A World Where There Is No Such Thing As Time

Located on the River Thames, London has been a major settlement for two millennia. The low-income borough of Lambeth has been largely taken over by London's mutant population and is now known as Mutant Town.

A World Where There Is No Such Thing As Time

Postby Narrator » Mon Jun 12, 2017 2:21 pm

Alessia sends the car for Miriam as promised and the drive takes place in relative quiet. The driver pulls the car up in front of the house and a valet opens the door with a bow. The lights are on in the house and through the windows she can see well-dressed people mingling and chatting.
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Re: A World Where There Is No Such Thing As Time

Postby Miriam Bell » Mon Jun 12, 2017 4:21 pm

Miriam is wearing the one expensive dress she has, glad for the fact that Alessia hasn't seen her in it yet, so it won't be so obvious it's her only option for something like this. Her make-up is relatively understated except for the red lipstick giving the whole ensemble a much needed splash of color. Stepping out of the car she takes a deep breath and let's it out in a quick burst before straightening her back and walking inside, giving the valet a slight nod as she passes by.
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Miriam Bell
High Concept: Sorrowful Telepath
Aspect: Powerful Enemies
Aspect: Structural Shadow

Re: A World Where There Is No Such Thing As Time

Postby Alessia Abate » Mon Jun 12, 2017 4:29 pm

As the door is opened for her, Alessia is there to greet her, holding her hands out. "Miriam! So glad you could come. Did Wanda not come with you?" Alessia is wearing a high neck, floor length dress in a deep red that still leaves her arms and shoulders bare. Her hair is done in an intricate braid and weighted at the end by a clasp made of gold.
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Alessia Abate

Re: A World Where There Is No Such Thing As Time

Postby Miriam Bell » Mon Jun 12, 2017 4:51 pm

"No, unfortunately she has a project to finish. Something dreary about weather patterns and such. It's a shame to have to turn down an invitation like this." It's not hard for Miriam to sound like she considers this to be more important than a course at the University, considering she genuinely believes it to be true. And depending on personal goals and ambitions that might even be true. Mingling with high society and making a good impression certainly can carry more weight than a diploma and with her powers it should be a breeze. Sure, the cordiality would be fake, but if she understands one thing about these things it's that it's hardly ever genuine to begin with and in a social game of lies she has more than an unfair advantage.

And then of course there's Alessia. She's not really sure of the woman's intentions and it's possible she just sees her as useful, but her inability to easily see through her is part of what makes her intriguing; and Miriam imagines that blade cuts both ways. She takes the woman's hands as she gets closer and leans in to kiss her cheek.
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Miriam Bell
High Concept: Sorrowful Telepath
Aspect: Powerful Enemies
Aspect: Structural Shadow

Re: A World Where There Is No Such Thing As Time

Postby Alessia Abate » Mon Jun 12, 2017 5:07 pm

"A pity," Alessia says, returning the kiss on Miriam's cheek. Her perfume is something spicy, subtle at a distance but intoxicating up close. "We'll make sure she can come to the next one then and you can be *my* date for this evening." She smiles as she takes Miriam's arm and a servant takes Miriam's wrap away.
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Alessia Abate

Re: A World Where There Is No Such Thing As Time

Postby Miriam Bell » Mon Jun 12, 2017 5:18 pm

"There's worse things than to get to be your arm-candy for the night." she chuckles and follows Alessia's lead.
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Miriam Bell
High Concept: Sorrowful Telepath
Aspect: Powerful Enemies
Aspect: Structural Shadow

Re: A World Where There Is No Such Thing As Time

Postby Alessia Abate » Mon Jun 12, 2017 5:22 pm

"Let me introduce you to some people." Alessia leads her into another series of rooms where the party seems to be properly taking place. Alessia introduces her as a 'good friend of the family' to a couple of low-ranking MPs and their spouses and several young artists. The party itself seems to consist of people who are either beautiful or mildly influential in some area and frequently they're both of those things. There are at least a couple of additional sluggish minds in the house tonight in addition to ones that Miriam had sensed the last time she was here. As they reach a gap in the rooms, one of the serving staff approaches with a tray of glasses of red wine and Alessia retrieves some for them, offering one of the glasses to Miriam. "A little nerve settler," her mind says to Miriam's.
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Alessia Abate

Re: A World Where There Is No Such Thing As Time

Postby Miriam Bell » Mon Jun 12, 2017 5:55 pm

Miriam has no problem making pleasant conversation, although occasionally she has to reach out to read the thoughts of her conversation partner to seem knowledgeable on whatever topic they care about. Appealing to somebody's sensibilities about art is exceedingly simple if you can tap into their feelings. Still, skirting by like this is making her at least a little nervous as Alessia seems to take note and she gladly takes the offered glass and takes a sip. There's too many people here for her to really take note of the aberrant minds unless they happen to draw her attention otherwise. Crowds tend to be more of a general melting pot of thoughts and emotions for her and she has to focus on particular people to really notice any amount of detail.

