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DT1 Stables - No, yeah, this is normal

PostPosted: Sat Jul 04, 2015 1:27 am
by Victor Freud
It wouldn't be dawn for a couple of hours, at least that's how dark it seemed to Victor as he roamed the manor grounds. He was 99% sure that everyone else on campus was asleep, but then again there was probably one guy who was a bat or something, he remembered seeing something like that in a tabloid one time, and then he fought in Afghanistan or something? His mind was wandering, as was he. He wracked his brain to try and find a meaning to what his dream had meant. It wasn't literal, was it? No, of course not, dreams don't work that way. But it could have been right. After all, here was a school full of the only people who would understand what he was going through, because they were going through it too. So logically it made sense that he might find a girlfriend here. The hay loft is what didn't make any sense. He'd seen the cafeteria, the library, classrooms, the grounds... any of those would be a perfect backdrop to tell him he'd find someone special at the school. So why did he dream some place he'd never seen before? Maybe it was some kind of a metaphor, like a place that felt like home, or maybe the hay was a representation of the bounty and potential of learning...

A familiar scent caught his attention. Squinting in the pale moonlight Victor could make out the shape of a fairly typical English stable. The brisk fall wind must have wafted from there the smell of the horses or something.

"... there's no way my dream could be THAT literal." The boy thought to himself. But - it wouldn't hurt to look, right? After all he might find a new spot to relax and read. And he had already come this far. The amount of care he took to silently enter the stables would have been kind of impressive had anyone been watching; it would have been a little cruel to wake up any of the horses really, and if they did cause an uproar he really didn't want to have to explain what he was doing there in the middle of the night. That's how rumours got started. The beam from his flashlight flowed over one of the rungs of the ladder which led upstairs. He hesitated. It was just going to be piles of hay and maybe some mice, and he'd finally be able to go back to sleep knowing he'd just had some stupid dream. But so long as he was down there, then there was a chance the dream had been real and something strange and supernatural had happened. Schroedinger's hay loft.

The short student manned up, held the flashlight in his teeth, and started climbing up into the loft.

Re: DT1 Stables - No, yeah, this is normal

PostPosted: Sat Jul 04, 2015 1:34 am
by Emilie
As was promised by the woman in his dreams there was a form of a person there, curled into the fetal position with it's back turned to him. If he passed his flashlight over it to make sure it wasn't something like a raccoon or a badger or some horrible rat-king, he'd notice the shape was indeed feminine. The very small space she took up suggested she was tiny compared to the girl in his dreams, but she had that same unusual hair colour as his vision did, except much much shorter. It barely made it to her shoulders.

Re: DT1 Stables - No, yeah, this is normal

PostPosted: Sat Jul 04, 2015 1:42 am
by Victor Freud
Victor had been at school for less than a week and he'd already found a dead body. This was going to be a great school year. He should go report this immediately, he'd already disturbed the crime scene enough. Though, what if she was just some kind of addict and was passed out? He should check if she was still breathing. He tiptoed closer, the light still shining from his mouth, until he was next to the figure.


Oh, right. A warped wooden board protesting his weight. Totally not ghosts.

Re: DT1 Stables - No, yeah, this is normal

PostPosted: Sat Jul 04, 2015 1:54 am
by Emilie
The girl stirred, uncurling from her fetal position and yawning. As she did, a teeny little calico cat rolled onto the hay next to her, apparently also disturbed from it's slumber. It attempted to act like everything was super cool and fine and it was not at all disturbed by cleaning it's fur.

Splaying her limbs out in different directions, she made a weird sort of a squeal as she did so, then sighed. "Is that you Freud?" She asked, trying to make sure she wasn't just allowing some weirdo to hang out in the darkness with her.

Re: DT1 Stables - No, yeah, this is normal

PostPosted: Sat Jul 04, 2015 2:07 am
by Victor Freud
Victor was stunned. So stunned that his agape mouth allowed the flashlight to fall and hit the floor with a thud. Completely impossible. Absolutely ridiculous.

