Classroom Quotes

A place for talking about the game or other topics, out of character.

Re: Classroom Quotes

Postby Will Stanton » Wed Jun 13, 2018 1:00 am

Tereza wrote:Once in the castle and in a room of their own, it took some effort, but Tereza changes back to her human form, only to find she's in an ice-white dress trimmed in blue. She turns in front of a mirror, looking at it and tugging at various parts of it.

LET IT GOOOOO, let it gooooo...
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Will Stanton
High Concept: Pillsbury Clayboy
Aspect: Needs to be Useful/Used
Aspect: Out of Place, Out of Time
Aspect: Unique Worldview
Aspect: Big Ball of Trauma
Aspect: Open-Hearted

Re: Classroom Quotes

Postby Tereza Rozanov » Fri Jan 25, 2019 8:05 pm

Samantha McManus wrote:"The reason I sensed you was violence. People aren't getting violent with the treadmills."

"Mostly because Haley isn't here right now."

Harsh. But fair. Just glad you didn't bring me into this. :)
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Tereza Rozanov
High Concept: Winter Wolf
Aspect: Chip Off The Old Ice Block
Aspect: Escaped Asset
Aspect: Servant Alpha
Aspect: Partner To The Fey

Re: Classroom Quotes

Postby Nailah Weaver » Tue Feb 12, 2019 9:02 pm

Will Stanton wrote:"Mmmhmm." Will said, still a little out of it as he sat on the bench watching Tereza.

"...I'm sorry, what did you say? I zoned out."


*zoom in on Tereza's face*

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Nailah Weaver
High Concept: Fledgling Hero
Aspect: Naive Sphinxling
Aspect: Shattered Precognition

Re: Classroom Quotes

Postby Ainsley Green » Fri Feb 15, 2019 4:58 pm

Ainsley Green wrote:He plunged his hand into his bag and pulled out a Zippo, making a bee line for a cart full of hay to set fire to. He undid the brake then set it ablaze, pushing it as hard as he could in hopes of using it as a barrier to keep anyone else from getting any funny ideas about backing up the lords (and ladies) currently on the offensive.

Ainsley Green wrote:Ainsley wastes no time to stop and admire his handiwork.

He rushes to the next entry point, grabbing yards decorative fabrics probably meant as some kind of banner and dragging it with him to set ablaze.

Noticing empty packing crates that had been abandoned from the much friendlier festivities of earlier, he throws and kicks several of them into the walking path to create another chokepoint before covering them all with the fabric in a dramatic flourish.

Then of course he lit that on fire too.

By that time, he noticed the ants threatening to engulf Sean.

"Stop that!" He cries out them, unaware of their nature.

Sean Hall wrote:Aiden chuckled.

"More somehow constantly getting themselves lit on fire," Sean said.

...... *casually slips his zippo back in his pocket.*
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Ainsley Green

Re: Classroom Quotes

Postby Jezabelle Sherlock » Sat May 04, 2019 12:31 am

Basil Benson wrote:Basil roused easily enough, though he was groggy and confused . He reached out from his position on the floor, and shook Jezabelle Prime by the shoulder.

Two's company, she's a...
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Jezabelle Sherlock
High Concept: Soapbox Sadie with a Secret
Aspect: Painfully Situational Sociability
Aspect: Good is Not Soft
Aspect: Master Multitasker
Aspect: Gamer Chick
Aspect: Tumblr

Re: Classroom Quotes

Postby Colette Rosenhof » Tue Jun 18, 2019 6:06 pm

Robin Stanton wrote:"S'cool, you guys can hit the carousel with all the kiddos." Robin chuckles with just bit of a scoff.

