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X-Team Roster

PostPosted: Tue Jun 09, 2015 2:55 pm
by Narrator
The day after the initial evaluation session the team rosters are send out to the members.

Team 1
Carlos Vasquez - Team Lead
Tereze 'Glacier' Rozanov
Toshiro 'Samebito' Narumi
Samantha 'Morrigan' McManus
Trev 'Vox' Anderson

Team 2
Onyx - Team Lead
Haley Crusek
Nailah 'Sphinx' Weaver
Michaela 'Hell Hound' Havlin
Nash 'Argus' Riley

((If you missed the IC threads but want to have a character to have been there, let me know. Otherwise joining the teams can be worked out IC.))