She's not sure if she should feel embarrassed that Alessia noticed her nerves being a little taxed from not being that familiar with this kind of setting. She'd rather come across as savvy instead of naive, but she knew it was going to be hard to hide from someone who seems to have a keen sense for telepathy being used around her. "Thanks. Crowds can be a little... overwhelming at times. Even when they're more refined and cultured as this one."
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Miriam Bell
High Concept: Sorrowful Telepath
Aspect: Powerful Enemies
Aspect: Structural Shadow

Re: A World Where There Is No Such Thing As Time

Postby Alessia Abate » Mon Jun 12, 2017 6:00 pm

"It took me some time to get used to them myself." The wine has an interesting tang to it, not unpleasant, but certainly an unusual vintage. "Once I realized most of them were there because of what my family could do for them, I became less worried. Having a position of power has its benefits and more than just the obvious."
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Alessia Abate

Re: A World Where There Is No Such Thing As Time

Postby Miriam Bell » Mon Jun 12, 2017 6:38 pm

"What exactly is it that your family does, if you don't mind me asking?"
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Miriam Bell
High Concept: Sorrowful Telepath
Aspect: Powerful Enemies
Aspect: Structural Shadow

Re: A World Where There Is No Such Thing As Time

Postby Alessia Abate » Mon Jun 12, 2017 6:50 pm

She mentally laughs, "Be comfortably wealthy for the most part. We know people. We're prudently invested. The early members of the family made their money in various, valid at the time but unsavory by today's standards, ways and used it to properly position the family. I do my best not to think about that except as a push to do the good that we can as we're able. MP Davison there, he's here to discuss a grant that my grandfather's foundation is considering for a playground for a park in his district. It's a small thing, but it does some good and we gain an ally should another friend need some assistance. But it sounds so unsavory when I put it like that."
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Alessia Abate

Re: A World Where There Is No Such Thing As Time

Postby Miriam Bell » Mon Jun 12, 2017 7:02 pm

"Does it though? It's politics. It might be inherited wealth used in backroom deals, but common people wouldn't know what to do with it anyway. It may open the door to corruption and nepotism, but what's the alternative? By leaving it to the people savvy enough to navigate it it weeds out the small-minded thinking. People like my mother just lack the capacity to do anything worthwhile." she responds and it seems the last part slips in as part of the train of thought and maybe not quite intentional.
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Miriam Bell
High Concept: Sorrowful Telepath
Aspect: Powerful Enemies
Aspect: Structural Shadow

Re: A World Where There Is No Such Thing As Time

Postby Alessia Abate » Mon Jun 12, 2017 7:11 pm

"I knew you would understand." Alessia smiles at her. She has a really nice smile. "And if what we do can benefit those who are without, then there's no harm in us enjoying some of the proceeds is there?"
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Alessia Abate

Re: A World Where There Is No Such Thing As Time

Postby Miriam Bell » Mon Jun 12, 2017 7:21 pm

"Nobody likes to work for free." she agrees, taking another sip of wine. The odd note growing on her a little, though she still casts an odd glance at her glass. Though to be fair, she doesn't really have much experience with really good wines. "And a bit of indulgence is just a side-effect of not wanting to wallow in mediocrity. Otherwise you're just wasting potential. Greatness can come from anywhere but you do have to be willing to seize it."
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Miriam Bell
High Concept: Sorrowful Telepath
Aspect: Powerful Enemies
Aspect: Structural Shadow

Re: A World Where There Is No Such Thing As Time

Postby Alessia Abate » Mon Jun 12, 2017 7:29 pm

"Precisely. Despite what my forebears used to think, family isn't just in the blood someone has." There was something significant in that statement, an admission of acceptance that gave Miriam tingles. Across the room, someone laughs and that seems to break the tension that persists at the beginning of every party. People begin to move around more and mingle more freely.
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Alessia Abate

Re: A World Where There Is No Such Thing As Time

Postby Miriam Bell » Mon Jun 12, 2017 7:49 pm

It's hard to tell for Miriam where that feeling of significance is coming from, because to a certain extent it comes from herself. Her sister she's almost positive had a different father than her yet was infinitely more important to her than her mother who, in Miriam's eyes, stands for a lot of what's wrong with people. As such downplaying the importance of blood relations is always going to resonate with her no matter what, almost more so than the implied acceptance from Alessia. She looks at the other woman and for a moment the room around them seems to fade away as the atmosphere around them feels almost palpable. Then someone's laughter rings out from the adjacent room and the moment dissipates as Miriam let's out a short laugh herself.

