Will Stanton

Will Stanton

Postby Will Stanton » Fri May 29, 2015 7:39 pm

NAME: Will Stanton
Code Name: John Dough
Height: Variable, base of 5'7"
Weight: Variable, base of 140 lbs
Age: Unknown
Home: Antarctic Research Station 574-N

Powerset: Will is a metamorphic shapeshifter. His actual true form is essentially just clay, slightly warm to the touch but pliable, with a consistency vaguely reminiscent of Play-Doh. Will is a clever mimic, and quickly can copy the form and functionality of things, even if the precise mechanical workings are off. People are a different story, though the issue isn't so much that he can't copy them as it is it's fairly immediately apparent that SOMETHING is off about any person he mimics, for reasons which will become clear shortly. Scientists believe he is capable of much more, and may be holding back.

It's Will. How much more powerset do you need, veterans. Come on.

Backstory: In 1958, a research team funded by the US Army excavated the remains of what appeared to be an ancient meteor strike deep in the tundra of Antarctica. They discovered a particular interesting and unexplained compound in grid 70-N. Studies in the lab showed it to be a particularly resilient compound with a wide range of potential uses--the thought was, they could use it in the space program as a potential fuel source for their upcoming Gemini project, to better win the space race against the Ruskies, as the material seemed to replenish itself quickly. Before extensive testing could be done, however, the compound vanished from the laboratory. One of the researchers, with ties to the communist party, was sacked, and it was assumed that he had stolen the compound and sold it to the Soviet Union for use in their Vostok program. This was all covered up.

In 1973, a couch from the break room in said laboratory went missing. This concerned the staff there greatly, as it was a particularly comfortable couch, and who steals a couch from the break room of an Antarctic research facility? It doesn't make sense. Fortunately, the new pool table surprisingly brought in that same week seemed to calm dissent, until it TOO vanished four years later.

In the years that followed, a number of strange occurrences happened at Antarctic Research Station 574-N. Technology would show up when it was needed, and then be gone afterwards. It wasn't just crucial scientific equipment, either. A Pac-Man machine came and went. An espresso maker came and went. While, at first, these were viewed highly suspect and quarantined, they vanished from quarantine as well. Reports were filed, and promises were made to investigate the situation with all military speed.

Four years ago, they began the investigation, and quickly ascertained what had happened. The compound from grid 70-N had never left the facility, and it was, in fact, sentient.

This, understandably, ruffled some feathers.

Eventually, through a long and complicated process which shall not be described here, they found a way to communicate with the compound, which quickly---disturbingly quickly--picked up English and French, and was quickly happily conversing with the scientists. What to make of it was a different story entirely, especially as it seemed both cruel to keep a sentient...thing in isolation in a secluded research lab, and because there were top secret things going on there. That was bad!

Fortunatley, the new Xaviers University opened up in London. Compound 70-N was sold to them in exchange for favors to be named later.

When in humanoid form, the compound goes by "Will". When the military psychologists asked him why, he replied that it was his name.

The name it'll be using is "Will Stanton", Stanton being a far-too clever translation of base 574-N, compound 70-N. 574N70N. STANTON.

Personality: Will is happy and outgoing, and filled with fascination about the smallest things. Everything is new and strange to him, and he wants to pick up as much information as he can about everything. While he has an unusual amount of scientific and procedural knowledge, coming from being around scientists for multiple decades, he lacks other, basic human interaction skills. The concepts of "Personal space" and "property" have yet to seem to register, for example, nor does he understand why people should be treated with more respect than, say, a doorframe. That's not to say he's intentionally rude or anything of that nature. He's merely...off.

There's something deeper lurking there, however, as he displays an unusual affinity for some things which he is, theoretically, trying for the first time.
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Will Stanton
High Concept: Pillsbury Clayboy
Aspect: Needs to be Useful/Used
Aspect: Out of Place, Out of Time
Aspect: Unique Worldview
Aspect: Big Ball of Trauma
Aspect: Open-Hearted

Re: Will Stanton

Postby Ashlie Minamida » Fri May 29, 2015 11:03 pm

The power-set I'm familiar enough with to not require much probing. The backstory is high-concept but I have no doubt you'll pull it off. I have one question and that is whether his extra-terrestrial origins hold some backstory. If so, just say yes, I'm just checking to see if there's room for me to fill in some blanks for things that might happen at a alter point or if you have a plan yourself.
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Ashlie Minamida

Re: Will Stanton

Postby Will Stanton » Sat May 30, 2015 3:06 am

It has a VAGUE backstory point, but nothing that I can't change around to fit other things. Yes, I know his origins, but yes, they can tie into other things if you have something.
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Will Stanton
High Concept: Pillsbury Clayboy
Aspect: Needs to be Useful/Used
Aspect: Out of Place, Out of Time
Aspect: Unique Worldview
Aspect: Big Ball of Trauma
Aspect: Open-Hearted

Re: Will Stanton

Postby Ashlie Minamida » Sat May 30, 2015 3:08 am

That works for me.

Approval 1/2
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Ashlie Minamida

Re: Will Stanton

Postby Hank McCoy » Sat May 30, 2015 3:12 am

You will stop hiding in my specimen fridge and jumping out to startle me, Mister Stanton.

Approval 2/2
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Hank McCoy

Re: Will Stanton

Postby Will Stanton » Wed Mar 08, 2017 7:07 pm


NAME: Will Stanton
Code Name: None
Height: Variable, base of 5'7"
Weight: Variable, base of 140 lbs
Age: Old enough to know better.
Home: Xaviers University

Powerset: Will is a metamorphic shapeshifter. His actual true form is essentially just clay, slightly warm to the touch but pliable, with a consistency vaguely reminiscent of Play-Doh. Will is a clever mimic, and quickly can copy the form and functionality of things, even if the precise mechanical workings are off.