"This isn't happening. I'm still asleep." He muttered to himself. Maybe it was something he ate, his stomach messing with his mind. She was an undigested bit of beef, a blot of mustard, a crumb of cheese, a fragment of underdone potato. There was more mystery meat than mystery girl about her, whoever she was.

Re: DT1 Stables - No, yeah, this is normal

PostPosted: Sat Jul 04, 2015 2:21 am
by Emilie
"I wish you were right." She replied, now having recognized the voice she was expecting to hear. Instead of turning on her own flashlight, she picked up the one from the barn floor and Victor would watch the light move about in a pattern that seemed like she was doing something, but he wouldn't know what until the area became better lit for both of them.

She had 'borrowed' a few LED camping lanterns that she had found in the barn below, perhaps left behind by someone intending to go on a night ride, which she'd turned on so they could better see each other. She circled about from her spot and fell backwards into a pile of hay to recline. She held her arms out astride as if she were leaning into a comfortable couch while she looked at him.

With the 'lights on' the girl before him wasn't the same woman that was in his dream, but she was very similar. They had almost identical faces but this one's eyes were the most unusual shade of blue and just under her bottom lip were a set of piercings across from each other in what was commonly referred to as a 'snake bite'. She was wearing a shade of lipstick so dark it was hard to tell from this distance in this lighting if it was black or purple. Her eyeshadow matched with a cateye shaped eyeliner and eyelashes so thick they may or may not have been false.

She was, as he'd already noticed, much much smaller than the phantasm he'd met in his sleep. In fact if Victor had to guess this girl was smaller than he was, something he rarely saw outside of his dance and gymnastics classes at the Institute. And unlike some female dancers, this girl didn't seem to be skipping any meals.

Her clothes were dark too, like her makeup. A leather jacket covered up what appeared to be a dark purple underdress over a pair of galaxy printed leggings. Around her waist was a thick, wide leather belt of some sort, cluttered with various trinkets that were harder to distinguish due to the poor lighting and a few pouches attached on by additional leather straps. She folded one knee high booted leg over the other with a thud.

"But unfortunately, it is happening. Again. As it has before and it will continue to. " She greeted him with a small little smile one could best describe as bittersweet. As if she wasn't smiling, she'd be crying. It was that sort of forced smile people make when they're tucking away pain, either emotional or physical. She didn't seem to be injured. " I made a friend while I was waiting for you. Now I can mark him off my bingo card." Her tone suggested Victor and her were old friends despite him never having seen this girl in his life.

Re: DT1 Stables - No, yeah, this is normal

PostPosted: Sat Jul 04, 2015 2:50 am
by Victor Freud
Victor puzzled over all of this in his head. He wasn't the chosen hero, that only happened in fairy tales and video games. So how did he explain this? Telepath maybe? Was this all just an elaborate prank by a student who could mess with his brain? If so, why him? Was he just the only one to actually get out of bed and wander around? He'd have to find out more, so he'd play along, for now.

"Right. Um... I have no idea what you're talking about. I don't even know your name." He set himself down upon another little pile of hay, glancing at the little feline then back to the little female. "Though I guess you know mine."

Re: DT1 Stables - No, yeah, this is normal

PostPosted: Sat Jul 04, 2015 2:57 am
by Emilie
Reaching out to scoop up her 'new friend' into her lap, the girl was now pointedly not looking at Victor."You prefer to call me Emilie. Or Em. Or E. Or Emmie, or Leelee. Or the Cherry Bomb. Or if you're really inventive and schmaltzy you'll come up with something new.

And you are Victor Freud, one of many."

Re: DT1 Stables - No, yeah, this is normal

PostPosted: Sat Jul 04, 2015 3:11 am
by Victor Freud
"Well not that many. There's maybe like... a dozen at the most. Most of them are probably in Germany and Austria."

He looked at her, despite her not looking at him. "We're about to get into some heavy mystical stuff here aren't we?"

