
A place for talking about the game or other topics, out of character.


Postby Will Stanton » Thu Mar 09, 2017 10:47 am

One thing I've noticed from time to time, during slower posting periods, is that no one knows what to do with their characters. That's when we'll get a bunch of threads that go "So and so sat down to eat lunch ((open))" or "So and so was at the bar again" or "So and so turned on the Danger Room for a workout".

These are all well and good and fine, and I'm not saying stop doing them -- just that they've been done a hundred times and are rather generic. Sometimes, even when they are joined, they peter out -- there isn't always something crucial happening over, well, lunch.

A possible alternative to those threads are, well, threads characters are interested in doing. Yeah, every character has to eat, but some characters can be found in the danger room, or the gym more often. Some characters might be trying to start a band, or are filming themselves jumping off of buildings and trying to become YouTube sensations. Some are exploring their powers, some are exploring their majors, and so forth.

I find that those threads can be awkward to start at times. It's easier to join in on those threads, if that makes sense? For example, if Trav were trying to push the Sam-Morrigan thing, it might be helpful if there were threads with people getting into physical fights! That's not something that Sam can really start as a post -- that's something that might work better if someone else starts it. That thread would be Sam-related threadbait. Or maybe Nailah and Hailey want to start a Blond Teen Detective-Slash Fighting Agency. They'd need other characters to come to them with problems to solve and/or punch.

This thread is for listing those kinds of things -- general threads you'd generally want to participate in on a general basis. Not a "this is something that I want to happen one thing", but rather "this is a genre of thread I'm looking to do".

It's also for people going "I'm bored; I want to do a thread. Aha! I see that Mad is looking for things Tosh can solve with science! I shall post a thread that needs science to solve," or "Hrm, my character has mental issues out the wazoo. Our psychatrist is looking for threads dealing with our many, many issues!". It's a database of "these are threads that people wanna do", that will hopefully be updated whenever someone changes their mind :P

Or maybe it's not for anything, it's your post, I'm not the cop of your posts :P

These aren't so much for major things -- not "so and so has a mysterious background and you need to investigate!" These are smaller things, like, "My character is looking for people to punch in the danger room" or "my character wants to have/force someone to try their cooking" -- things like that.

Maybe I should list some examples!
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Will Stanton
High Concept: Pillsbury Clayboy
Aspect: Needs to be Useful/Used
Aspect: Out of Place, Out of Time
Aspect: Unique Worldview
Aspect: Big Ball of Trauma
Aspect: Open-Hearted

Re: Threadbait

Postby Will Stanton » Thu Mar 09, 2017 10:47 am

--Will's new power means that people can either intentionally or accidentally trigger his shifting mechanism. Maybe they're aware of what they've done; maybe it's an accident and they're unaware. Maybe they're doing it intentionally to mess with Will, maybe it's an embarrassing accident for all involved. Hijinks. That's the word we're looking for here; hijinks. All the hijinks.
--Will can also be generally found tinkling along in the music room on the piano and generally singing and acting; he'd like to get back into show-biz if he's going to be stuck in this dimension for a long time. That might mean commercial auditions again. Shudder.
--Will's also got interesting views on The Future (due to being from the future), religion (due to being the most protestant pagan in the known universe) and objects (due to being an object). People interested in those subjects might find Will an interesting conversation partner, whether they come to him intentionally or stumble across him doing things.

--Cam is (well, will be, as I post threads) getting something of a reputation as a problem solver of last resort. A reputation for someone who will get the job done -- be it something small like finding lost keys, or something large feeling not fit for X-Team Action or wanting to get back at some jerk. Cam is more than happy to help solve your problems, though it's in the patented Cam way. This might mean things get significantly worse in the short term, unless you happen to like rays. Rays are good.
--Cam is also massively socially awkward, so being forced into situations where he has to behave like a Normal Human Being are good threads, too -- I think most of those are covered by generic "lunch" type threads, but those kind of "social interaction" stuff is threadbait for Cam, certainly.

--Mira's power means she's great for getting things out in the open that characters don't want to talk about, or don't realize consciously. If you have a realization you need your character to make, having something reflected in Mira is a great way to go about doing that, either for SeriousBusiness or comedy purposes.
--Mira also likes messing with people watching TV/Netflix/flexing in the mirror, as she can appear in those images and alter them. This is probably sheer pointless comedy -- the best kind of comedy.
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Will Stanton
High Concept: Pillsbury Clayboy
Aspect: Needs to be Useful/Used
Aspect: Out of Place, Out of Time
Aspect: Unique Worldview
Aspect: Big Ball of Trauma
Aspect: Open-Hearted

Re: Threadbait

Postby Tereza Rozanov » Thu Mar 09, 2017 3:21 pm

-- Tereza's wolf is pushing her to test herself more and more, so Danger Room sparring threads and the like are good things to involve her.
-- Tereza and Sam have been discussing starting a band, so threads along that line are good as well.
-- At heart, Tereza's a mutant supremacist, though not as militant as she used to be or in a 'kill all humans' kind of way. If your character wants to get into that sort of discussion or wants to have a debate about the methods of the Brotherhood of Mutants, Tereza's a good choice.

-- Loading...

-- Natalie adores technology, so if your tech is broken, she's also an option to fix it. Whether it's your phone or computer, she's willing to give it a try. This could also be an avenue if you need someone to find out something about your character.

