Under the Sea ♪♫♩

Space and other Dimensions, whether within the realm of the mind or other, less-savory regions.

Under the Sea ♪♫♩

Postby Narrator » Mon Jul 11, 2016 2:59 pm

As the two halves of the HMS Dauntless slowly sink beneath the waves there's a pair of eyes that opens in the murky depths. It had been following the cluster of shadows above, following the sense of foreboding doom the fleet carried with it. And now it would reap it's reward. Panic and fear permeates the waters as sailors and cavemen are pulled down with the ship. The pair of eyes darts through the darkness and into the metal bulk. Still sinking the metal hallways move and shift but that doesn't deter the shadow. Effortlessly it glides through the shifting maze, searching. It comes to a tilted room still full of air and a three sailors taking shelter in it despite their inevitable doom.

They can see the shape slip into the room under the flickering emergency lights but almost immediately they know that it's not one of their own or even one of the cavemen. It's the inevitability of being dragged beneath the waves, of sinking. The dark promise of a sailor's grave. One of them suddenly disappears, yanked beneath the water's surface. Panicked screams echo off the metal walls as the water churns and soon is tainted red by a spreading cloud. Something wraps itself around the second sailor and he clings to what once was the rung of a ladder, now on the 'ceiling' above him. The shape briefly rises from the waters and with a wet tearing sound the sailor's arm is cut free. It remains hanging on the rung while the rest of him is pulled into the red waters. The last soldier can only watch in horror until the thing rises from below again. It breaches the surface and the narrow face of what could only be called a fair maiden looks at him with big eyes. Her her clings to her face, red with blood. A fishtail swishes underneath in the water and as she opens her mouth an almost unreal sound fills the small pocket of air. A hauntingly beautiful dirge is the last thing going through the sailor's mind before the siren's lips peel back to reveal countless needle-teeth.
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Re: Under the Sea ♪♫♩

Postby Narrator » Mon Jul 11, 2016 3:57 pm

The ship is still silently sinking through the water when the shadow slips out of it. There'd been plenty to reap, but not a single one of them had had a spark. Nothing but bland, tasteless things. But there's others up there and the time to wait is over. The sailors only served to spur the hunger. The sleek shadow darts through the darkness, after the boats above. Up until it can touch the cold metal of the largest of the ships. Limbs distort and soon strange scaly tentacles cling to the hull, pulling themselves up and out of the water.

On deck a lone figure is walking to the edge of the ship. The bathrooms are too far, he figures and the ocean is right there. He doesn't question the compelling thought despite the fact that the deck can be wet and treacherous sometimes, especially at night when the darkness hides the slick spots. As he approaches the edge he hesitates. For a moment he thought he heard something over the thrumming of the ship's engine and the water lapping against it's bow. He leans forward to take a closer look, his eyes turning milky white as his power begins to show him the glowing outlines of living things all around. Glowing humanoid shapes litter the ship, lots of small and the the occasional huge shape down beneath the waves. And the giant one clinging to the underside of the deck right beneath him. He opens his mouth to shout a warning when a tentacles shoots out from around the edge of the deck and thrusts into his open mouth. He barely has time to panic before he is pulled overboard, gone in an instant.

Feint sounds of wet crunching and grinding can be heard and a little later a hand shoots up, grabbing the edge of the deck and pulling itself up onto the flight-deck almost effortlessly. The man who'd just gotten yanked off his feet straightens his back and tugs on the bottom of his shirt, seemingly no worse for wear. He walks off towards the superstructure of the carrier as his inhuman eyes briefly blink with nictitating membrane before they fully shift into the blue eyes of former Ensigns Sokolov.
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