Gonna Eat Lightning and Gonna Crap Thunder

The site of the recently restored Braddock Lighthouse. Aircraft hangars and other X-Men facilities, including a Cerebra unit and the Danger Room have been constructed around the foundations of the lighthouse.

Gonna Eat Lightning and Gonna Crap Thunder

Postby Null » Thu Feb 07, 2019 9:21 pm

The men's locker room had been temporarily converted into a staging area for Will's team, and Will himself had shown up bright and early, resplendent in his universe's X-Team uniform.

At the moment, he was standing in front of a mirror, carefully applying some woad to his face, in intricate patterns.

((Open for Team Planning or Team Planning Wellwishers)
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Re: Gonna Eat Lightning and Gonna Crap Thunder

Postby Sean Hall » Thu Feb 07, 2019 9:29 pm

Sean showed up in his X-Team uniform. The major addition he'd made was a bandoleer mostly filled with tubes filled with various things, but there was also a piece of chalk, and a knife. His hands had several enchanted bands. He also was carrying a small bag holding several small silver pendants and a single small box with a specially made ring for this fight.

"Should I have made you an enchanted battle kilt?" Sean asked with a smile.
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Sean Hall

Re: Gonna Eat Lightning and Gonna Crap Thunder

Postby Null » Thu Feb 07, 2019 9:32 pm

Will snerked at that.

"That eager to get a look at my legs, Hall? I can't say that I blame you.

I don't usually do this as a regular thing; just for more...representative purposes. I think this fight definitely counts, and I need to make sure everyone and everything is aware who is standing where, as it were."

He turned around and patted Sean on the back. "Thank you again for coming. Are you prepared?"
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Re: Gonna Eat Lightning and Gonna Crap Thunder

Postby Nailah Weaver » Thu Feb 07, 2019 9:49 pm

Nailah's in the bathroom adjacent to the locker-room proper. Knowing exactly what they're up against had it's downsides, especially when they're trying to kick the ass of the Goddess of Ass-Kicking. Who's also a friend she's been on an accidental date with. And has a cool rocker girlfriend who turns into a wolf. The sheer firepower is daunting. And so she's trying to hype herself up. Doesn't take a precog to see that going into this thing intimidated spells disaster. Looking at herself in the mirror she sees the same old Nailah who ran around in her parents backyard waving a stick around, pretending to be fighting villains. The diadem-crown thingie made from fake gold sitting on the sink only seems to reinforce that childish idea all of a sudden. Not exactly awe-inspiring or representative of the things she's accomplished. Or at least made it out of. With a determined look and the hint of a smirk on her face she tosses the diadem aside and reaches for an electric hair-clipper.

When she steps into the locker-room her usual plain hair-style is gone in favor of a side-shave and the bulk of her hair swept to the side, helping to take her skirted white and gold outfit away from 'prom' and towards 'roller derby'. "Alright, let's do this!"
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Nailah Weaver
High Concept: Fledgling Hero
Aspect: Naive Sphinxling
Aspect: Shattered Precognition

Re: Gonna Eat Lightning and Gonna Crap Thunder

Postby Null » Thu Feb 07, 2019 9:55 pm

Will whistled in appreciation. "Damn, Nailah. Looking FIERCE."
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Re: Gonna Eat Lightning and Gonna Crap Thunder

Postby Sean Hall » Thu Feb 07, 2019 10:12 pm

Will wrote:Will snerked at that.

"That eager to get a look at my legs, Hall? I can't say that I blame you.

I don't usually do this as a regular thing; just for more...representative purposes. I think this fight definitely counts, and I need to make sure everyone and everything is aware who is standing where, as it were."

He turned around and patted Sean on the back. "Thank you again for coming. Are you prepared?"

"Of course," Sean smiled and reached into the bag pulling out the ring box and then several pendants. "Everybody take a pendant. They'll... make magic less effective, but not negate it so try not to take a fireball or lightning bolt to the face."

Sean held up the ring box and opened it showing a platinum ring with a spell circle inscribed on the top.

"And this is how we deal with a war god."
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Sean Hall

Re: Gonna Eat Lightning and Gonna Crap Thunder

Postby Null » Thu Feb 07, 2019 10:14 pm

Will whistled lowly. "That is a heck of a thing. That is an incredible piece of work, and a testament to your skills.