"You're not wrong. The blood of the covenant is thicker than the water of the womb."
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Miriam Bell
High Concept: Sorrowful Telepath
Aspect: Powerful Enemies
Aspect: Structural Shadow

Re: A World Where There Is No Such Thing As Time

Postby Alessia Abate » Mon Jun 12, 2017 10:41 pm

"A sentiment shared by most of the younger members of my family," she says with a nod. "I knew you were a kindred spirit."
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Alessia Abate

Re: A World Where There Is No Such Thing As Time

Postby Miriam Bell » Mon Jun 12, 2017 10:46 pm

"I take it the older generation is a little more... traditional in their sentiments?"
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Miriam Bell
High Concept: Sorrowful Telepath
Aspect: Powerful Enemies
Aspect: Structural Shadow

Re: A World Where There Is No Such Thing As Time

Postby Alessia Abate » Mon Jun 12, 2017 10:49 pm

"I would call it old-fashioned, but I suppose 'traditional' is a more politic word."
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Alessia Abate

Re: A World Where There Is No Such Thing As Time

Postby Miriam Bell » Mon Jun 12, 2017 10:58 pm

"You can't have been in London for too long then." she chuckles. "If there's a way to politely talk around something we've long since found it and made it part of 'proper conversation' lest someone might think you rude."
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Miriam Bell
High Concept: Sorrowful Telepath
Aspect: Powerful Enemies
Aspect: Structural Shadow

Re: A World Where There Is No Such Thing As Time

Postby Alessia Abate » Mon Jun 12, 2017 11:09 pm

She laughs, "There's is a certain benefit to that, though it hopelessly complicates other matters."
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Alessia Abate

Re: A World Where There Is No Such Thing As Time

Postby Miriam Bell » Mon Jun 12, 2017 11:33 pm

"If keeping up appearances is paramount then I'd imagine you can convince people of quite a few things if you tie it to that. Or shake them enough they let down their guard if they're confronted with a break of tradition. Well, at least as long as there are people around to witness it, otherwise I'd imagine a lot of these very proper people wouldn't mind in the slightest."
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Miriam Bell
High Concept: Sorrowful Telepath
Aspect: Powerful Enemies
Aspect: Structural Shadow

Re: A World Where There Is No Such Thing As Time

Postby Alessia Abate » Mon Jun 12, 2017 11:42 pm

She leans over to whisper to Miriam, "There's no one in that group that I would want to break tradition with."
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Alessia Abate

Re: A World Where There Is No Such Thing As Shame

Postby Miriam Bell » Mon Jun 12, 2017 11:58 pm

Miriam laughs. "I would hope not, but that's not necessarily the only thing now is it?" she adds with a mischievous glint in her eye. She briefly scans the nearest group of people and settles her eyes on a well-nourished if not quite over-weight man in his early fifties. They currently seem to be engaged in a conversation about their hunting exploits when the man's eyes briefly unfocus.

"I do have to say though, last weekend's fox hunt did turn out to be a little bit taxing. I blame getting rather carried away the night before when my mistress worked over my buttock for quite a while." no sooner the words leave his mouth as his face suddenly drains of the previously overly healthy red and his eyes go wide along with those of the rest of the group, one of the women who'd previously only been half listening drops her champagne flute when she places her hand on her chest in disbelief. A stunned "Harold!" escapes her lips but the tone is not surprised enough to really pass muster and she more sounds appalled at this being mentioned, for the moment unaware that this just ends up making her stand out as aware of (and to some extent confining) what just slipped out of her husband's mouth.
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Miriam Bell
High Concept: Sorrowful Telepath
Aspect: Powerful Enemies
Aspect: Structural Shadow

Re: A World Where There Is No Such Thing As Time

Postby Alessia Abate » Tue Jun 13, 2017 12:29 am

Alessia looks at Miriam and then at the flabbergasted couple. "Impressive," she whispers, "He'll never live that one down."
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Alessia Abate

Re: A World Where There Is No Such Thing As Time

Postby Miriam Bell » Tue Jun 13, 2017 1:07 am

Miriam is quietly laughing to herself as the scene unfolds and the couple makes a hasty retreat from the group who is still a little too stunned to really stop them. It doesn't take long for them to stick their heads together, shaking them as they talk. Everyone loves some juicy gossip, even (or possibly especially) London high-society. "Yet he'd feel so much better if he didn't have to care. But of course there's those who's dirty little secrets are not quite as innocent..."
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Miriam Bell
High Concept: Sorrowful Telepath
Aspect: Powerful Enemies
Aspect: Structural Shadow

Re: A World Where There Is No Such Thing As Time

Postby Alessia Abate » Tue Jun 13, 2017 2:02 am

"All the more reason to keep one's secrets well and truly locked away until you're ready to let them out."
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Alessia Abate

