Colette Astrid Madeleine Rosenhof

Colette Astrid Madeleine Rosenhof

Postby Colette Rosenhof » Sun Oct 18, 2015 2:09 am

Name: Colette Astrid Madeleine Rosenhof
Codename: Parfait Unicelle
Age: 20
Country of Origin: France
Height: Variable, usually 5'6"
Weight: Variable, usually approx. 112 lbs.

Power: Colette is, to put it simply, a massive amoeba. She has no internal or external skeleton, no internal organs, hair or any other features that usually determine a more highly-evolved life form. Despite this she is a sentient, intelligent and rather friendly "human being." The unique manner in which her x-gene has manifested itself has resulted in some interesting benefits, though not without their consequences. After a brief-stint as a flat-scan human thanks to former headmaster Lippincott, her powers have experienced a drastic upgrade.
  • Limited invulnerability: Unlike most people, Colette's cells aren't as specialized. She does not have any internal organs apart from the dark nucleus that is usually in her head, a nucleus that is not present while in her Unicelle form. This means that any cells that are destroyed can easily be replaced by other cells. Her gooey nature also makes her able to negate considerable punishment whether it's from blades, bullets or blunt weapons. Even most explosives would merely splatter her over the walls, which would only be a temporary setback. One of the few things that can harm her is fire, though electricity is definitely unpleasant. She is also capable of being frozen which will immobilize her, though this no longer carries the risk of rupturing her cell walls.
  • Chemical resistance: It is extremely difficult to drug or poison Colette. Most drugs are based on a normal human nervous system which she simply doesn't have. Harmful chemicals are isolated by her cells in bubbles, some cells changing to a harder, non-porous type to keep the matter separate from the rest of her body.
  • Shape-shifting: Colette has limited shape-shifting abilities. She can change her physical appearance in age, gender and general shape and form. She cannot make herself look completely human nor can she mimic inanimate objects; while she can take on the shape of a garbage can, it would be a smooth, pink, gelatin garbage can. She can also change her colour by ingesting strongly-coloured foods or chemicals like grape juice or dyes.
  • Feeding: If it's organic, Colette can absorb nutrients from it. While she can basically ingest garbage she prefers to eat extremely sweet and rich foods, the desserts from her native France being a particular favorite for her. Anything extremely sugary will be her first choice, and she would be embarrassed to admit it but she has eaten entire bags of sugar before. All indigestible material is simply disposed of as it would be for anyone else.
  • Passive 360 degree perception: Colette does not have actual eyeballs, nostrils, nor ear drums; the appearance of these is just the form she's chosen to take. Yet she is still able to see and hear. The cells which make up the exterior of her form all function as sensory organs over her entire body, which means she can see in all directions, etc. She cannot focus on all areas at once and has to narrow her scope, which is fortunate as she would not like to live tasting her clothing or the London smog all of the time. So while she may have eyes on the back of her head it is not impossible to get the drop on her. Her passive perception is boosted in her Unicelle form.
  • Liquid mobility / morphing: In her Unicelle form, Colette is able to move and travel in ways that are impossible for other lifeforms or machines. To scale the side of a building she might jump between two walls like a water jet, or slip up a drainpipe, or simply press herself against the wall and flow up it's surface. It can be extremely difficult to predict her movement patterns when traveling this way, or when fighting. She generally only moves this way when in her Unicelle form.
  • Limited hive-mind: In her Uncelle form Colette is capable of controlling pieces of herself that are not directly connected, making it possible to surround someone all by herself, or quickly reform should she be splattered over a wide area. This, combined with her new "skin", also allows her to keep herself from dissolving in water - though particularly strong or violent streams could tear her apart and prevent her from reforming.
Personality: Colette is a very positive and friendly individual, generally thinking the best of people and situations. Speaking with a thick Parisian accent she often sounds like a stereotype, but is always very genuine. She may lapse into French at times as English is her second language, so exclamations when surprised or excited are seldom in English. She is very emotional, both in how much she experiences them and how easily she can; little things can make her extremely happy or upset. She is generally a pacifist, but after the events of Lippincott's tenure and her resultant transformation, she has taken a greater interest in

