I2: Watch them, catch them unawares (open)

The Estate's meticulously kept gardens, including a hedgemaze that students have occasionally described as "sadistic" and a sizable rose garden. Benches in shaded spots are plentiful, and the gardens are popular to study in on pleasant days. The nearby stables are still maintained with a number of well-heeled equines.

I2: Watch them, catch them unawares (open)

Postby Emilie » Sat Aug 08, 2015 1:14 am

As Emilie had suggested, the cafeteria wasn't completely ready for dinner on the day the kitchen had been trashed. So in the early evening hours she had been tasked with putting up signs all over campus that read "Picnic on the grounds! Starting at 6pm! Bring a blanket!"

She and a small handful of employees were passing out sacked meals consisting of turkey sandwiches (Peanut butter for vegans or vegetarians), various fruits and flavours of crisps which they figured the students could swap around if any of them did not particularly like what their sack contained. There were also open coolers with drinks on ice for the students to take at their leisure.

Working the line, Emilie had no time for play at the moment, but she probably would once everyone else was fed.

((open group thread have at it guys ; ) ))
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Re: I2: Watch them, catch them unawares (open)

Postby Nailah Weaver » Sat Aug 08, 2015 3:50 am

"Sweet! Picnic!" Nailah says as she goes to get a bag of foods.
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Nailah Weaver
High Concept: Fledgling Hero
Aspect: Naive Sphinxling
Aspect: Shattered Precognition

Re: I2: Watch them, catch them unawares (open)

Postby Chase Delacroix » Sat Aug 08, 2015 4:26 pm

Chase nervously approached the food line, paradoxically both eager for and terrified of the prospect of socializing on this scale.
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Chase Delacroix
High Concept: Green Arrow Wannabe
Aspect: Kung-Fu Fighter
Aspect: Ex-Assassin
Aspect: Recovering Amnesiac
Aspect: Guilty Conscience

Re: I2: Watch them, catch them unawares (open)

Postby Haley Crusek » Sun Aug 09, 2015 2:45 am

Haley, changed and re-showered from her experiences in the cafeteria this morning, headed outside with a big blanket tucked under her arm.
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Haley Crusek
High Concept: Pint-sized Powerhouse
Aspect: Wannabe hero
Aspect: Shitty psychic
Aspect: Hothead
Aspect: Walmart-brand Tinkerbell

Re: I2: Watch them, catch them unawares (open)

Postby Emilie » Sun Aug 09, 2015 3:51 pm

Emilie handed Nailah one of the bags with a polite smile. "Enjoy, make sure to get yourself a drink."

At Chase's nervousness her smile changed from polite to comforting and friendly, picking up on his mixed emotions. She could read it in his body language that he was uncomfortable, but there was no way for her to know why. She held out a bag for him to take from her. "Here ya go. Don't forget to get a drink from the coolers."
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Re: I2: Watch them, catch them unawares (open)

Postby Chase Delacroix » Sun Aug 09, 2015 4:01 pm

He took the bag.

"Thanks," answered, some of his nervousness scattered by just breaking his silence. Crowd were still clearly not his thing.
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Chase Delacroix
High Concept: Green Arrow Wannabe
Aspect: Kung-Fu Fighter
Aspect: Ex-Assassin
Aspect: Recovering Amnesiac
Aspect: Guilty Conscience

Re: I2: Watch them, catch them unawares (open)

Postby Will Stanton » Mon Aug 10, 2015 7:30 pm

Will walked over, waving. "What's this, some kind of party?"
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Will Stanton
High Concept: Pillsbury Clayboy
Aspect: Needs to be Useful/Used
Aspect: Out of Place, Out of Time
Aspect: Unique Worldview
Aspect: Big Ball of Trauma
Aspect: Open-Hearted

Re: I2: Watch them, catch them unawares (open)

Postby Nailah Weaver » Mon Aug 10, 2015 7:46 pm

Nailah waves back. "Picnic cause the cafeteria was trashed by ninja-moles."
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Nailah Weaver
High Concept: Fledgling Hero
Aspect: Naive Sphinxling
Aspect: Shattered Precognition

Re: I2: Watch them, catch them unawares (open)

Postby Chase Delacroix » Mon Aug 10, 2015 7:51 pm

"She's not even kidding," Chase said, "They were stealthy little jerkwads."
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Chase Delacroix
High Concept: Green Arrow Wannabe
Aspect: Kung-Fu Fighter
Aspect: Ex-Assassin
Aspect: Recovering Amnesiac
Aspect: Guilty Conscience

Re: I2: Watch them, catch them unawares (open)

Postby Emilie » Mon Aug 10, 2015 11:10 pm

Emilie held out a bag full of food for Will to take, listening a bit to the conversation.

