Some Still Bleed Red

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Some Still Bleed Red

Postby Narrator » Tue Nov 17, 2015 3:27 pm

"You went off the board on this one, Svetlana," the man said, frowning deeply. "You nearly lost Alexi, and what's worse, you failed."

"I did not fail, commander. I activated the protocol on the security risk. There is no way she is recovering from that."

"While I commend your willingness to sacrifice her to accomplice your objective, when I said you failed, I meant you failed." He slid pictures of Tereza being escorted into the university under her own power across the desk.

She picked up the photos and looked at them, becoming briefly angry before covering it up. "Her imprinting must have been more incomplete than we thought. I'll start another operation, we'll deal with her."

"No," the man said sternly. "You are not to touch this case again until you hear from me. I have enough trouble cleaning up your sloppy work and I don't need you adding to it."

"But commander..."

"Get out of my office," he gestured and she obediently rose and walked out the door. She took another look at the photos in her hand. Then she crumpled them angrily, compressing them in her hands into a solid lump.
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