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Oops, I Lost My Ward

PostPosted: Fri Mar 12, 2021 3:48 pm
by Chisaki Watanabe
(Mid August)

"Please-" She pleads, practically on the verge of tears.

"We must call in the X-Men. I have spent the last two months looking for him. I have exhausted all of our resources. We do not have the power to do this in a timely fashion. By the time we find him on our own it may be too late."

Harold shook his head. "Nah kid. Ain't gonna happen. You knew what you were signing up for when you took the assignment, and part of that agreement was you can't be running to your superhero friends for help.

You had it easy. You just had to keep the kids head from getting caved in on a campus full of people who accidentally cave in heads. And somehow, you managed to fuck it up.

"Harold... calm down." Howard chided his twin.
"I'm uncertain what more she could do."

"She should have kept him in those goddamn dorms! That's where he was safe!"

"I could not think of a way to do so."

"Then ya didn't try hard enough! You know he's a sucker for women like his old man. Didja try battin' those fake eyelashes glued onto those pastel eyeballs and inna' coy fashion and beggin' him not to go?"

"He has a girlfriend. She is my friend. That would have been.... inappropriate."

"Oohhh noo! Wouldn't want to get our hands dirty, would we?!"

"Harold! That's enough!" Howard admonished.

"No, Howard, it bloody well isn't! Enough would have been keeping the boy safe!" The ginger seethed back at his brother.

"I swear to you, I will find him. But we need outside assistance. this problem has grown too big for us."

"No problem is too big for a Mum. You know that.

But that's the real problem here. Innit'? Our mutual cousin managed well enough, but you just don't cut the mustard."

Howard took a deep breath. "I think we all need to calm down. Our emotions are getting the better of us.

I think for now Chisaki, you should return to Master Spencer and Kiki and await further instructions. If you try to return to school and management finds out, it wont be good for you."

Chisaki nodded, accepting this idea. Howard tended to be the rational one.