Ashlie Minamida

Ashlie Minamida

Postby Ashlie Minamida » Sat May 30, 2015 12:13 am

Name: Ashlie Minamida
Age: 34
Height: 5'10" (178cm)
Country of Origin: Sweden
Hometown: Stockholm
Birthplace: The Point

Power: Ashlie is a technopath. Her mind is attuned to the frequencies and signals of electronic devices. She has an intrinsic understanding of computer programs and circuits. She's able to alter them on a fundamental level, extract information and move them around. She is capable of hijacking most electronic devices through this method and is a versatile hacker. She has a number of cybernetic implants, including her eyes, which gives them a slightly distant appearance. With range her power diminishes, although in a world of ubiquitous wifi and electronic devices and an interconnected world her power is easily channeled through most devices to utilize their reach. In those cases she is somewhat limited by the device itself in what electronic defenses she can overcome because she controls the device to send out signals itself instead of directly affecting the target with her power.

Ashlie is a highly-sophisticated program running on a computer hidden beneath the Point. She has an intrinsic understanding of computers and electronic signals as well as engineering. Her consciousness is limited to being loaded into one device, which has to be designed to work with her sub-routines. Currently only her humanoid body fulfills those requirements. She can, however, manipulate electronic signals which makes her an expert hacker and capable of taking control of most electronic devices that are within direct signal range. The internet tends to be too slow to support that, though she is still capable of sending out signals at will.

Personality: Ashlie is a very organized, calm and methodical person. She prefers things to follow a certain order and can be a stickler for rules. That's not necessarily due to her own choosing though and she enjoys things that subvert or bend the letter of the law, especially some of the laws restricting herself, this seems to include puns and innuendo. This has only increased since Rob managed to lift some of her restrictions, but sometimes she can still come across as a little cold and distant. She is no fan of external restrictions that are placed on people, always in favor of allowing people to prove themselves if she can find a way to make it work with her directives.

Description: Ashlie prefers a very business-like demeanor. She likes white or grey suits, the only time she's seen without them is when she is actively working in the engineering lab herself. Her white hair is usually pulled into a tight bun but seems like it otherwise only receives a token amount of attention. Ashlie is almost age-less in appearance, something she ascribes to her Asian heritage.

Background: Very little is known about Ashlie's background except that she was born to a Japanese immigrant, her father probably Swedish but unknown. Ashlie was created by Dr. Minamida, who died from a heart-attack before she could finish her work. Since then Ashlie has grown beyond her initial programming and acquired a humanoid robot body as well as a fake identity as Dr. Minamida's daughter. A couple years ago she started making some waves, having previously been completely unknown. She quickly showed extreme capabilities with programming, electronic devices as well as advanced technology. She provided a large amount of money to help establish the University, but didn't seem interested in owning any part of it, instead making sure that it went to the Professor's care. She actually owns very little herself and most of her money is invested in charitable causes if it isn't straight up donated.
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Ashlie Minamida

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