I2DT - Ruminations

Though many students might prefer going to London, Maldon provides closer amenities for those without a car or unwilling to pay for a cab. Several pubs are available, though the Rose and Crown is notable for having been where Excalibur spent a good deal of their downtime. Also of note is the Plume Library, home to many rare books.

I2DT - Ruminations

Postby Miriam Bell » Mon Sep 28, 2015 6:33 pm

The day after talking to Will in the XUB Miriam's thoughts still kept coming back to what had happened, but try as she might she couldn't exactly turn her power on herself. And she certainly wasn't going to ask Sam for help, so she was left with regular old introspection and some techniques she'd picked up during her time in Muir. She was in control and couldn't find any signs of lapses of consciousness or awareness, but somehow that didn't calm her down. She kept turning her thoughts inward, just to make sure, only to be reminded that it was far from a solid answer and not as reassuring as she'd like.

So instead she'd settled for trying to distract herself by heading into Maldon and it's limited shopping opportunities. Which one could call a blessing in disguise, since she wasn't exactly swimming in money, so Maldon's more modest offerings weren't quite as outside her range as the things she'd be looking at if she went to London. Not that lack of funds could stop her if she really wanted, but she wasn't going to lower herself to stealing. She could just find someone to convince to buy things for her... No. Not a good alternative. Besides, power or not, that was bordering on begging and she was too dignified for that. First step towards ending up like her mother too, she realizes with a slight shudder of disgust. No, she'd just ask Will to indulge her sartorial aspirations for a while...

And so Miriam walked down High Street, lost in thought. She doesn't notice that people are stepping out of the way for her unwittingly, only to find themselves blinking away their confusion once the sullen young woman has passed and resuming their path with only a fading feeling of something having skipped their mind.

((open, possibly bait for stumbling into Brotherhood shenanigans))
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Miriam Bell
High Concept: Sorrowful Telepath
Aspect: Powerful Enemies
Aspect: Structural Shadow

Re: I2DT - Ruminations

Postby Trinity » Mon Sep 28, 2015 7:19 pm

There are three young women talking to a police constable that don't seem to be interested in moving. Three identical young women. As Miriam approaches, she can hear one of them saying, "Thank you so much, Constable Cartwright. We'll certainly look there," she says. The cop tips his hat and starts to move away in a daze.
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Re: I2DT - Ruminations

Postby Miriam Bell » Mon Sep 28, 2015 7:25 pm

Miriam, more out of idle curiosity than anything else, turns her head and looks at the constable as she passes him by. Most cops tend to be more alert, even when they're distracted or tired, probably something that came with their training, so he stands out and Miriam snaps out of her own thoughts, glancing over at the triplets he'd been talking to. Very unusual, especially for a small town such as Maldon.
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Miriam Bell
High Concept: Sorrowful Telepath
Aspect: Powerful Enemies
Aspect: Structural Shadow

Re: I2DT - Ruminations

Postby Trinity » Mon Sep 28, 2015 7:32 pm

The triplets smile at her and it occurs to her that they're not leaking thoughts like normal people do. For all a normal person would know, they might not even be there. They didn't exude that presence of being that every person seemed to.

The cop himself feels muddled. It's not a particularly subtle job, but he's obviously been mentally interfered with.
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Re: I2DT - Ruminations

Postby Miriam Bell » Mon Sep 28, 2015 8:04 pm

Fantastic. Miriam sighs internally. She'd probably recognize those three if they went to the University, identical triplets have a tendency to stand out, even if they're masking their thoughts. She opens her mind to the cop's subconsciousness. Retracing mental manipulations is not exactly what she'd wanted to do today, but... she's curious. They're probably just having some fun but she should make sure. It'd make her feel better to see an example of another telepath (three of them, even) using their powers for something harmless...
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Miriam Bell
High Concept: Sorrowful Telepath
Aspect: Powerful Enemies
Aspect: Structural Shadow

Re: I2DT - Ruminations

Postby Trinity » Mon Sep 28, 2015 9:53 pm

The immediate influence was to forget that he'd talked to them, but there was an underlying influence that seemed to have something to do with the CCTV footage at the police department.
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Re: I2DT - Ruminations

Postby Miriam Bell » Mon Sep 28, 2015 10:07 pm

Of course they had to be crooks of some sort. Well, probably. Suppose there could be some reasonable excuses for getting rid of camera footage...