"Whoever did it better pray they are a cute little creature because if they are another student they are going on my list." Her tone rather implied that Emilie was the kind of person who ripped wings off of flies... People shaped flies that pissed her off anyways.
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Re: I2: Watch them, catch them unawares (open)

Postby Will Stanton » Tue Aug 11, 2015 2:22 am

"You have a list?"
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Will Stanton
High Concept: Pillsbury Clayboy
Aspect: Needs to be Useful/Used
Aspect: Out of Place, Out of Time
Aspect: Unique Worldview
Aspect: Big Ball of Trauma
Aspect: Open-Hearted

Re: I2: Watch them, catch them unawares (open)

Postby Haley Crusek » Tue Aug 11, 2015 3:25 am

"She does. I know I do, and I know they're on it as well," Haley smirked, finishing a can of Sprite out of a cooler from about 8 feet away with her TK.

"Bastards ruined my favorite outfit, and my hair was perfect this morning, and it got covered in pudding."
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Haley Crusek
High Concept: Pint-sized Powerhouse
Aspect: Wannabe hero
Aspect: Shitty psychic
Aspect: Hothead
Aspect: Walmart-brand Tinkerbell

Re: I2: Watch them, catch them unawares (open)

Postby Will Stanton » Tue Aug 11, 2015 5:17 am

"Was everyone OK?"
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Will Stanton
High Concept: Pillsbury Clayboy
Aspect: Needs to be Useful/Used
Aspect: Out of Place, Out of Time
Aspect: Unique Worldview
Aspect: Big Ball of Trauma
Aspect: Open-Hearted

Re: I2: Watch them, catch them unawares (open)

Postby Haley Crusek » Tue Aug 11, 2015 5:36 am

"Yeah. Lunch ladies were kind of losing their shit, understandably so. Place was trashed."
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Haley Crusek
High Concept: Pint-sized Powerhouse
Aspect: Wannabe hero
Aspect: Shitty psychic
Aspect: Hothead
Aspect: Walmart-brand Tinkerbell

Re: I2: Watch them, catch them unawares (open)

Postby Alex Maurell » Tue Aug 11, 2015 5:54 am

"Honestly, I'm kind of sad I missed it. Giant ninja-moles sounds interesting."Alex waved, having approached the table while they were talking, "Sorry couldn't help but overhear. I keep hearing about these weird events on campus and I always seem to miss them."
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Alex Maurell

Re: I2: Watch them, catch them unawares (open)

Postby Will Stanton » Tue Aug 11, 2015 6:25 am

"I haven't seen anything, either."
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Will Stanton
High Concept: Pillsbury Clayboy
Aspect: Needs to be Useful/Used
Aspect: Out of Place, Out of Time
Aspect: Unique Worldview
Aspect: Big Ball of Trauma
Aspect: Open-Hearted

Re: I2: Watch them, catch them unawares (open)

Postby Chase Delacroix » Tue Aug 11, 2015 2:42 pm

"Well the dorms got trashed too, right?" Chase said, "That was probably them too."
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Chase Delacroix
High Concept: Green Arrow Wannabe
Aspect: Kung-Fu Fighter
Aspect: Ex-Assassin
Aspect: Recovering Amnesiac
Aspect: Guilty Conscience

Re: I2: Watch them, catch them unawares (open)

Postby Emilie » Tue Aug 11, 2015 3:31 pm

"The dorms too? Fantastic..." What little shit I own is probably still all over the place. Not like my room mate would help a bitch out... She probably thinks my fruit loops are contagious or something...