Re: A World Where There Is No Such Thing As Time

Postby Miriam Bell » Tue Jun 13, 2017 2:06 am

"Are you saying you have a dark secret, Miss Abate?" Miriam asks, turning into Alessia a little, lips barely an inch from the other woman's.
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Miriam Bell
High Concept: Sorrowful Telepath
Aspect: Powerful Enemies
Aspect: Structural Shadow

Re: A World Where There Is No Such Thing As Time

Postby Alessia Abate » Tue Jun 13, 2017 2:56 am

"You know as well as I do that everyone has one," she says with a coy smile, "And play your cards right and I might just tell you mine."
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Alessia Abate

Re: A World Where There Is No Such Thing As Time

Postby Miriam Bell » Tue Jun 13, 2017 6:02 am

"Well, don't let it be known that I shy away from a challenge." she smiles and raises her glass to Alessia before taking another sip.
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Miriam Bell
High Concept: Sorrowful Telepath
Aspect: Powerful Enemies
Aspect: Structural Shadow

Re: A World Where There Is No Such Thing As Time

Postby Alessia Abate » Tue Jun 13, 2017 1:57 pm

Alessia raises her glass in return, "I would expect nothing less from one of my true friends."
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Alessia Abate

Re: A World Where There Is No Such Thing As Time

Postby Miriam Bell » Tue Jun 13, 2017 3:17 pm

For a moment Miriam is surprised. She's met Alessia twice and as much as she likes her she's not sure if she would call her a true friend yet. But then again, if this is the kind of people she usually surrounds herself with she can kind of understand where she's coming from, even if she just means Miriam has no reason to backstab her. And Miriam has too much of a hard time making friends to truly question this. "High society doesn't always make for the best company then?" she smiles at her with some sympathy.
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Miriam Bell
High Concept: Sorrowful Telepath
Aspect: Powerful Enemies
Aspect: Structural Shadow

Re: A World Where There Is No Such Thing As Time

Postby Alessia Abate » Tue Jun 13, 2017 3:30 pm

"You find the occasional diamond in the rough among them, but they're usually far rarer," she says, "I prefer people like you who... well... get it."
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Alessia Abate

Re: A World Where There Is No Such Thing As Time

Postby Miriam Bell » Tue Jun 13, 2017 4:26 pm

"I had to." she simply says, not really making it clear what precisely she means by that.
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Miriam Bell
High Concept: Sorrowful Telepath
Aspect: Powerful Enemies
Aspect: Structural Shadow

Re: A World Where There Is No Such Thing As Time

Postby Alessia Abate » Tue Jun 13, 2017 4:34 pm

The young woman from the club approaches and whispers in Alessia's ear, but it's not hard to pick up on her thoughts. Alessia's grandfather wants to know how things are going at the party. Alessia whispers back, though her thoughts are more difficult to pick up on except for a sense of 'going well'. The young woman nods her head and backs away. "Forgive me. My little sister has made herself my grandfather's errand girl and she takes her job very seriously." There's not much of a family resemblance between the young woman and Alessia, but there's enough that it might be possible.
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Alessia Abate

Re: A World Where There Is No Such Thing As Time

Postby Miriam Bell » Tue Jun 13, 2017 5:18 pm

"Hope I didn't cause too much of a ruckus..."
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Miriam Bell
High Concept: Sorrowful Telepath
Aspect: Powerful Enemies
Aspect: Structural Shadow

Re: A World Where There Is No Such Thing As Time

Postby Alessia Abate » Tue Jun 13, 2017 5:29 pm

"Oh no, no, you're fine. She just likes to be difficult." Alessia pats Miriam's arm. "Why don't you mingle so more? I need to make a phone call and then do the rounds again myself."
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Alessia Abate

Re: A World Where There Is No Such Thing As Time

Postby Miriam Bell » Tue Jun 13, 2017 5:34 pm

"Sure. I'll see you later then?" she says before making her way through the rooms in search of somebody to make conversation with.
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Miriam Bell
High Concept: Sorrowful Telepath
Aspect: Powerful Enemies
Aspect: Structural Shadow

Re: A World Where There Is No Such Thing As Time

Postby Alessia Abate » Tue Jun 13, 2017 5:40 pm

The rest of the party passed without further incident and after the door closed after the last of the other guests, Alessia turns to Miriam, "Enjoyable?"
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Alessia Abate

Re: A World Where There Is No Such Thing As Time

Postby Miriam Bell » Tue Jun 13, 2017 5:51 pm

"Quite. Even if at times it was a little exhausting. Managed to get myself introduced to quite a few people and only once did I have to rip the notion of being an escort out of somebody's head."
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Miriam Bell
High Concept: Sorrowful Telepath
Aspect: Powerful Enemies
Aspect: Structural Shadow


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