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Colette Rosenhof
High Concept: Dreamer Despite the Odds
Aspect: Density Is Not a Formality
Aspect: Everything is Sexier In France
Aspect: Beware the Cute Ones
Aspect: Hair of Goo, Heart of Gold

Re: Classroom Quotes

Postby Will Stanton » Tue Jul 16, 2019 12:35 am

Narrator wrote:For a moment all Basil can spot is nonsense sentences, jumbled words that don't seem to make any---wait, no, he just happened to grab Finnegan's Wake from the shelf. Grabbing another one he finds that the books are fine, although obviously not in the place they're supposed to be.

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Will Stanton
High Concept: Pillsbury Clayboy
Aspect: Needs to be Useful/Used
Aspect: Out of Place, Out of Time
Aspect: Unique Worldview
Aspect: Big Ball of Trauma
Aspect: Open-Hearted

Re: Classroom Quotes

Postby Emilie » Wed Feb 12, 2020 2:21 am

Emilie wrote:a few moments after the summoning text, Emilie entered the office as a vision of distressed blacks and hardware. She had her utility belt on with all the associated bric-a-brac, and her heart shaped lenses down over her eyes.

With the seemingly dyed hair and the facial piercings, this young woman was definitely the visual embodiment of a headmaster nightmare.

She reached into her side pocket, and pulled out said passport handing it in to Lippincott while blowing (and popping) her gum.
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Re: Classroom Quotes

Postby Basil Benson » Mon May 04, 2020 3:48 am

Alex Sablinova wrote: Basil and Alex were having a decorum-off!
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Basil Benson
High Concept: Unwitting Heir to a Secret Legacy
Aspect: More Money Than Sense
Aspect: Ward of Unwanted Protectors
Aspect: Inconsistently Invisible
Aspect: Weirdness Magnet
Aspect: Covert Pervert

Re: Classroom Quotes

Postby Nailah Weaver » Mon May 25, 2020 8:53 pm

Basil Benson wrote:"Out Madame. What kind of a freak do you take me for?" He joked, nuzzling his face into hers resting his forehead lightly against her own.

"There are doors, Madame, that you have yet to open. That you may not even want to.

Until you decide you're truly comfortable with what's inside, this one remains locked along with the rest of them.

Do you understand?"

Either Basil is a serial killer or Christian Grey. And no matter which one it's a giant red flag. >_>
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Nailah Weaver
High Concept: Fledgling Hero
Aspect: Naive Sphinxling
Aspect: Shattered Precognition

Re: Classroom Quotes

Postby Basil Benson » Mon May 25, 2020 9:28 pm

Nailah Weaver wrote: Either Basil is a serial killer or Christian Grey. And no matter which one it's a giant red flag. >_>

Longest villain reveal *ever*.
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Basil Benson
High Concept: Unwitting Heir to a Secret Legacy
Aspect: More Money Than Sense
Aspect: Ward of Unwanted Protectors
Aspect: Inconsistently Invisible
Aspect: Weirdness Magnet
Aspect: Covert Pervert

Re: Classroom Quotes

Postby Will Stanton » Tue Jun 30, 2020 7:36 pm

Will Stanton wrote:"How do you know what my 'usual self' is like? I've been here a tiny, tiny, tiny fraction of the time, and have had at least three different major personality-altering events in that time.

That's right; I have piss-poor characterization! Take that!
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Will Stanton
High Concept: Pillsbury Clayboy
Aspect: Needs to be Useful/Used
Aspect: Out of Place, Out of Time
Aspect: Unique Worldview
Aspect: Big Ball of Trauma
Aspect: Open-Hearted

Re: Classroom Quotes

Postby Basil Benson » Thu Oct 08, 2020 2:33 am

Robin Stanton wrote:"And that's my cue to leave. I'll see you around. We'll hang later." Robin says as she slowly rolls backwards out the door on rollerskates she definitely wasn't wearing earlier.