Her pace quickens a little as she catches up with the triplet. "Impressive number you did on the Constable there." she says quietly but loud enough that it's obvious she's addressing the three.
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Miriam Bell
High Concept: Sorrowful Telepath
Aspect: Powerful Enemies
Aspect: Structural Shadow

Re: I2DT - Ruminations

Postby Trinity » Mon Sep 28, 2015 10:18 pm

"You think so?" The one in the middle turned around, walking backwards as she talked to her. "It's always good to meet someone who appreciates this type of work." Walking backwards didn't seem to bother her and she instinctively stepped over a dip in the sidewalk in time with the other two.
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Re: I2DT - Ruminations

Postby Miriam Bell » Mon Sep 28, 2015 10:29 pm

"Yeah, I could barely tell. Probably wouldn't even have noticed if you didn't stand out as the calm amidst the storm."
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Miriam Bell
High Concept: Sorrowful Telepath
Aspect: Powerful Enemies
Aspect: Structural Shadow

Re: I2DT - Ruminations

Postby Trinity » Mon Sep 28, 2015 10:39 pm

"If it weren't for the..." She tapped her forehead. "... you wouldn't have noticed us at all. My name's Trinity. What's yours?"
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Re: I2DT - Ruminations

Postby Miriam Bell » Mon Sep 28, 2015 10:48 pm

"Mnemosyne." she says, opting to answer her in kind. She briefly wonders whether it's just her that's called Trinity or if all three of them share the same name. "Are you new in town or have I just not been paying enough attention?"
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Miriam Bell
High Concept: Sorrowful Telepath
Aspect: Powerful Enemies
Aspect: Structural Shadow

Re: I2DT - Ruminations

Postby Trinity » Mon Sep 28, 2015 10:59 pm

"More the former than the latter, though I suppose there might be a bit of the latter," she grins good-naturedly. "And we're Trinity," she says with a knowing smile.
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Re: I2DT - Ruminations

Postby Miriam Bell » Mon Sep 28, 2015 11:05 pm

"I suppose you get asked that question quite a bit, huh?" she smiles as she tries to pay more attention to her mental shields. It's possible the three just made a lucky guess, but she'd rather not risk being that easy to read. "Are you in constant contact with each other?"
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Miriam Bell
High Concept: Sorrowful Telepath
Aspect: Powerful Enemies
Aspect: Structural Shadow

Re: I2DT - Ruminations

Postby Trinity » Mon Sep 28, 2015 11:27 pm

"Yes, we are. Have been for years. Can we get you a coffee? We don't get to spend time with anyone with our abilities."
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Re: I2DT - Ruminations

Postby Miriam Bell » Mon Sep 28, 2015 11:35 pm

"You certainly may." she smiles. "You three are quite fascinating, if I dare say so."
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Miriam Bell
High Concept: Sorrowful Telepath
Aspect: Powerful Enemies
Aspect: Structural Shadow

Re: I2DT - Ruminations

Postby Trinity » Mon Sep 28, 2015 11:50 pm

"We do our best. Can't fascinate everyone all the time though, unfortunately. We're working on that though."
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Re: I2DT - Ruminations

Postby Miriam Bell » Tue Sep 29, 2015 12:01 am

"Well there's no accounting for taste, or is there?" she smirks faintly. "Anybody in particular you have your eyes set on?"
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Miriam Bell
High Concept: Sorrowful Telepath
Aspect: Powerful Enemies
Aspect: Structural Shadow