Re: DT1 Stables - No, yeah, this is normal

PostPosted: Sat Jul 04, 2015 3:15 am
by Emilie
Emilie chuckled softly. "Sorry, but I'm not a comic book villain Vic. Exposition isn't exactly my strong suit.

Besides, there isn't really that much to know. Except I was elsewhere, and now I am this-where."

Her 'friend' abandoned her to go where-ever it is cats go when they are bored, forcing her to look back at him.

Re: DT1 Stables - No, yeah, this is normal

PostPosted: Sat Jul 04, 2015 3:24 am
by Victor Freud
Victor mulled this over for a bit.

"Your mom seems nice. Naked, but nice."

Re: DT1 Stables - No, yeah, this is normal

PostPosted: Sat Jul 04, 2015 3:28 am
by Emilie
That got a good chuckle out of her. She may not have been the giggling sort, but her laugh was genuine enough.

"She's not my mom. I don't have a mom. She's...." Emilie scrunched up her face, trying to think of how to explain it in short, she couldn't.

"I call her the Herald, cuz in the event ya see her, she's always before me. I've never seen her myself.

And I hear she writes a lot of checks I can't cash. Sorry if yer disappointed. I used to be taller."

Re: DT1 Stables - No, yeah, this is normal

PostPosted: Sat Jul 04, 2015 4:15 am
by Victor Freud
"Is that my fault?" Vic asked. "If so I'm sorry."

Re: DT1 Stables - No, yeah, this is normal

PostPosted: Sat Jul 04, 2015 4:18 am
by Emilie
"No." She replied, sounding amused again. "Nothing's your fault. I've known you for like, five minutes dude."

"It wasn't any other Freuds either. It's my fault, I take responsibility for my own actions." She started picking absently at a piece of hay, trying not to think on that too hard. She was already wondering what her punishment was going to be this time.

Re: DT1 Stables - No, yeah, this is normal

PostPosted: Sat Jul 04, 2015 7:34 pm
by Victor Freud
"A person doesn't choose their height, unless you cut your legs off or something." Victor sank lower into the hay.

"So you're Emilie, or whatever I wanna call you. And a dream woman not-mom named Harold sent you here because I'm here. And other me's have met you before. For some reason. And you know me really well, or at least you know other me's. And I know nothing about you.

"Am I in an anime?"

Re: DT1 Stables - No, yeah, this is normal

PostPosted: Sat Jul 04, 2015 7:47 pm
by Emilie
"I didn't choose to be shorter. I made the decisions that lead to the shortening." She corrected.

"Okay A: no her name is not Harold, I think her name is Li Ban, at least that is what other Freuds have said her name was. I doubt she changed it to Harold unless she changed some other things.

B: No, because if you were in an anime there would be other 'Mes' falling out of nowhere but instead of having unusual red hair and green eyes they would have purple hair and red eyes and God knows what other colourations with varying breast sizes that are all amazingly cute wanting to climb all over you like you were a jungle gym and I would have to vie for your attention and also I think your nose would be bleeding and I would be a lot more adorable. Anime characters don't look like me... Except for maybe Nana O." Holy run on statement Batman.

"And I really do prefer Emilie. You've seemed to find it fine enough since you gave it to me the first time except in the instances you've nicknamed me for some reason."

Re: DT1 Stables - No, yeah, this is normal

PostPosted: Sat Jul 04, 2015 8:29 pm
by Victor Freud
"What kind of decisions? What... okay this sounds really rude, but what are you?"

Victor laid back and stared at the ceiling while rubbing his temples. "Ugh, I don't understand any of this. I know nothing about you, I don't know what you think or know about me, and I have absolutely no idea what is going on or why or why I would be singled out for some big plan of some sort. I don't even know where to start.

"Well, I guess going for a walk would be a start. You must find it stuffy up here."

Re: DT1 Stables - No, yeah, this is normal

PostPosted: Sat Jul 04, 2015 8:35 pm
by Emilie
Emilie refrained from answering his first question, and let him go into his usual confused banter.