Emilie kept her deeper thoughts on the matter to herself, locked up behind that psychic wall she seemed to have. Only because she was clocked in of course. Otherwise a few choice swears would have been flying out of her mouth.
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Re: I2: Watch them, catch them unawares (open)

Postby Will Stanton » Tue Aug 11, 2015 7:02 pm

"Strange. Could it be some joker on campus?"
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Will Stanton
High Concept: Pillsbury Clayboy
Aspect: Needs to be Useful/Used
Aspect: Out of Place, Out of Time
Aspect: Unique Worldview
Aspect: Big Ball of Trauma
Aspect: Open-Hearted

Re: I2: Watch them, catch them unawares (open)

Postby Victor Freud » Tue Aug 11, 2015 9:00 pm

"If it is, they won't be on campus for long. Trashing people's rooms is no joke, and it'd be pretty easy to catch the culprit if it was a student."

Victor's height made him easy to miss. He wasn't normally one to butt into a conversation... but this instance was different. He had a blanket rolled up under one arm because he followed directions well.
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Victor Freud
High Concept: Face Turning Heel
Aspect: Title of Your Sex Tape / The Gadfly
Aspect: Shrinky Dink Shenanigans
Aspect: Always Second Best
Aspect: Underestimating Badassery
Aspect: Dressed for Success

Re: I2: Watch them, catch them unawares (open)

Postby Emilie » Tue Aug 11, 2015 10:20 pm

Upon seeing Victor, Emilie pulled a bag that was set aside from the others and held it out to him. She said nothing, possibly because she enjoyed being enigmatic, or perhaps to not interrupt his conversation.

Haley and Will got handed a bag from the same group as everyone else.
Last edited by Emilie on Wed Aug 12, 2015 12:37 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: I2: Watch them, catch them unawares (open)

Postby Chase Delacroix » Tue Aug 11, 2015 11:54 pm

"Culprits," he said, "Haley sensed five of them in the cafeteria kitchen before they evaded us."
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Chase Delacroix
High Concept: Green Arrow Wannabe
Aspect: Kung-Fu Fighter
Aspect: Ex-Assassin
Aspect: Recovering Amnesiac
Aspect: Guilty Conscience

Re: I2: Watch them, catch them unawares (open)

Postby Victor Freud » Wed Aug 12, 2015 12:23 am

"Definitely not students then. One person can keep a secret. Five can't.One will get paranoid that another is talking, and will talk first to try and save themselves."

Vic took the sack of totally-not-illicit-drugs and hunted in search of a nice shady spot to lay out his beach blanket, though he decided to hit the refreshment cooler first.
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Victor Freud
High Concept: Face Turning Heel
Aspect: Title of Your Sex Tape / The Gadfly
Aspect: Shrinky Dink Shenanigans
Aspect: Always Second Best
Aspect: Underestimating Badassery
Aspect: Dressed for Success

Re: I2: Watch them, catch them unawares (open)

Postby Alex Maurell » Wed Aug 12, 2015 1:34 am

Alex listened while they all talked, absorbing the information. Stealthy, mole-like creatures, five in all, destroy the dining hall. Something destroys dorm rooms, maybe the same creatures. He was one of the lucky ones whose room was left untouched. There was a connection here, he just couldn't see it yet. Perhaps a look at these affected areas..."Is that all that we know?"
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Alex Maurell

Re: I2: Watch them, catch them unawares (open)

Postby Chase Delacroix » Wed Aug 12, 2015 1:45 am

"We only say moles because they tunneled away. We didn't actually see them."

"Also, they used gag booby traps and screwed with the appliances."
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Chase Delacroix
High Concept: Green Arrow Wannabe
Aspect: Kung-Fu Fighter
Aspect: Ex-Assassin
Aspect: Recovering Amnesiac
Aspect: Guilty Conscience

Re: I2: Watch them, catch them unawares (open)

Postby Victor Freud » Wed Aug 12, 2015 5:31 am

With his sack lunch safe and a can of Ribena bulging out of his pants pocket, Victor spread out a large beach blanket as a makeshift picnic blanket and settled in to just enjoy relaxing and doing nothing for awhile.
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Victor Freud
High Concept: Face Turning Heel
Aspect: Title of Your Sex Tape / The Gadfly
Aspect: Shrinky Dink Shenanigans
Aspect: Always Second Best
Aspect: Underestimating Badassery
Aspect: Dressed for Success

