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The Wonderland Complex

PostPosted: Mon Jul 12, 2021 12:40 am
by Basil Benson
Somewhere in England is a medical complex referred to by it's patients as 'Wonderland'. A sterile and lifeless place, Wonderland offers all the amenities one could hope for an ailing family member to rot inside the confines of what could be described as an involuntary sanitarium. The residents of Wonderland do not remember how exactly they came to be as they are now, and many cannot remember who they used to be before they were checked in, but each of them does know one thing rather solidly: In their past lives they were unruly mutants, which is why they are currently under lockdown.

Maintaining social order in Wonderland is the disembodied voice of 'Queenie', who addresses her subjects only via intercom. Few claim to have met her in the flesh, and those that do all have contradictory accounts of who she is and what she looks like, suggesting no one actually has.

Maintaining order among the masses via muscle are the orderlies, which the patients have taken to calling 'Tweedles', a joke about how they all kind of look and act the same.

All patients are assigned a number to label them, which is kept on their person via a small ear tag through the lobe, not unlike cattle.

A lucky and privileged few in Wonderland have caught Queenie's eye. These residents are referred to as 'The Court', and receive monikers beyond that of their number. It is rumoured that they are the only patients who have ever been allowed to leave the complex, but if that's true, they always return again.

Re: The Wonderland Complex

PostPosted: Mon Jul 12, 2021 12:42 am
by Basil Benson
Openings to play members of Court are now available. If you are interested, PM me or post in this thread and I will PM you with the available options. Characters come only with a codename and a powerset. Everything else if for you to fill in, if you choose to do so.