....What, exactly, is it?"
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Re: Gonna Eat Lightning and Gonna Crap Thunder

Postby Sean Hall » Thu Feb 07, 2019 10:21 pm

"The Seal of Solomon. A very powerful binding spell that will help us limit their most powerful teammate," Sean said, "Inscribed into a purified platinum band using a method developed by... Let's just say it was forged using a rather intricate process using the item you procured from the Morrigan to target it to her specifically. The spell lies dormant until activated and then we have about thirty to forty-five minutes before the binding melts the ring."
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Sean Hall

Re: Gonna Eat Lightning and Gonna Crap Thunder

Postby Null » Thu Feb 07, 2019 10:23 pm

"If this fight takes 30 or 45 minutes, something has likely gone very wrong, unless ASHLIE has a heck of a curveball to throw us. I swear to god, if she sets us in the woods, we're going to have a long chat with her when we're done.

Our advantage is that all of US are at full strength and ready to go, and none of them are."
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Re: Gonna Eat Lightning and Gonna Crap Thunder

Postby Nailah Weaver » Thu Feb 07, 2019 11:12 pm

"Plus our cause is right and just! That counts for something, right?"
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Nailah Weaver
High Concept: Fledgling Hero
Aspect: Naive Sphinxling
Aspect: Shattered Precognition

Re: Gonna Eat Lightning and Gonna Crap Thunder

Postby Null » Thu Feb 07, 2019 11:13 pm

"Yeah, but they'll see it the same way over on that side."
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Re: Gonna Eat Lightning and Gonna Crap Thunder

Postby Sean Hall » Thu Feb 07, 2019 11:30 pm

"Well, one side will be wrong in the end," Sean said, "History, victors, and all that, aye?"
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Sean Hall

Re: Gonna Eat Lightning and Gonna Crap Thunder

Postby Null » Thu Feb 07, 2019 11:46 pm

Will listened for a moment, nodding.

"History will be on our side.

Their Morrigan isn't a full-out War Goddess; not yet, and we have you way of at least keeping her in check. She's still our biggest threat, so I think we'll need to do a lot to focus on getting her out of the way as quickly and efficiently as possible. Haley will hopefully be able to provide some mental fuzz, and failing that, enough telekenetic chaos to make things far too chaotic for anyone to know what's going on -- anyone who doesn't have a precog directing traffic, at any rate.

If Nailah tells you to do something, don't ask questions, just do it. The whys and wherefores can be sorted out later; but the idea is make things wild enough that we can respond more accurately and quicker than they can -- keep them on the back heel and on the defensive; that's not what they're going to excel at. They're a wolfpack; they're going to be very instinctual; we can exploit that. It also means they're going to be very, very good at working together, so we need to split 'em apart.

Their shifter is lacking a killer instinct; I would imagine he'd spend most of the fight looking to either hide or play defense. You're not going to hurt him, so give him everything you've got. If I can get a clear run at him, I can take him out of the fight permanently; I suspect their strategy will be around preventing me from getting within 20 feet of him. I wouldn't even be surprised if we don't see him on the field; they might play 'hide the shifter', at least at first. Keep your eyes open; he could be anything or anywhere at any time, but he's probably going to go for softer, incapacitating attacks. Don't show him the same courtesy. Don't worry, he'll walk it off later.

Their fae is the real wildcard. She's no longer directly attached to her realm, but I have no idea what that means on terms of her power. Her counterpart was different enough that I'm treating her as an entirely new combatant. Scout her quickly, figure out what she's doing, and keep her from grouping with the others.

As for the wolves...their big mistake, of course, is assuming the fight starts in half an hour. The fight started three days ago, and I've already landed the first blow. With any luck, they'll be distracted and disoriented.

And keep in mind the letter of the rules -- incapcitation works just fine. So, like, duct-taping someone to the wall would count. And obey the rules to the letter. No less -- and no more."
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Re: Gonna Eat Lightning and Gonna Crap Thunder

Postby Haley Crusek » Fri Feb 08, 2019 9:50 pm

Nailah Weaver wrote:When she steps into the locker-room her usual plain hair-style is gone in favor of a side-shave and the bulk of her hair swept to the side, helping to take her skirted white and gold outfit away from 'prom' and towards 'roller derby'. "Alright, let's do this!"

Will wrote:Will whistled in appreciation. "Damn, Nailah. Looking FIERCE."

Haley joined in with a wolf whistle and a grin, "Damnnnnnn girl! Looking badass and fine as hell!"

She nodded carefully as Will gave his pep talk, standing near Nailah, her arms crossed over her chest, her choice of attire a nod towards her mental avatar--jeans, tall boots, a midriff-exposing button down shirt and a stetson.
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Haley Crusek
High Concept: Pint-sized Powerhouse
Aspect: Wannabe hero
Aspect: Shitty psychic
Aspect: Hothead
Aspect: Walmart-brand Tinkerbell

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