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Nash Riley

PostPosted: Sat May 30, 2015 3:22 am
by Nash Riley
Name: Nash Riley
Age: 18
Country of Origin: USA
Hometown: Rural Pennsylvania (near Pittsburgh)
Birthday: May 10th

Power: Nash has a form of extra sensory perception that can detect the physical properties of matter around him, along the ability to process that data this sense collects. This detection has a max range of about 25 feet all around him, but isn’t very detailed unless he focuses it down to a smaller area. The processing is done by a section of his brain that operates at an accelerated pace compared to normal human brain activity but is limited to only processing the information his extra sense collects.

He started mainly using his abilities for building things, which is how he first discovered his powers. Once he got the basics down better, the XI staff got him expanding the uses of his powers to other uses such as basic first aid.

Personality: Nash is friendly though it takes a while to really get to know him. He occasionally spaces out when using his powers to look over something intently.

Description: Nash is 5'10 with light brown hair and hazel eyes. He usually wears t-shirts and jeans.

Background: Nash had a fairly normal life growing up in rural Pennsylvania until about two years ago. He first discovered his powers working on plastic model kits, realizing he was seeing things in a way he couldn't with normal senses. He developed his powers more on his own but soon realized there was likely more to it then was figuring out, so he enrolled at XI. After getting a better look at what he could do he eventually started working on XI's limited form of the X-Teams. He enrolled in XU without a second thought after graduating, and spent the past summer volunteering for X-Corp where he visited different mutant communities helping with various problems.

Re: Nash Riley

PostPosted: Sat May 30, 2015 3:29 am
by Ashlie Minamida
To see the hidden information in everything is a truly powerful gift.

Approval 1/2

Re: Nash Riley

PostPosted: Sat May 30, 2015 3:52 am
by Will Stanton
Approval 2/2