Re: I2: Watch them, catch them unawares (open)

Postby Haley Crusek » Sat Aug 15, 2015 1:42 am

Spotting the unusual blanket from far away, Haley wandered over towards Vic. "Hiya. Cool blanket! Mind if I join you?"
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Haley Crusek
High Concept: Pint-sized Powerhouse
Aspect: Wannabe hero
Aspect: Shitty psychic
Aspect: Hothead
Aspect: Walmart-brand Tinkerbell

Re: I2: Watch them, catch them unawares (open)

Postby Victor Freud » Sat Aug 15, 2015 1:52 am

Victor was caught a bit by surprise, looking up at the blonde for a moment before he realized she was talking to him.

"Eh? Oh, thanks! Ah, sure, that'd be really nice." He scooted over to the side, brushing the surface of the blanket to try and flatten it out a bit for her.
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Victor Freud
High Concept: Face Turning Heel
Aspect: Title of Your Sex Tape / The Gadfly
Aspect: Shrinky Dink Shenanigans
Aspect: Always Second Best
Aspect: Underestimating Badassery
Aspect: Dressed for Success

Re: I2: Watch them, catch them unawares (open)

Postby Emilie » Sat Aug 15, 2015 4:16 am

Emilie continued on about her job, passing out food to students. She noticed Victor wander off, and Haley join him shortly there after.

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Re: I2: Watch them, catch them unawares (open)

Postby Haley Crusek » Sat Aug 15, 2015 5:41 pm

"I think we met? Maybe. Em's friend?" Haley said plopping down on the blanket. "I dunno. I hear a lot of things in my head so like, I have a hard time remembering if I've met someone or just know their name cuz of my telepathy. I'm Haley," she said cracking open her can of Sprite.
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Haley Crusek
High Concept: Pint-sized Powerhouse
Aspect: Wannabe hero
Aspect: Shitty psychic
Aspect: Hothead
Aspect: Walmart-brand Tinkerbell

Re: I2: Watch them, catch them unawares (open)

Postby Victor Freud » Sat Aug 15, 2015 9:33 pm

"Oh, well if you're friends with Emilie then we were gonna meet eventually anyway. I just hope it's been good things you've been hearing, outloud or otherwise."

Victor seemed pretty relaxed for someone who had just been told his mind might have been read a bit. "It's nice to meetcha Haley, I'm Victor. But you can call me Vic, most folks do. Telepathy huh? That's pretty awesome! I think that ranks pretty high on the 'badass powers' chart." He shifted in his seat a bit, pulling the purple can from his pants pocket but not opening it yet.
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Victor Freud
High Concept: Face Turning Heel
Aspect: Title of Your Sex Tape / The Gadfly
Aspect: Shrinky Dink Shenanigans
Aspect: Always Second Best
Aspect: Underestimating Badassery
Aspect: Dressed for Success

Re: I2: Watch them, catch them unawares (open)

Postby Haley Crusek » Sun Aug 16, 2015 4:38 pm

Haley made a face like she's just sniffed a corpse flower. "It's the worst. Imagine being in a really loud restaurant with an echoey ceiling, and with three tables near you filled with loud talkers. You can't quite make out any conversation easily, but you hear bits and pieces of everything, except, usually the person at the table you want to talk to."

Haley unwrapped her sandwich as she spoke, taking a bite, and continuing with mouth partially full, "not all the time, but a lot of the time. I have a headache like most of the month."

She swallowed and took a sip of her drink, "My telekinesis though? Totally fucking badass," she grinned.
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Haley Crusek
High Concept: Pint-sized Powerhouse
Aspect: Wannabe hero
Aspect: Shitty psychic
Aspect: Hothead
Aspect: Walmart-brand Tinkerbell

Re: I2: Watch them, catch them unawares (open)

Postby Victor Freud » Sun Aug 16, 2015 4:55 pm

Victor looked embarrassed and then sympathetic as Haley spilled her woes.

"Wow, that... yeah that makes sense. You've explained this a few times before it seems, 'cause I think I totally understand. I'll try to keep my head empty so you can have some peace and quiet.