Description: Colette's physical appearance fluctuates depending on her mood, her environment and even how much she's had to eat. Colette stands, on average, at around 5'6. Her is a pale pink colour reminiscent of a fresh stick of bubblegum. Her height and proportions vary given her surroundings, her mood and her diet. Colette has some control over her appearance but she cannot make herself appear completely human, though between spending time in close proximity with her boyfriend Basil Benson and a brief period as a normal human she now possesses a much more human-like form than she previously held. She is usually of a feminine shape, with pinkish-purple "hair" reminiscent of a vinyl figure in sculpting, and of a semi-translucent glittery nature not unlike a particularly bouncy rubber ball. She prefers tight clothes that cover her form, such as long-sleeved shirts, gloves, thigh-high stockings & socks, long boots, etc; this is a callback to when they helped to "mold" her so she did not have to concentrate as much on holding her form. She enjoys bright colours a lot.

In her Unicelle form Colette's body is pitch black, her "nucleus" spread out over her body in a colourful display reminiscent of a nebula in space. In this form she is generally only vaguely human in shape, with only the most basic of human features. It is try to the touch and reminiscent of liquid latex in shine and consistency. In this form she generally doesn't move as a human would, leaping as a jet of liquid or gliding on unmoving legs instead of walking, shifting her features instead of turning, and she speaks without using her lips.

Background: Born and raised in Moselle France, Colette's physical mutation manifested at birth when she was delivered as a large shapeless mass of goo. The doctors were puzzled of course but her parents were more prepared for a "gifted" child as her father was a epsilon-class mutant from Germany. Though much of her early childhood was spent as a somewhat pile of cells Colette developed at about the same rate as other children; she simple forewent the crawling phase and instead began walking when she was able to create a bipedal form for herself. By the time she was old enough to go to school she had full control over her body's shape and structure; apart from her colouration and transparency she looked in every other way like a typical child.

School was not easy for Colette because of her appearance but her parents were extremely caring and helped create in her a strong sense of self-esteem. Her father in particular went out of his way to find other mutants for her to spend time with, whether as babysitters or play dates. A strong sense of self helped protect her from verbal abuse and her gooey consistency made most physical attacks worthless. Colette would just laugh off her bullies unless they did something like tearing up her homework or ripping her clothes; which resulted in a few incidents of her parents being called to speak with the principal after she had beaten and almost smothered a few older children. She was only able to attend public school for about a year before her parents had to begin home-schooling her.

Colette was never invited to attend school at any of the prominent Mutant facilities in Europe or the United States. When Xavier opened a university in London she immediately put her name on the waiting list despite not having a great deal of money to pay for her tuition.

The classic look.
Chisaki helping Colette with her seamstressing, because she wanted to try out that shape.
She gets bubbly when enjoying some bubbly. Very bubbily.
Yeah that about sums her up.
Looking a bit professional that day. Very professional.
Time to save the world!
Smoking isn't as hazardous when you don't have lungs. Nice vape tricks grandma let a true pro show you how it's done.
The happy couple. Take 2.
Just bein' me.
Time for some macarons.
A+ for creativity, but not great for fighting crime in.
Last edited by Colette Rosenhof on Wed Oct 07, 2020 11:44 pm, edited 5 times in total.
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Colette Rosenhof
High Concept: Dreamer Despite the Odds
Aspect: Density Is Not a Formality
Aspect: Everything is Sexier In France
Aspect: Beware the Cute Ones
Aspect: Hair of Goo, Heart of Gold

Re: Colette Astrid Madeleine Rosenhof

Postby Will Stanton » Sun Oct 18, 2015 2:09 am

Oui Oui! Mercy Bo Coupe.
User avatar
Will Stanton
High Concept: Pillsbury Clayboy
Aspect: Needs to be Useful/Used
Aspect: Out of Place, Out of Time
Aspect: Unique Worldview
Aspect: Big Ball of Trauma
Aspect: Open-Hearted

Re: Colette Astrid Madeleine Rosenhof

Postby Ashlie Minamida » Sun Oct 18, 2015 2:49 am

We already have a shiny ditto. Still... Approval 2/2
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Ashlie Minamida

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