Basil is later found dead in the same infirmary room with black ichor pouring out the side of his mouth.
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Basil Benson
High Concept: Unwitting Heir to a Secret Legacy
Aspect: More Money Than Sense
Aspect: Ward of Unwanted Protectors
Aspect: Inconsistently Invisible
Aspect: Weirdness Magnet
Aspect: Covert Pervert

Re: Classroom Quotes

Postby Samantha McManus » Thu Oct 08, 2020 2:40 am

Basil Benson wrote:Basil is later found dead in the same infirmary room with black ichor pouring out the side of his mouth.
And the world's biggest smile.
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Samantha McManus
High Concept: Waking Goddess
Aspect: Enraptured by Violence
Aspect: Made of Nightmares
Aspect: Not Crazy
Aspect: Driven by Wolves

Re: Classroom Quotes

Postby Victor Von Doom » Mon Oct 19, 2020 4:40 am

Victor Von Doom wrote:And that's when Jez might get a feeling a little like the littlest bear. For sitting there, in her chair, with his back turned to the door, reading one of her magazines, was the Armored One. The Baron of Iron. The Beast of the Balkans. The Great Destroyer. One of the most brilliant minds and scientists on the face of the Earth itself.

The Monarch and the Supreme Leader for the Kingdom of Latveria. Dr. Victor von Doom, Ph.D.

"So, you are the concubine, then?" Doom said, without turning around in the chair.

In June of 2019, the one known as Will asked the one known as Traveler for permission to bring a character onto the boards.

Now, finally, all must tremble before the might of DOOM.
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Victor Von Doom

Re: Classroom Quotes

Postby Basil Benson » Mon Oct 19, 2020 6:10 am

NGL, that's some Venture Brothers shit right there.

I love it.
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Basil Benson
High Concept: Unwitting Heir to a Secret Legacy
Aspect: More Money Than Sense
Aspect: Ward of Unwanted Protectors
Aspect: Inconsistently Invisible
Aspect: Weirdness Magnet
Aspect: Covert Pervert

Re: Classroom Quotes

Postby Basil Benson » Mon Oct 19, 2020 6:15 pm

Victor Von Doom wrote:"The courtesan, then, perhaps," Doom intoned. "What you call yourself matters little to Doom."

He slowly turned a page in the magazine, continuing to talk slowly.

"My advanced scout erringly thought that the winged one was the one who had stolen the Princess' heart. But such subterfuge and slight of hand mean nothing in the face of Doom."

I wasn't even in the bloody running?!?

*Flails about in a hissy fit for not being considered the prettier prince*.
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Basil Benson
High Concept: Unwitting Heir to a Secret Legacy
Aspect: More Money Than Sense
Aspect: Ward of Unwanted Protectors
Aspect: Inconsistently Invisible
Aspect: Weirdness Magnet
Aspect: Covert Pervert

Re: Classroom Quotes

Postby Victor Von Doom » Mon Oct 19, 2020 10:28 pm

Basil Benson wrote:
Victor Von Doom wrote:"The courtesan, then, perhaps," Doom intoned. "What you call yourself matters little to Doom."

He slowly turned a page in the magazine, continuing to talk slowly.

"My advanced scout erringly thought that the winged one was the one who had stolen the Princess' heart. But such subterfuge and slight of hand mean nothing in the face of Doom."

I wasn't even in the bloody running?!?

*Flails about in a hissy fit for not being considered the prettier prince*.

Doom did not see you talking with his agent on campus!

And not just because you are invisible, boy. Doom sees through such trickery.
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Victor Von Doom

Re: Classroom Quotes

Postby Basil Benson » Mon Oct 19, 2020 10:45 pm

Victor Von Doom wrote:
Doom did not see you talking with his agent on campus!

And not just because you are invisible, boy. Doom sees through such trickery.


