Meanwhile, with another gelatinous cube...

Built with a generous grant from one of the University's benefactors, this clinic serves as a small teaching hospital as well. More severe injuries are stabilized, then transported to Muir Island. It also houses the University's research laboratories.

Meanwhile, with another gelatinous cube...

Postby Narrator » Sat Apr 30, 2022 10:39 pm

Knave hadn't been as lucky as Cheshire, and an early release wasn't on the docket for them. They wondered if perhaps they should go and see Alice, as they sat in their tank, a lavender gelatinous mass.
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Re: Meanwhile, with another gelatinous cube...

Postby Victor Freud » Sat Apr 30, 2022 11:11 pm

There was a knock at the ajar door, with Victor standing in the hallway looking in.

"Hey, Lebowski. You want some company?"
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Victor Freud
High Concept: Face Turning Heel
Aspect: Title of Your Sex Tape / The Gadfly
Aspect: Shrinky Dink Shenanigans
Aspect: Always Second Best
Aspect: Underestimating Badassery
Aspect: Dressed for Success

Re: Meanwhile, with another gelatinous cube...

Postby Narrator » Sat Apr 30, 2022 11:23 pm

Aw shit, this kid again... They thought to themselves, the 'mental' activity causing them to burp up a bubble.

They knew by now this... Victor was convinced the two of them knew each other in a past life, but things weren't coming back to Knave nearly as quickly as some of the others.

Maybe it was how long they'd been there. Maybe it was the whole 'my brain is literal jelly' thing. Or maybe this kid was just a liar with a goo-girl fetish.

The only thing that kept Knave from running them off was that, for some reason, being in his presence did seem to bring some odd form of comfort to them. Like an Alice, but one who didn't make them feel creepy.
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Re: Meanwhile, with another gelatinous cube...

Postby Victor Freud » Sun May 01, 2022 12:10 am

Victor fished his phone out of his inner jacket pocket, inviting himself in without a word from the occupant.

"Thought you might like some company, and some tunes." He plugged a set of wired earbuds into his phone and seemed a bit nonchalant about just dropping them into the tank. It wasn't too long before a track started playing.

With his phone set down on a little table beside the tank he sat down in a chair opposite of it and leaned back, like he was prepared to take a nap.
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Victor Freud
High Concept: Face Turning Heel
Aspect: Title of Your Sex Tape / The Gadfly
Aspect: Shrinky Dink Shenanigans
Aspect: Always Second Best
Aspect: Underestimating Badassery
Aspect: Dressed for Success

Re: Meanwhile, with another gelatinous cube...

Postby Narrator » Sun May 01, 2022 12:19 am

The item was slowly taken into the mass past the surface, the music fading as it was slurped into the slime. The music would play out through the first verse, but into the second, Victor would start to hear some form of sound reverbing out of the tank.
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Re: Meanwhile, with another gelatinous cube...

Postby Victor Freud » Sun May 01, 2022 12:28 am

Victor tilted his head up a bit, watching curiously. The playlist was one he'd curated, based mostly on songs they'd listened to together... or rather they'd made him listen to. Left on it's own it probably wouldn't have taken long for any random observer to notice a theme between the tracks, but it was taking less than one song to get a reaction of the purple goo.
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Victor Freud
High Concept: Face Turning Heel
Aspect: Title of Your Sex Tape / The Gadfly
Aspect: Shrinky Dink Shenanigans
Aspect: Always Second Best
Aspect: Underestimating Badassery
Aspect: Dressed for Success

Re: Meanwhile, with another gelatinous cube...

Postby Narrator » Sun May 01, 2022 12:34 am

Paying closer attention would cause Victor to notice a pattern in the thumps that overlapped perfectly with the song he was playing.

Were they drumming against the side of the tank?
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Re: Meanwhile, with another gelatinous cube...

Postby Victor Freud » Sun May 01, 2022 1:08 am

Victor got up from the chair and approached, leaning against the lip of the vat as he watched.

"You know, the school does have a music room, with some instruments. There's even a drum set."

He paused, letting that sink in.

"... you wanna sneak out and go have some fun?"
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Victor Freud
High Concept: Face Turning Heel
Aspect: Title of Your Sex Tape / The Gadfly
Aspect: Shrinky Dink Shenanigans
Aspect: Always Second Best
Aspect: Underestimating Badassery
Aspect: Dressed for Success

Re: Meanwhile, with another gelatinous cube...

Postby Narrator » Sun May 01, 2022 1:15 am

He barely had to ask, and tendrils were reaching out of the tank and wrapping themselves around his neck like a set of arms to be carried.

Hell yea they wanted out of here. Hospitals suck, and they'd had more than their fair share of time cooped up in here already.
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Re: Meanwhile, with another gelatinous cube...

Postby Victor Freud » Sun May 01, 2022 1:48 am

Victor reached into the tank to give the goo more to grab onto, and didn't seem at all upset over getting slimed. Or worried about some sort of faceless, unnatural killing machine. The latter probably because he'd never experienced the Knave in their Wonderland form.

"Alright, get yourself nice and comfy, 'cause it's gonna be a little walk." Once they were situated he closed his jacket to hide his passenger, and retrieved his phone. It was only slightly odd that the headphone wire went from his coat pocket down his collar....
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Victor Freud
High Concept: Face Turning Heel
Aspect: Title of Your Sex Tape / The Gadfly
Aspect: Shrinky Dink Shenanigans
Aspect: Always Second Best
Aspect: Underestimating Badassery
Aspect: Dressed for Success

Re: Meanwhile, with another gelatinous cube...

Postby Narrator » Sun May 01, 2022 1:57 am

The creature slipped into the young man's jacket effortlessly, like it had done this before. They settled around his middle, hoping to fill out his jacket through the torso and not be so obvious in their subterfuge.
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