nodded, "Yeah, that's the feeling I was getting. I just don't know how they're doing it. If it was a mutant I would have expected any force field or whatever to dissipate by now." He looked back over to where he had been digging, "Something was freaking out my insects earlier too. I just have no idea why..."
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Alex Maurell

Re: I2: What's all this then?

Postby Narrator » Wed Aug 19, 2015 7:51 pm

Sean was able to dissipate some of the surrounding magics with his Incredible Magical Talents!

That gave him a bit of a clearer view of what was going on. Not that it was particularly pretty.

The tunnels below--and yes, tunnels were plural--all had a very distinctive magical signature to them. They didn't come from this dimension--something, or someone, had created some sort of dimensional....rift, for lack of a better term, in the lighthouse. That probably explains the sheer amount of power this thing was radiating--it was like a sliver stuck into a wound between dimensions, keeping it open and, apparently, permitting travel into this universe.

The same magical signature was on Alex's rats--they had been in the tunnels, and were pushed back by something, and were thus saturated. Alex, at least, seemed clean for now.

Interestingly, Will also had a different signature on him but not the same one from all the tunnels. Might be worth sticking a pin in that one and coming back to it later.
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Re: I2: What's all this then?

Postby Sean Hall » Thu Aug 20, 2015 9:38 pm

Sean was now very concerned. Healing it was priority one, finding what had gotten through was going to take a back seat. Sean breathed in and drew power directly from the lighthouse to fuel well, repairing a tear in reality. His eyes began to glow and the air around him began to taste like ozone and copper. Incandescent tattoos glowed on his skin in a language that hurt the eyes to look at.

Words poured out of Sean's mouth in a language that made no sense and it hurt to listen to. Sean didn't really know either the words just came to him as he formed the idea of what he wanted to do with his powers on a... grander scale.
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Sean Hall

Re: I2: What's all this then?

Postby Narrator » Thu Aug 20, 2015 9:53 pm

Sean drank in the power of the lighthouse, tapping into it like a battery.

This was, in general, a bad idea, and Sean was going to have a HELL of a headache in the morning, as this the sheer amount of power he was attempting to tap into was not designed for mortal human beings. It was like trying to guide a raging bronco with helpful pointers and advice---not likely to have much of an effect on where the Bronco was going to go.

He COULD use the power to at least temporarily seal up some of the passageways, though a permanent solution would take some time, research and effort. Nothing he was incapable of doing, per se, but not something you roll up on a random Tuesday and knock out before lunch.
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Re: I2: What's all this then?

Postby Alex Maurell » Sat Aug 22, 2015 2:46 pm

Alex looked over at Sean when something very distinctly wrong filled the air. Ozone and copper, something one might think of when about to be struck by lightening. And it did look like some sort of electrical field was happening around Sean. The man glowed so brightly he was hard to look at. And it was certainly not that the tattoos lettering somehow hurt his eyes.

So he was only left giving Will concerned looks while Sean jabbered in a language he couldn't understand, "What the hell is going on?"
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Alex Maurell

Re: I2: What's all this then?

Postby Will Stanton » Sat Aug 22, 2015 5:33 pm

"I have no idea," Will frowned. "Maybe he's French?"
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Will Stanton
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Re: I2: What's all this then?

Postby Sean Hall » Sat Aug 22, 2015 7:43 pm

The paper bird caught fire as Sean finished channeling the energy of the lighthouse. He was just glad he been able to partially fix the tears. Hopefully they'd hold until he could figure out a more permanent way of closing the tear.

Not doing that again...

"I am very much English," Sean said before wiping a hand across his face and seeing his nose had started to bleed. He wiped the bloody hand off on his pants. "And that was me making an error in judgment to try and fix something with the... fabric of reality."

His vision wavered for a moment because of the strain of what he'd done, but he was still conscious and was slowly starting to feel better.
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Sean Hall

Re: I2: What's all this then?

Postby Will Stanton » Sat Aug 22, 2015 8:25 pm

"Woah, woah woah," Will said, moving to catch Sean as he wavered a bit. "You're not looking so hot."
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Will Stanton
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Re: I2: What's all this then?