*Goes back to 'work', AKA browsing fetish material on his cell phone which he has hidden inside the 50th anniversary copy of Lord of the Rings*

(Also, no one but me has quoted Doom, so I'd like to point out he has his own BBcode and that's pretty hilarious and impressive).
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Basil Benson
High Concept: Unwitting Heir to a Secret Legacy
Aspect: More Money Than Sense
Aspect: Ward of Unwanted Protectors
Aspect: Inconsistently Invisible
Aspect: Weirdness Magnet
Aspect: Covert Pervert

Re: Classroom Quotes

Postby Basil Benson » Wed Nov 11, 2020 9:59 pm

Victor Von Doom wrote:"Some leaders bend to the world. Others make the world bend to them."

LGBTQ+ Activist Doctor Victor Von Doom has spoken.
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Basil Benson
High Concept: Unwitting Heir to a Secret Legacy
Aspect: More Money Than Sense
Aspect: Ward of Unwanted Protectors
Aspect: Inconsistently Invisible
Aspect: Weirdness Magnet
Aspect: Covert Pervert

Re: Classroom Quotes

Postby Leo Eskandari » Sun Dec 20, 2020 10:21 pm

Ainsley Green wrote:It was in that moment, Ainsley realized he didn't seem small to Leo.

At least,not any smaller than anyone else. He filed the info away as he slid in and immediately sat himself as close to the edge of the capsule as possible.

That was why they were there, right?

You prey animals normals all look tiny to me.
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Leo Eskandari
High Concept: Animal I Have Become
Aspect: Mad Science Victim
Aspect: I Kissed a Boy and I Liked It
Aspect: Soft on the Inside
Aspect: Predatory Instincts
Aspect: No Poker Face

Re: Classroom Quotes

Postby Basil Benson » Fri Jan 29, 2021 2:15 am

Laura Weston wrote:"Had some bad relationship experiences in secondary school, decided to figure out what it was I liked. And what I like occasionally has a certain style to it."

Laura and Basil, secret besties.
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Basil Benson
High Concept: Unwitting Heir to a Secret Legacy
Aspect: More Money Than Sense
Aspect: Ward of Unwanted Protectors
Aspect: Inconsistently Invisible
Aspect: Weirdness Magnet
Aspect: Covert Pervert

Re: Classroom Quotes

Postby Alessia Abate » Tue Feb 09, 2021 7:31 pm

Miriam Bell wrote:"Look it matched the sea of tranquility and so what if I want a sentient mirror that actually works for me so I can put on eyeliner without stabbing myself in the cornea."

You stole a large sum of money from me and you have yet to put a make-up artist on retainer? So disappointing.
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Alessia Abate

Re: Classroom Quotes

Postby Basil Benson » Thu Feb 11, 2021 6:57 pm

Ashlie Minamida wrote:((I figured 4 roommate setups might give some more opportunities for interactions if that's cool with people?))

Cool with me
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Basil Benson
High Concept: Unwitting Heir to a Secret Legacy
Aspect: More Money Than Sense
Aspect: Ward of Unwanted Protectors
Aspect: Inconsistently Invisible
Aspect: Weirdness Magnet
Aspect: Covert Pervert

Re: Classroom Quotes

Postby Basil Benson » Thu Feb 11, 2021 6:57 pm

Ashlie Minamida wrote:((I figured 4 roommate setups might give some more opportunities for interactions if that's cool with people?))

Cool with me
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Basil Benson
High Concept: Unwitting Heir to a Secret Legacy
Aspect: More Money Than Sense
Aspect: Ward of Unwanted Protectors
Aspect: Inconsistently Invisible
Aspect: Weirdness Magnet
Aspect: Covert Pervert

Re: Classroom Quotes

Postby Chase Delacroix » Wed Aug 04, 2021 12:12 pm

Will Stanton wrote:"Yup!" Will smiled, cheerfully. "And that's why we've brought Miriam Bell in here to help handle your unique case."

*cough* Ahem.
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Chase Delacroix
High Concept: Green Arrow Wannabe
Aspect: Kung-Fu Fighter
Aspect: Ex-Assassin
Aspect: Recovering Amnesiac
Aspect: Guilty Conscience

Re: Classroom Quotes

Postby Tereza Rozanov » Thu Aug 05, 2021 2:56 pm

Miriam Bell wrote:Miriam laughs slightly and puts both her hands on Sam's shoulder.