Recent incidents, however, have given him a secondary set of issues. Will's shifting power can now be overwritten by people thanks to a still-unclear telepathic method. Essentially, when someone wants/needs something, Will can be forced to shift ~into~ that thing. If you've ever lost your keys, or been frantically looking for a pen, you know that sensation of needing a thing. The stronger that desire, the more likely it is that Will would shift. Will can fight back against this, though it's a new ability and he's not particularly used to it. Distractions and, frankly, not paying attention will reduce his ability to fight it off. If someone does force him to shift, he remains stuck in that form, or very similarly related variants, until the user is "done".

This presumably has some positive benefit for Will, though it'd be hard to put a finger on just what that would be at the moment.

Background: Everything in the backstory notes are still true. It has been revealed, however, that Will is not from our dimension. An X-Team leader and respected hero in his own universe, Will attempted to sacrifice himself to stop a villain from creating a black hole in the center of London. While he was ultimately successful, he was sucked into the black hole and into our universe, hurtling through space until he eventually landed on Earth in one of the least probable events that had ever happened. Thanks to the hard work of the X-Teams, Will has regained most of his memories, and appears to be stuck in our dimension, at least for now.

Personality: Will is happy and outgoing, and eager to learn. He no longer has quite the same puppy-dog eagerness as he did when he first showed up at this iteration of the university, nor does he seem as off as he did when he first arrived. He's still the same person -- he wants you to treat your objects with respect, dang it, and personal space is not something he particularly cares about -- but he has more wisdom than he first did. At the very least, he knows he's his own man (and sometimes her own woman or its own tricked out sports car); a significant improvement from when he first arrived.
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Will Stanton
High Concept: Pillsbury Clayboy
Aspect: Needs to be Useful/Used
Aspect: Out of Place, Out of Time
Aspect: Unique Worldview
Aspect: Big Ball of Trauma
Aspect: Open-Hearted

Re: Will Stanton

Postby Will Stanton » Sat Nov 11, 2017 6:01 am

We're going to try going active again and see how that goes; hopefully, things will be better in future.
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Will Stanton
High Concept: Pillsbury Clayboy
Aspect: Needs to be Useful/Used
Aspect: Out of Place, Out of Time
Aspect: Unique Worldview
Aspect: Big Ball of Trauma
Aspect: Open-Hearted

Re: Will Stanton

Postby Will Stanton » Fri Jan 15, 2021 4:20 am

This space reserved for detailing Will's power development and the reasons behind it.

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Will Stanton
High Concept: Pillsbury Clayboy
Aspect: Needs to be Useful/Used
Aspect: Out of Place, Out of Time
Aspect: Unique Worldview
Aspect: Big Ball of Trauma
Aspect: Open-Hearted

Re: Will Stanton

Postby Will Stanton » Tue Feb 16, 2021 12:37 am


He that is busy is tempted by but one devil; he that is idle, by a legion

After experimenting with MGH, as a way to recover from the unexplained (as of yet) aches and pains he was suffering in his everyday life, Will inadvertently opened up old, old connections. Torn apart, molecule by molecule, and shunted through the dimensional barriers, it turns out, is not great for one's sanity.

Will described the sensation as intrusive thoughts -- ideas and plans that seemingly came out of nowhere, arrived with a whoosh, and caused near-paralysis by indecisiveness; being torn every which way at once. Tosh, in his studies of Will, was able to determine that a significant chunk of these ideas and concepts, the ones that seemed least akin to his usual wants and desires, were extradimensional in origin -- Will somehow communicating and attracting thoughts from alternate dimensions? Sam saw it as a string of sparks; plural and multiple and yet all interconnected. This has not been explored very much to this point; Tosh has shown it is at least possible to block those connections, though whether that is a good or bad idea is still a topic of debate.

That still left thousands and thousands of competing thoughts and ideas coming from inside the house, as it were, leading Will to seek more and more extreme methods to calm his mind. Eventually, with the help of Miriam and Sam, Will was given a new home; an ocean of tranquility to submerge himself in as he attempts to better understand what has happened to him.

His name is Legion. He's the King of Nowhere.

Will's current base form is as the reflective surface of a mirror, currently housed in the dorm room belonging to Miriam, Sam, Tereza and Viv. The reflections are almost, but not quite, right -- anyone looking inside will see themselves slightly Willified, though the details will be close enough to serve as a regular mirror. Telepaths will feel a lingering sense of calmness and comfort emanating from the mirror under normal circumstances; a psychic air freshener for those who can sense it.

From it's surface, aspects of Will occasionally emerge -- no longer tormented by thousands of conflicting ideas and desires, Will is more comfortable expressing one aspect of themselves at a time. Whether that is a good thing or not is, too, still a topic of debate. Others may also take advantage of this feature, reaching into the clay surface of the mirror and pulling out a Will of their choosing; as long as some aspect of them is willing to play along, there is a Will for all seasons. At the moment, Will seems alright with anyone taking advantage of this feature, though that may change in the future.

When Wills are done, they retreat into the mirror, being re-absorbed, with the main mass gaining their thoughts and experience. If a Will does not rejoin the mirror, then no future Will will remember what happened to that one -- not quite disposable or anything, mind you, but the loss of a Will would not have more significant effects on the rest of them as a whole.

The mirror is deeper than one would expect or what the basic laws of physics would deem plausible; what would happen if someone else chose to enter is, as of yet, unexplored.
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Will Stanton
High Concept: Pillsbury Clayboy
Aspect: Needs to be Useful/Used
Aspect: Out of Place, Out of Time
Aspect: Unique Worldview
Aspect: Big Ball of Trauma
Aspect: Open-Hearted

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