Re: I2DT - Ruminations

Postby Trinity » Tue Sep 29, 2015 12:05 am

"You right now," she teased, "But we are looking for an old friend of ours." The triplet on the right pulled out a photograph and handed it to the middle triplet. She showed it to Miriam. It was a photo of Tereza lounging on a beach.
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Re: I2DT - Ruminations

Postby Miriam Bell » Tue Sep 29, 2015 12:31 am

"Well I'm flattered." she smiled as she took the picture and studied it for a moment. "I believe I've seen her around." she nodded. No point trying to try and lie to the three telepaths that blatantly. Gaining their trust to learn what they were up to was a much better plan if they were up to no good. "I could tell her you're looking for her if I happen to come across her." Innocent, helpful offer that'd tell her something about their approach either way. Miriam's worries were moving further and further away as she delved into what came to her naturally, even without tapping into her telepathy for help. The fact that she was trying to dance this dance with triplet telepaths only made it more interesting, regardless of their intentions. It was exciting.
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Miriam Bell
High Concept: Sorrowful Telepath
Aspect: Powerful Enemies
Aspect: Structural Shadow

Re: I2DT - Ruminations

Postby Trinity » Tue Sep 29, 2015 1:02 am

"Is she still around here? She likes to move around a lot." The question seemed innocent enough as they walked into the coffee shop and got in line to order.
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Re: I2DT - Ruminations

Postby Miriam Bell » Tue Sep 29, 2015 1:10 am

"I saw her a couple days ago, I think." she said with a slight shrug as if to say 'Who knows whether she moved on since then'.
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Miriam Bell
High Concept: Sorrowful Telepath
Aspect: Powerful Enemies
Aspect: Structural Shadow

Re: I2DT - Ruminations

Postby Trinity » Tue Sep 29, 2015 1:20 am

Trinity made a thoughtful noise. "We'll have to keep looking for her then. Wouldn't say anything to her though. We'd like it to be a surprise." Then she seemed to have a thought, "Of course, if you could help arrange a surprise, that would be delightful."
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Re: I2DT - Ruminations

Postby Miriam Bell » Tue Sep 29, 2015 1:32 am

"I'm not buying garlands or putting on a party-hat." she says. Focusing mostly on one of the triplet. At least as far as talking to them went, but she kept having to remind herself to not forget about the other two.
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Miriam Bell
High Concept: Sorrowful Telepath
Aspect: Powerful Enemies
Aspect: Structural Shadow

Re: I2DT - Ruminations

Postby Trinity » Tue Sep 29, 2015 11:32 am

"She's not really the party hat type or she wasn't previously. It's been a few years. She might be now, though I doubt it."
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Re: I2DT - Ruminations

Postby Miriam Bell » Tue Sep 29, 2015 2:31 pm

"What kind of type is she then? Can't exactly promise to help you if I don't know what kind of surprise you have in mind."
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Miriam Bell
High Concept: Sorrowful Telepath
Aspect: Powerful Enemies
Aspect: Structural Shadow

Re: I2DT - Ruminations

Postby Trinity » Tue Sep 29, 2015 2:47 pm

"Kind of.. rock and roll as the Americans would say. Sometimes obsessively so," she said with a small shrug. She reached back as one of the other triplets passed her the cups of coffee. She offered one to Miriam. "We were hoping she'd be at this upcoming concert." The other triplet fished a piece of paper out of her pocket and unfolded it. It looked like the standard sort of flyer put out by amateur bands for one of their few-and-far-between gigs.
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Re: I2DT - Ruminations

Postby Miriam Bell » Tue Sep 29, 2015 2:54 pm

"Looks like something she'd be interested in then." she says, accepting the flyer with one hand and the coffee with the other. "And you'd like to surprise her at this venue?"
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Miriam Bell
High Concept: Sorrowful Telepath
Aspect: Powerful Enemies
Aspect: Structural Shadow

