Too Many Projects, Too Few CPU Cycles

The site of the recently restored Braddock Lighthouse. Aircraft hangars and other X-Men facilities, including a Cerebra unit and the Danger Room have been constructed around the foundations of the lighthouse.

Too Many Projects, Too Few CPU Cycles

Postby Ashlie Minamida » Mon Sep 26, 2016 6:48 pm

Ashlie is standing in the workshop, several consoles being active and displaying different projects in varying states of completion.

On one screen complex calculations surround different models of dimensional systems. Mostly readouts about the breach over the ocean that still hasn't closed entirely, though energy levels appear to be way down. Branching out from that are various different options along with data supporting or invalidating them. Most of them seem to feed back into what would be the next experimental step. Specs for what looks like somewhere between a linear particle accelerator and a gun are compiled into an experimental setup. A large 3D grid takes up a significant chunk, numerous dots on it lit up and annotated with additional data. Some actual measurements, others simply a list of characteristics. They are constantly sliding around on the grid trying to get what little data there is into alignment as Ashlie tries to position these different universes in her model.

The next console is showing parts of Ashlie's body. Most notably the processing core that takes up most of her torso. Magnifications are highlighting various processing nodes while numerous readouts of both Heather's and (to a much lesser extent) Conduit's effect on electronics are listed along with numerous speculations on possible countermeasures. From code structured to exactly mirror the signal, causing the two to delete each other to physical chips designed to serve as mousetraps, soaking up the technopathic signal and shunting it away in a separate circuit. Numerous designs, none tested, few with prototype blueprints even.

A third console stands out a bit from the others, apparently focusing on biological structures. Existing data on neural nets, a lot of it Dr. Minamida's work, analysis of the adaptability of biological structures and micro-processing of signals between synapses, attempts to recreate the same, biological chip designs and, ultimately, system specifications that, at a closer look, show Cerebra and it's countless sub-systems. Genetic code scrolls in one window, occasionally highlights popping up to be pulled aside in a growing list of known Telepathic mutations. Largely data from Hank McCoy's research being compiled and cross-referenced with known physical differences in telepathic brains. Designs for small incubation chambers are taking shape, but it's slow as Ashlie is forced to largely rely on other peoples' research.

Finally, yet another completely different topic, this one more of a monitoring setup. A slowly spinning globe being lit up by news reports, geo-political shifts. Public opinion polls, statistics on mutant populations. Here and there more focused windows are open, tracking specific developments. Known Russian collaborators, Chase's former associates (or at least the two they are aware of), more supposedly mutant-related terrorists attacks, other possibly unrelated reports. This 'project' if it can even be called that is most notably lacking in any practical efforts and seems to be exclusively for monitoring.

((open for the tech-babble inclined))
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Ashlie Minamida

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