
Though many students might prefer going to London, Maldon provides closer amenities for those without a car or unwilling to pay for a cab. Several pubs are available, though the Rose and Crown is notable for having been where Excalibur spent a good deal of their downtime. Also of note is the Plume Library, home to many rare books.


Postby Miriam Bell » Sun Feb 07, 2016 7:38 pm

After leaving Sam at the harbor Miriam wanders aimlessly through the streets of Maldon. "Stupid, stupid, stupid..." she presses out through gritted teeth. Of course she'd made her shy away. She'd handled a lot but inevitably they'd hit the point where things got too fucked up even for her to deal with. Really, what had she expected. Even before everything there'd only ever been one person who understood her, but she'd lost her to... what? The cruelty of the universe? And what good was all the work she'd done since then? It didn't really teach her anything that she hadn't already known then, on some level. The only way to truly be close to anybody, to have them understand was to make them. To show them what it's like. Words could never begin to bridge what divides people into their own personal hells. And ultimately, isn't that what her power is? The blade that pierces the divide.

She stops and casts her mind out to touch those of the people in their flats around her. She could just find someone to confide in and maybe it'd even make her feel better for a while. It's so tempting, she can feel the weight of it pressing down on her. She wouldn't have to fear their emotions flooding her if she drowned them out with her own. Tear down the barriers and... She's seen what's possible. Trinity must have been triplets once. What would have been if Norma hadn't... But instead she's left on her own again, only the temptation of what could be walking beside her. Doesn't she deserve to have what could have been? What should have been?
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Miriam Bell
High Concept: Sorrowful Telepath
Aspect: Powerful Enemies
Aspect: Structural Shadow

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