Re: I2DT - Ruminations

Postby Trinity » Tue Sep 29, 2015 3:00 pm

"That would add to the fun of the surprise, and save us a lot of hunting around for her. It's been difficult so far."
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Re: I2DT - Ruminations

Postby Miriam Bell » Tue Sep 29, 2015 3:14 pm

"She doesn't like surprises, huh? Well I'll see what I can do."
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Miriam Bell
High Concept: Sorrowful Telepath
Aspect: Powerful Enemies
Aspect: Structural Shadow

Re: I2DT - Ruminations

Postby Trinity » Tue Sep 29, 2015 3:19 pm

"It's not that she doesn't like surprises. It's just that finding someone to confirm that she's in the neighborhood has been difficult." All three of the triplets sat at one of the coffee shop's tables in unison.
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Re: I2DT - Ruminations

Postby Miriam Bell » Tue Sep 29, 2015 4:18 pm

"Almost sounds like she doesn't want to be found." she says as she sits down as well, curiously watching the way the three move in synch.
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Miriam Bell
High Concept: Sorrowful Telepath
Aspect: Powerful Enemies
Aspect: Structural Shadow

Re: I2DT - Ruminations

Postby Trinity » Tue Sep 29, 2015 4:25 pm

"We had heard she spent some time on a secluded island after we last saw her. But we believe if she didn't want to be found, she would have stayed there."
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Re: I2DT - Ruminations

Postby Miriam Bell » Tue Sep 29, 2015 4:31 pm

"Yes, who doesn't like a nice secluded island.. But enough about your friend... I'm curious, are you three in constant contact with each other?"
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Miriam Bell
High Concept: Sorrowful Telepath
Aspect: Powerful Enemies
Aspect: Structural Shadow

Re: I2DT - Ruminations

Postby Trinity » Tue Sep 29, 2015 4:36 pm

"Well, not so much contact as we're the same person in a lot of respects. We're really only physically independent. Before we got our powers, there was only one of us."
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Re: I2DT - Ruminations

Postby Miriam Bell » Tue Sep 29, 2015 5:17 pm

"Ah, so so more like one mind in three bodies. That's fascinating. It must make for a very unique perception of the world."
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Miriam Bell
High Concept: Sorrowful Telepath
Aspect: Powerful Enemies
Aspect: Structural Shadow

Re: I2DT - Ruminations

Postby Trinity » Tue Sep 29, 2015 5:34 pm

"You have no idea. Even though we're one person, we still see things from different perspectives. You can appreciate art so much better when you can see it from every side."
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Re: I2DT - Ruminations

Postby Miriam Bell » Tue Sep 29, 2015 5:59 pm

"I can only imagine. Well, better than the average person. How do you reconcile different experiences? Can the three of you have different emotional states?"
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Miriam Bell
High Concept: Sorrowful Telepath
Aspect: Powerful Enemies
Aspect: Structural Shadow

Re: I2DT - Ruminations

Postby Trinity » Tue Sep 29, 2015 6:03 pm

"It's happened a few times, but it's rare and... unsettling. And I can describe some experiences more... fully? Different experiences just add additional details to a situation."
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Re: I2DT - Ruminations

Postby Miriam Bell » Tue Sep 29, 2015 6:25 pm

"That makes sense. Disassociative states aren't exactly enjoyable." she says, quietly wondering how far the three could be separated while maintaining their shared mind or whether she'd eventually fully snap to one body. "But more pleasant situations must be incredible to immerse yourself in from so many angles..." she says, hiding an innocent smile behind her cup as she takes a sip of coffee. This woman, questionable as her motives might be, is exactly the kind of distraction she needed.
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Miriam Bell
High Concept: Sorrowful Telepath
Aspect: Powerful Enemies
Aspect: Structural Shadow

Re: I2DT - Ruminations

Postby Trinity » Tue Sep 29, 2015 6:38 pm

"Oh, of course," she said, all three smiles growing coy. "We've done all sorts of sensation experiments when we were testing our limits. Some were quite successful." The triplet on the right giggled.
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