Postby Alex Maurell » Sat Aug 22, 2015 8:59 pm

Why Sean was being held up by Will, Alex was having a bit of freak out, "Wait, what?! Like a tear in the fabric of reality? That's what you were fixing? How is there a tear in the fabric of reality? How did you fix? What does speaking in tongues have to do with fixing a tear in the fabric of reality?!"

This had to be a mutation, quantum physics level mutation. Because there was no way in Sam hell he was accepting that this was anything other than that without a full and thorough explanation.
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Alex Maurell

Re: I2: What's all this then?

Postby Sean Hall » Sat Aug 22, 2015 9:09 pm

Sean gratefully accepted Will's help in staying upright.

"I'll be alright," Sean said, "Just next time I want to plug into a giant bloody magical battery remind me that it's not the brightest of ideas."

Yeah, he was probably purposefullu avoiding Alex's series of questions.
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Sean Hall

Re: I2: What's all this then?

Postby Will Stanton » Sat Aug 22, 2015 10:17 pm

"Alex raises some very interesting and important questions," Will nodded. "This isn't a magical battery, this it the lighthouse! It provides light."
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Will Stanton
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Re: I2: What's all this then?

Postby Sean Hall » Sat Aug 22, 2015 10:37 pm

"Quite, but that doesn't mean it can't be a giant magical battery," Sean said, "Really a simplification I suppose as it's actually more of a giant magical nexus focusing massive amounts of magical energy that I tried to tap into as if it were a battery."
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Sean Hall

Re: I2: What's all this then?

Postby Will Stanton » Sat Aug 22, 2015 11:06 pm

Will looked back at Alex helplessly; certainly, the boy with more real-world experience would know what to do here!
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Will Stanton
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Re: I2: What's all this then?

Postby Alex Maurell » Sun Aug 23, 2015 11:18 am

He was just as helpless as Will to really understand what was going on. He may have a passing interest in most of science, gave other journals a read if they were interesting, but he was a biology major for christ sake. Quantum physics or electric fields or whatever this maybe was way out of his depth.

Still he was skeptical every time the word magic came out of the man's mouth. "You still haven't answered any of my questions and you might as well replace magic with wibbly-wobbly gargle-wargle for all the sense it makes."
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Alex Maurell

Re: I2: What's all this then?

Postby Vivienne Chinnoir » Sun Aug 23, 2015 1:45 pm

Just then Vivienne came from the tree line running towards them. Her broad sword strapped to her back, one hand holding the scabbard and her other reaching back behind her shoulder on its' hilt.

"Hold there!"
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Vivienne Chinnoir

Re: I2: What's all this then?

Postby Sean Hall » Sun Aug 23, 2015 2:45 pm

Sean extricated himself from Will as a crazy lady with a broadsword came towards them, well probably him to be honest.

"I very much think I will not hold for a woman with a broad sword," Sean stated before looking at Alex. "A proper explanation may need to wait, but suffice it to say I used magic to seal a fairly small gate between dimensions. A gate that has had several something's come through it and some number of those things were recently at your dormitory."

He readied magic and his hands once again glowed faintly blue. It hurt to do it, but better than being skewered by a mad woman with a sword.
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Sean Hall

Re: I2: What's all this then?

Postby Vivienne Chinnoir » Sun Aug 23, 2015 3:27 pm

She glared at Sean then swore in a language not English nor any modern spoken language.

"You did what! How! Why? By who's authority?"

Her sword was still not draw but if her gift had been flame Sean's hair would have been alight. However her gift was causing the groundwater to rise around everyone's feet and Viviennes "glamour" was beginning to slip.
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Vivienne Chinnoir

Re: I2: What's all this then?

Postby Sean Hall » Sun Aug 23, 2015 4:13 pm

"By my own authority. Because a very lax or retired guardian allowed magic to run rampant enough that I could detect it from across the island, " Sean said eyes beginning to glow.
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Sean Hall


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