-- Melissa's always available if you need a telepath to poke around in your head or just need a professor to talk to.
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Tereza Rozanov
High Concept: Winter Wolf
Aspect: Chip Off The Old Ice Block
Aspect: Escaped Asset
Aspect: Servant Alpha
Aspect: Partner To The Fey

Re: Threadbait

Postby Toshiro Narumi » Thu Mar 09, 2017 4:17 pm

-- Tosh can be relied on to try and solve scientific mysteries brought his way. Even if they lead down some absurd rabbit hole.
-- Tosh is another option for repairing technology. Though he is less efficient at resolving software issues than Natalie.
-- Need a geeky friend to do nerd things with or someone to eat your cooking? Tosh is your guy.
-- Bruce is also available for sparring, crime-fighting, and underwater hijinks. Or if you just need a couch moved.

-- As a talented guitarist and vocalist, Shane is a solid choice for anyone trying to start a rock band.
-- Need someone rude to punch someone for you?
-- Shane almost died and has since been reborn as a plant, so he's good for exploring the subjects of mortality, humanity, and second chances. He may be grumpy about it, though. :x

-- Need someone killed? Need a sparring partner or someone stealthy to spy on something?
-- Guilt issues? Amnesia? Boy can Chase relate.

-- Did somebody order hijinks and/or shenanigans? My name is Diego and I'll be your accomplice this evening. Especially if YouTube is involved.
-- Zoinks! Ersatz Shaggy, like, reporting for amateur detective duty.
-- Webcomics are my jam.
-- Kitty is also an expert cooking assistant.
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Toshiro Narumi
High Concept: Nascent Cardinal Guardian
Aspect: Adorkable Tech Genius
Aspect: Hero In The Blood
Aspect: Crowded Brain
Aspect: Werewolf Lover
Aspect: Guilty Conscience

Re: Threadbait

Postby Emilie » Thu Mar 16, 2017 3:23 am

Sorry, I been busy AF.

Basil's got some shit coming up, but he needs to be just the right point of mentally 'with it' in order to accomplish said shit for him to really be able to hack it all (which may now be re-directed to Melissa if Melissa's player is up for it as Sam is technically a student and Basil doesn't like dumping his problems on her). Otherwise it'd seemingly be coming out of left field. For those not already picking up on what I been laying down so far, these things are mostly of a political intrigue nature with perhaps a bit of spy-game-y things mixed in, all of which will eventually put him into a position of some potential usefulness to the University and X-Teams beyond 'helps you find the text book you need to finish that assignment so you don't get kicked out of school/off teams due to grades'.

-- Before the invisibility Basil was a 'theatre kid'. Not only did it make him slightly more social than your average Brit, it also made him a slight jack of all trades. He plays piano, sings, and has prop/set building, costume, and makeup experience. He's done it all. While he would not be interested in being in anyone's plays or YouTube videos, he would be happy to assist in background work, and could probably be coerced into doing some voice over/voice acting work.

-- Basil is needy and will basically go anywhere with anyone if they're nice/convincing enough about it. He really trusts people more than anyone should despite the fact that he acts otherwise. This makes him exceptionally easy to manipulate if the person in question has even an iota of charisma and has yet to show him a reason *not* to trust them (though if they're charismatic enough they can probably worm their way back into the trust zone).

He also has a car (which he uses to travel places *not* London) which can be exploited in a 'going places' aspect.


-- Chisaki still wants to put together the home team. Any mutants that need a confidence boost, or just wants to waste time effing around (their player in hopes to make them grow as a person and take shit more seriously) should 'apply' (poke me via PM).

-- The soft-hued one is not what she seems.

-- Emilie's experience is mostly practical and while she has some performance experience it's more to the tune of dance and gymnastics than anything. She also is 'crafty' and likes to sew and make things. She bakes, but does not cook.

-- If you're lookin' for a Mosh-Pit buddy, Em's your girl. Nobody on campus can take a beating better while still looking good (Sorry Bruce).

-- Emilie (and Vic) could potentially be the source of a lot of What If threads, based off the fact she's been other wheres that have been touched upon. My thoughts on this were conceptualized as 'story time' to other characters in the XU continuity. Right now said stories could only be started between her and Vic, but as others 'find her out' they could also start said story times.
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Re: Threadbait

Postby Nailah Weaver » Mon Mar 20, 2017 6:30 pm

- Always up for anything exciting. If you need a buddy to jump a car over something she'll probably help you build the ramp.

- Shari's your go-to character for getting into some dumb stuff or dragging less socially-inclined people into things. Similarly, if someone is plotting shenanigans and needs a shapeshifter to pull a prank, she's your gal. Or guy.
- She's got some views on identity and such but isn't usually philosophical or introspective enough to bring that topic up herself.
- She tries real hard to tell herself she doesn't care about her "real" self and her amnesia, but that's bullshit, she just needs people to push her on it

- Good for discussing philosophy and psychology, but it might be depressing. She's good for being the accidental bad guy and making shitty decisions.
- She wouldn't intentionally drag people into it, but she's not above pulling some shady shit in order to enjoy the finer things in life.

- There are still aspects to Ashlie's programming that are free to be explored by people snooping around. Especially now that access to her computer system isn't as guarded.
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Nailah Weaver
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Aspect: Shattered Precognition

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