"Sam. I say this with all due respect - however much that may be - but you suck at flirting."

Hate to, but can confirm. <_<
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Tereza Rozanov
High Concept: Winter Wolf
Aspect: Chip Off The Old Ice Block
Aspect: Escaped Asset
Aspect: Servant Alpha
Aspect: Partner To The Fey

Re: Classroom Quotes

Postby John Hino » Fri Aug 06, 2021 10:37 pm

Jezabelle Sherlock wrote:"Well they can't very well actually CALL it a villainy program, that's just silly. They call it by a code name that means the same thing - business administration."

Well, see if you get free swag when I build a stable wormhole between our two universes. Hmph.
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John Hino

Re: Classroom Quotes

Postby Basil Benson » Sat Sep 11, 2021 12:15 pm

Narrator wrote:The entity Drake addressed was masculine in appearance wearing a boater's hat, a candy striped vest, and a pale pink set of trousers and dress shirt with the sleeves rolled up. He was rather predictably set up with loads of sugar, stacked on a pallet to keep it safe from the elements, and the paper cones one came to associate as the handle to a candy floss. He wasn't given much else, but then again he didn't need it.

"Take your time, start at the bits you're less attached to." He quipped back, then turned his attention to Robin. "Hello young lady." He replied, tipping his hat to her.

Look, someone made you a replacement boyfriend Colette.
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Basil Benson
High Concept: Unwitting Heir to a Secret Legacy
Aspect: More Money Than Sense
Aspect: Ward of Unwanted Protectors
Aspect: Inconsistently Invisible
Aspect: Weirdness Magnet
Aspect: Covert Pervert

Re: Classroom Quotes

Postby Drake Martin » Tue Oct 05, 2021 12:42 am

Will Stanton wrote:"Well, it's all me. But no, if you ask me to hold your beer, don't count on it the next time you see 'me', barring a trip to the mirror in between."

Something we have in common.
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Drake Martin
High Concept: Dragonsouled
Aspect: Flyboy
Aspect: Genoshan Agent
Aspect: Bookwyrm

Re: Classroom Quotes

Postby Will Stanton » Thu Oct 28, 2021 6:28 pm

Victor Freud wrote:""Glacier, if you don't mind, I'd like to go with you to go check up on Robin. Being a wall is pretty tough work, she could probably use a shoulder to lean on." Usin' code-names and everything, such a professional.

I see, codenames for people from THIS universe, real names for people from OTHER universes. I see how it is!
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Will Stanton
High Concept: Pillsbury Clayboy
Aspect: Needs to be Useful/Used
Aspect: Out of Place, Out of Time
Aspect: Unique Worldview
Aspect: Big Ball of Trauma
Aspect: Open-Hearted

Re: Classroom Quotes

Postby Robin Stanton » Thu Oct 28, 2021 6:32 pm

To be fair, I have put off coming up with a codename for Robin for so long now... xD
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Robin Stanton
High Concept: Resilient Showoff
Aspect: Born into Weirdness
Aspect: A 'Better' Future

Re: Classroom Quotes

Postby Drake Martin » Sat Dec 25, 2021 1:26 pm

Basil Benson wrote:"Mmmmmm...More like that boy hasn't decided what he wants exactly and a lot of my kind are going to suffer the consequences while he does." Cheshire leant in to whisper back.

"If we were looking for a serial murderer instead, that'd be the one I'd bet on."