"Still, I'm sure the teachers here can help you out. And telekinesis is friggin' awesome, so you've got a silver lining." Victor had a soft smile on his face, absentmindedly rooting around in the paper bag to retrieve his sandwich as well. He didn't even know what kind it was, not that it really mattered much to him so long as there was a lot of it.
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Victor Freud
High Concept: Face Turning Heel
Aspect: Title of Your Sex Tape / The Gadfly
Aspect: Shrinky Dink Shenanigans
Aspect: Always Second Best
Aspect: Underestimating Badassery
Aspect: Dressed for Success

Re: I2: Watch them, catch them unawares (open)

Postby Emilie » Sun Aug 16, 2015 5:48 pm

Emilie watched Victor route around in his bag, hoping he'd find the note she left him inside of it. She wasn't sure that he would, he didn't seem to be looking.

His sandwich would be no different in portions than anyone else's, just a plain old turkey sandwich. In truth, the only thing that made his meal different from the others was her note she'd placed inside, unattached to any food items.
Last edited by Emilie on Sun Aug 16, 2015 5:56 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: I2: Watch them, catch them unawares (open)

Postby Haley Crusek » Sun Aug 16, 2015 5:52 pm

"Yeah. It's cool being able to, like, make a difference and really mean something for once since I joined the teams. I get to stop bad guys from doing really bad things."
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Haley Crusek
High Concept: Pint-sized Powerhouse
Aspect: Wannabe hero
Aspect: Shitty psychic
Aspect: Hothead
Aspect: Walmart-brand Tinkerbell

Re: I2: Watch them, catch them unawares (open)

Postby Victor Freud » Sun Aug 16, 2015 6:30 pm

"I'm sure you meant something before then too." Vic tried to be encouraging. Even though he felt pretty down at times he could at least try to make others feel better.

"So does that mean if I go lawful evil, yer gonna stop me too?" He asked before taking a bit of his turkey sandwich, not waiting for a reply.
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Victor Freud
High Concept: Face Turning Heel
Aspect: Title of Your Sex Tape / The Gadfly
Aspect: Shrinky Dink Shenanigans
Aspect: Always Second Best
Aspect: Underestimating Badassery
Aspect: Dressed for Success

Re: I2: Watch them, catch them unawares (open)

Postby Haley Crusek » Sun Aug 16, 2015 6:32 pm

"Lawful evil? The hell is that?" she asked through a bite of sandwich.
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Haley Crusek
High Concept: Pint-sized Powerhouse
Aspect: Wannabe hero
Aspect: Shitty psychic
Aspect: Hothead
Aspect: Walmart-brand Tinkerbell

Re: I2: Watch them, catch them unawares (open)

Postby Victor Freud » Sun Aug 16, 2015 6:42 pm

"Evil businessman, basically. You do things that are immoral, but you act by your own rules or stick within the laws. There are lots of bad things that are legal, through loop holes and stuff. Or does evil stuff but believes it's for the greater good, the big picture, the ends justify the means." Victor cracked open the strange blackcurrant soda he'd grabbed and took a swig.
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Victor Freud
High Concept: Face Turning Heel
Aspect: Title of Your Sex Tape / The Gadfly
Aspect: Shrinky Dink Shenanigans
Aspect: Always Second Best
Aspect: Underestimating Badassery
Aspect: Dressed for Success

Re: I2: Watch them, catch them unawares (open)

Postby Haley Crusek » Sun Aug 16, 2015 6:42 pm

"Hell yeah, I'll kick your ass," she giggled.
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Haley Crusek
High Concept: Pint-sized Powerhouse
Aspect: Wannabe hero
Aspect: Shitty psychic
Aspect: Hothead
Aspect: Walmart-brand Tinkerbell

Re: I2: Watch them, catch them unawares (open)

Postby Victor Freud » Sun Aug 16, 2015 6:46 pm

"Then I'm looking forward to my eminent defeat." Victor quipped, feeling around in his sack lunch to see if there was a piece of fruit or a cookie or something as well.
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Victor Freud
High Concept: Face Turning Heel
Aspect: Title of Your Sex Tape / The Gadfly
Aspect: Shrinky Dink Shenanigans
Aspect: Always Second Best
Aspect: Underestimating Badassery
Aspect: Dressed for Success


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