Sep 6th - A Little London Exposition

Located on the River Thames, London has been a major settlement for two millennia. The low-income borough of Lambeth has been largely taken over by London's mutant population and is now known as Mutant Town.

Sep 6th - A Little London Exposition

Postby Tereza Rozanov » Sat Jun 13, 2015 4:04 am

It'd taken a bit, but she'd caught the bus down to London and then hopped a few more transports to get to Lambeth. The school was nice, but she felt the need to *not* be in an institution for a change. She'd left a note, so her roommate would know she was in London, but that was the extent of the notice she'd given that she was leaving.

Of course, now that she was here, in among such a large group of people, she had almost panicked several times. Once she got into Lambeth though, the apprehension eased. She adjusted her backpack and plopped down on a bench, watching the Eye rotate at the north end of the borough.

"Glacier?" It was an older woman in biker gear. The shock of blond hair in her otherwise dark bangs made her immediately recognizable.

"Brand? Oh my god! It's been... well... years!" She ran over to hug the woman.

Brand chuckled, "Yeah, I lost track of you after you crossed the Channel. What happened?"

"Got stupid. Got caught. Spent some time locked up and getting my head right. Going to school now."

"That sucks. The locked up part, not the getting your head right. Glad to hear they got you some help though. Your dedication to the cause aside, you... had some issues."

"Yeah," she said sheepishly. "Still a lot of things I don't understand."

"You're what? 19? Hon, you're not expected to understand everything."

"I know, just frustrated. What have you been up to?"

"Crashing here in Lambeth. Crossed the Channel myself when the Frenchies really started becoming assholes. Been doing some mechanic work to make ends meet."

"You still in touch with the crew?"

"Not if I can help it and if you're smart, you won't try either."


"No buts, kid. You don't want that life. You've got a chance to change your future. Take it."

Tereza sighed, "But I miss Trinity."

Brand looked at her a little sadly, "I know. Look, I can't keep you from looking for them. You're too bull-headed for that." She fished a piece of paper out of her pocket and scribbled a number on it. "Just call me before you do something stupid, alright? And I'll keep my ears open for news."

Tereza took the paper, looking at it and stuffing it into her own pocket. "Okay, I can probably do that."

Brand smiled, "Tell you what, I've probably got enough stuff I can continue working on that project I started for you. You interested?"

Tereza's eyes widened, "I sure am! I haven't had the time or money to get anyone else to work on it. You sure?"

"Always willing to do stuff for an old friend," Brand said, motioning for Glacier to follow her back into Lambeth.

[Purely some side exposition/a writing exercise, no follow-up necessary]
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Tereza Rozanov
High Concept: Winter Wolf
Aspect: Chip Off The Old Ice Block
Aspect: Escaped Asset
Aspect: Servant Alpha
Aspect: Partner To The Fey

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