"I was trying to help you escape from My Villain Academia, you dick."
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Drake Martin
High Concept: Dragonsouled
Aspect: Flyboy
Aspect: Genoshan Agent
Aspect: Bookwyrm

Re: Classroom Quotes

Postby Basil Benson » Sat Dec 25, 2021 1:41 pm

"And I might be pretending like I'm weirded out by the exchange due to you acting strange and not due to you potentially knowing who I am, lest they blow off my head in the middle of a bar, wanker."
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Basil Benson
High Concept: Unwitting Heir to a Secret Legacy
Aspect: More Money Than Sense
Aspect: Ward of Unwanted Protectors
Aspect: Inconsistently Invisible
Aspect: Weirdness Magnet
Aspect: Covert Pervert

Re: Classroom Quotes

Postby Danielle DiScivolare » Fri Jan 14, 2022 3:13 pm

Narrator wrote:The night the recon team arrived wasn't much different than any other night at Miscreant. Which was good, plenty of crowd to hide in.

Whenever they decided to step into the club, Basil of course wasn't anywhere to be seen. That would make everything smooth and convenient.

Instead, the performer taking main stage was a female with a lower torso like a snake, which some would probably call a 'naga', hanging upside-down by her own tail and swaying her arms 'in reverse' to the melody of the music pumping in the place.

Look, singing clearly ended in disaster, so maybe a change of the kind of stage to perform on was in order.
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Danielle DiScivolare

Re: Classroom Quotes

Postby Basil Benson » Fri Jan 14, 2022 3:19 pm

*L*. I honestly just picked a random trait inspo'd by the video for the song.

There's been a lot going on over here so i said " Sure, it's that. that's it."
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Basil Benson
High Concept: Unwitting Heir to a Secret Legacy
Aspect: More Money Than Sense
Aspect: Ward of Unwanted Protectors
Aspect: Inconsistently Invisible
Aspect: Weirdness Magnet
Aspect: Covert Pervert

Re: Classroom Quotes

Postby Robin Stanton » Fri Jan 14, 2022 3:23 pm

Oh it's totally fine and probably the first thing that would have come to mind for me as well for "exotic mutant dancer" xD
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Robin Stanton
High Concept: Resilient Showoff
Aspect: Born into Weirdness
Aspect: A 'Better' Future

Re: Classroom Quotes

Postby Basil Benson » Sat Feb 12, 2022 3:48 am

Narrator wrote: These people clearly weren't prepared to be infiltrated.
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Basil Benson
High Concept: Unwitting Heir to a Secret Legacy
Aspect: More Money Than Sense
Aspect: Ward of Unwanted Protectors
Aspect: Inconsistently Invisible
Aspect: Weirdness Magnet
Aspect: Covert Pervert

Re: Classroom Quotes

Postby Basil Benson » Sat Feb 12, 2022 10:46 pm

Samantha McManus wrote:"For reference," Sam says to the Burglar, "She was around well before He came sniffing about."

Samantha McManus wrote:"I mean, I'm not going to do it if you call them that."

Samantha McManus wrote:"Why come I get the feeling no one is really taking me seriously lately."
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Basil Benson
High Concept: Unwitting Heir to a Secret Legacy
Aspect: More Money Than Sense
Aspect: Ward of Unwanted Protectors
Aspect: Inconsistently Invisible
Aspect: Weirdness Magnet
Aspect: Covert Pervert

Re: Classroom Quotes

Postby Basil Benson » Sun Mar 20, 2022 9:31 pm

Narrator wrote:Leo did indeed rip this one off all by himself, though his claws dug into some significant sound-proofing. Probably to keep this secret entrance from being obvious to patients.

With the identical nature of these hallways, it would take a bit of wandering for Sam to be able to pinpoint exactly where they were in the complex from the mind map, but it was definitely a hallway. The overhead lights were out, in favour of floor lights. There wasn't any sound beyond the sounds they themselves were making.

Ahem... <_< ... 063552518=
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Basil Benson
High Concept: Unwitting Heir to a Secret Legacy
Aspect: More Money Than Sense
Aspect: Ward of Unwanted Protectors
Aspect: Inconsistently Invisible
Aspect: Weirdness Magnet
Aspect: Covert Pervert


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