"I don't mind it." She replied when he talked about the hayloft being stuffy. "I'm used to it. I've spent lots of time up here before.

Or somewhere like here.

We're not at home are we?" She asked, suggesting Victor's home was her own as well.

"But if you think walking helps you think then we can go for a walk. I'm curious to see where we are."

Re: DT1 Stables - No, yeah, this is normal

PostPosted: Sat Jul 04, 2015 8:45 pm
by Victor Freud
"Wait, so you have no idea where you are?" Victor looked at Emilie over his chest in his reclined state. "Where is home?"

Re: DT1 Stables - No, yeah, this is normal

PostPosted: Sat Jul 04, 2015 8:49 pm
by Emilie
"I like to think that home is where you make it.... but specifically I was referring to Ontario, where the farm is."

She shook her head when Victor asked if she had an idea of where they were. "This isn't the farm. I snuck a peek out of the hayloft and I don't recognize where we are. I've been lots of different places with lots of different Freuds, but not this place before."

Re: DT1 Stables - No, yeah, this is normal

PostPosted: Sat Jul 04, 2015 9:12 pm
by Victor Freud
"Oh, no, we're not even in Canada." Victor sat up with bits of hay stuck to his shirt. "We're in England, at Xavier's University. We're not too far from the dorms right now actually.

"Were, um, were other me's mutants too?"

Re: DT1 Stables - No, yeah, this is normal

PostPosted: Sat Jul 04, 2015 9:14 pm
by Emilie
"Yes always. Timelines change, your associates change, but the one universal constant is that there is always a Freud, and he is always a mutant. At least in my experience anyways."

After a moment what Victor had told her registered. " Wait, 'University'? Son of a bitch." She frowned. "I *hate* learning new things. School's so useless." She folded her arms over herself defiantly, thinking she'd figured out what her punishment was this time and why she hadn't recognized where they were.

Re: DT1 Stables - No, yeah, this is normal

PostPosted: Sat Jul 04, 2015 9:26 pm
by Victor Freud
"Oh, I guess you're not registered then. Um, hmm. Yeah, we gotta fix that. You can't just live in a hayloft."

Re: DT1 Stables - No, yeah, this is normal

PostPosted: Sat Jul 04, 2015 9:31 pm
by Emilie
"Duuuudddeee why not?" She asked. "I'll just pretend I am the weirdest pony in the universe. I mean if we're where I think we are timeline wise, multicoloured ponies are all the rage right now. Someone completely insane might buy into it.

It's better than graduating for the fourth time or pretending to give a shit for like... Man I can't even remember how many times I've been through college... is that bad?" She asked. Apparently when it wasn't discussing the horrible conundrum that was her existence, she wasn't very serious.

Re: DT1 Stables - No, yeah, this is normal

PostPosted: Sat Jul 04, 2015 9:36 pm
by Victor Freud
Victor tried to think of a valid counterpoint.

"Um... lice and stuff. And you can always take art or acting or something. One of those courses that's not a real course."

Re: DT1 Stables - No, yeah, this is normal

PostPosted: Sat Jul 04, 2015 10:29 pm
by Emilie
"Fiiinnne." She relented, then looked at him.

"You do realize if you're going to make me stay here, you can't tell anyone what I told you, right?"

Re: DT1 Stables - No, yeah, this is normal

PostPosted: Sat Jul 04, 2015 10:35 pm
by Victor Freud
"Oh, I can't tell everyone I'm the chosen one, and all life and the universe revolves around me, and a red-headed amazon visited me in my dream and told me where to find a fairy princess? But it's so believable, they'd totally understand."

Re: DT1 Stables - No, yeah, this is normal

PostPosted: Sat Jul 04, 2015 10:39 pm
by Emilie
"I dunno. Maybe it is. I haven't stepped outside of this barn yet. For all I know, the sky is brown and we're the only two people in England who speak English." She laughed.

"Besides, yer not the chosen one. You don't even have a lightsaber."

