Haley Crusek

Haley Crusek

Postby Haley Crusek » Fri May 29, 2015 10:51 pm

Name: Haley Crusek
Age: 17
Country of Origin: USA
Hometown: Austin, Texas
Birthday: September 29

Haley has tremendously powerful telekinesis and while she's to some extent mastered the basics, she still struggles to fully control it. It's strongly influenced by her emotions, especially when frightened or upset. Will likely be omega level when she's fully developed her control. Until then...
Great: smashing the crap out of things with raw TK blasts, moving around objects, opening and closing doors/windows at a distance, floating up into the air
Meh: Creating shields, using an appropriate level of force for manipulating things mentally (she breaks a lot of stuff unintentionally)
Bad: Flying without causing bodily harm, nearly anything with her telepathy

Limited, and not much potential. At the moment, she hears a lot of bits of surface thoughts from nearly everyone around her, and has limited ability to focus on what any one person might be thinking. Especially when tired, this "mental static" gets a lot worse. Her telepathic abilities developed some time after her telekinesis, so she struggles more with them.

Personality: Bubbly, permanently attached to her smartphone, and eager to be friends with *everyone*. Haley also has an impressive temper that's gotten her into hot water on more than one occasion.

Description: Haley is extremely short (about 4'11"), slim, with straight blonde hair and blue eyes

Background: Haley grew up in a very average middle-class family living in a suburb near Austin, Texas. She did well in school, had plenty of friends, and got along with all three of her siblings. It all changed when they moved into an older house that looked like it belonged in a horror movie. Haley was convinced, from the moment they stepped inside the place that there were malevolent forces at work, ready to tear her family apart. Her whole family dismissed her concerns...until furniture started moving around at night, mirrors shattered for no reason, and messages were scrawled on the wall telling the family to get out. Then Haley left and visited her grandparents, and everything returned to normal. It didn't take long for the family--and Haley--to realize that there weren't any ghosts, and that she was doing all of the damage with her powers. While the intervening years (with the support of her parents, and a family friend with ties to X-Corp) have allowed Haley to develop a modicum of control over her telekinesis and to fly under the radar of the MRA, a recent power accident (triggered by her newly acquired telepathy) has convinced her and her parents that she needs to get out of the country, and to get some more intensive training at XU.
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Haley Crusek
High Concept: Pint-sized Powerhouse
Aspect: Wannabe hero
Aspect: Shitty psychic
Aspect: Hothead
Aspect: Walmart-brand Tinkerbell

Re: Haley Crusek

Postby Ashlie Minamida » Fri May 29, 2015 11:00 pm

Looks fine to me, power levels are good and this is somewhat of a legacy character, so...
Approval 1/2
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Ashlie Minamida

Re: Haley Crusek

Postby Hank McCoy » Sat May 30, 2015 12:27 am

I'm fine with this progression and her current power levels.

Approval 2/2
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Hank McCoy

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