Re: DT1 Stables - No, yeah, this is normal

PostPosted: Sat Jul 04, 2015 10:39 pm
by Victor Freud
"What's a lightsaber?"

Re: DT1 Stables - No, yeah, this is normal

PostPosted: Sat Jul 04, 2015 10:44 pm
by Emilie
"Don't pull my leg Freud, I'm a better liar than you are." She laughed.

Re: DT1 Stables - No, yeah, this is normal

PostPosted: Sat Jul 04, 2015 10:47 pm
by Victor Freud
Vic actually started to crack a smile. "Sorry, I couldn't resist. My head's being messed with so much I needed to do a little of the same."

Re: DT1 Stables - No, yeah, this is normal

PostPosted: Sat Jul 04, 2015 10:51 pm
by Emilie
"Sorry." She replied, sounding genuinely apologetic.

"I used to lie to you you know. Like I didn't know who you were, and then try painfully to wheedle my way into your life for your attention. It never ended well.

At some point I decided honesty, at least with you, is the best policy. Even if it makes you feel a little like you've just taken a handful of crazy pills and washed it down with cult Kool-aid. "

Re: DT1 Stables - No, yeah, this is normal

PostPosted: Sat Jul 04, 2015 10:59 pm
by Victor Freud
"That's... actually pretty nice to hear. I mean, you're right, this is really totally crazy and I... kinda half believe you. But that's sweet. Er, nice."

Victor rubbed the back of his head. "So I guess I'm you're sidekick or somethin', huh? Oh, if we can't get you a room then I gotta find something else. I wonder if anyone uses the attic of the dorms? I guess I could sneak some food and stuff up there."

Re: DT1 Stables - No, yeah, this is normal

PostPosted: Sat Jul 04, 2015 11:13 pm
by Emilie
"I never do anything particularly noteworthy to be promoted to the hero of the story. I mostly mooch off you and say or do a lot of pretentious shit that you think is exponentially deep and inspiring for reasons I have yet to figure out." She says to Victor with a grin. " If anything, I might be yours."

Emilie laughed again. " You don't have to hide me like I'm a cat in a spaceship.

I'll sign up for classes and get an assigned room like a normal person... I guess. Just... if anyone asks keep the details vague. You met me in the barn. I'll handle the rest. That way if they ever find out it was a lie they can blame me for it."

Re: DT1 Stables - No, yeah, this is normal

PostPosted: Sun Jul 05, 2015 12:44 am
by Victor Freud
"Are you sure? 'cause if there some room in the attic I can totally get you a bed and stuff. It'd be good practice."

Re: DT1 Stables - No, yeah, this is normal

PostPosted: Sun Jul 05, 2015 12:47 am
by Emilie
"Practice for what? Hiding Jewish citizens from Nazis?"

Re: DT1 Stables - No, yeah, this is normal

PostPosted: Sun Jul 05, 2015 12:50 am
by Victor Freud
"Maybe. I mean, time travel could happen. I've already got the plucky sidekick, and I look good in a suit."

Re: DT1 Stables - No, yeah, this is normal

PostPosted: Sun Jul 05, 2015 12:53 am
by Emilie
Emilie decided to not point out something she knew to be obvious about her travels, not yet. It would just spoil Victor's positive demeanor.

" You going to start telling people I'm your grand-daughter so this doesn't seem as creepy?"

Re: DT1 Stables - No, yeah, this is normal

PostPosted: Sun Jul 05, 2015 12:55 am
by Victor Freud
"I'm from the sticks but I'm not from THAT far into the sticks." Victor quipped. "Don't worry, if folks ask, I'll keep things vague, or just say I never asked."

Re: DT1 Stables - No, yeah, this is normal

PostPosted: Sun Jul 05, 2015 1:02 am
by Emilie
"So Susan Foreman is not my new identity. Good. I don't like the name Sue anyways.

You should probably go back to bed I guess. It's not light out yet. People might start to wonder where you went to. I don't know about the University, but at the Institute that would raise eyebrows."