A Girl's Gotta Research

Up until recently maintained as a museum, the childhood home of the Braddock family has been pressed into service as classroom space for the University. Additionally, the increased demands have led to the main ballroom being converted into a cafeteria for University students on a meal plan. The old library has been bolstered with college textbooks.

A Girl's Gotta Research

Postby Tereza Rozanov » Mon Oct 24, 2016 1:56 am

Tereza settles into one of the reading spots in the library that has her back against the wall. Most of the books she's leafing through seem to be books on folklore and legends of a decidedly dark nature.

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Tereza Rozanov
High Concept: Winter Wolf
Aspect: Chip Off The Old Ice Block
Aspect: Escaped Asset
Aspect: Servant Alpha
Aspect: Partner To The Fey

Re: A Girl's Gotta Research

Postby Eric Noir » Thu Oct 27, 2016 6:18 pm

A book went whizzing by Tereza on the way to a table. In a school full of mutants there were many explanations for this, telekinetics, wind controllers, gravity manipulation, but in this case it seemed the result was a 5 inch tall winged humanoid carrying the book between his hands like a bee carrying a bolder. Eric dropped the book on the table then opened it up, the title page briefly showing 'Electronic Engineering". With Ashlie's guidance, Eric was focusing his studies into the areas that would be most useful to him. With late night studies with his upgraded phone and the institutes vast library of any subject imaginable, he was starting to get a grasp on how electronics worked and a rough beginning of the steps to construct it
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Eric Noir

Re: A Girl's Gotta Research

Postby Tereza Rozanov » Thu Oct 27, 2016 6:34 pm

Tereza looks up at the sound, tilting her head as she regards the new arrival. Small. Not a threat. She shakes her head, clearing the thoughts, "Hello. New here?"
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Tereza Rozanov
High Concept: Winter Wolf
Aspect: Chip Off The Old Ice Block
Aspect: Escaped Asset
Aspect: Servant Alpha
Aspect: Partner To The Fey

Re: A Girl's Gotta Research

Postby Eric Noir » Thu Oct 27, 2016 11:29 pm

Eric looked up from the book at the voice that addressed him. "Somewhat new, yeah," he said, somewhat glad this one hadn't made some sort of scene when meeting him for the first time. He had been at the institute for enough time to get settled, but he would still be considered a new student. He looked at cover of the book she was reading. "So, study, pleasure, or other?" He said, referring to her choice in reading. In a normal school he would have only said the first two, but apparently things went on in this place qualified the additional 'other'.
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Eric Noir

Re: A Girl's Gotta Research

Postby Tereza Rozanov » Thu Oct 27, 2016 11:32 pm

She seems to consider that for a long moment, "I think I'll go with 'other'. You?"
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Tereza Rozanov
High Concept: Winter Wolf
Aspect: Chip Off The Old Ice Block
Aspect: Escaped Asset
Aspect: Servant Alpha
Aspect: Partner To The Fey

Re: A Girl's Gotta Research

Postby Eric Noir » Thu Oct 27, 2016 11:38 pm

"Study, though considering the things I've seen I think this borders on other as well." He said, thinking of the almost alien level technology in the workshops. "Eric Noir," he said hovering a bit closer, he didn't bother extending a hand to shake, no point at his size.
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Eric Noir

Re: A Girl's Gotta Research

Postby Tereza Rozanov » Thu Oct 27, 2016 11:48 pm

"Tereza Rozanov," she says, "There are certainly some strange things to be seen around this school."
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Tereza Rozanov
High Concept: Winter Wolf
Aspect: Chip Off The Old Ice Block
Aspect: Escaped Asset
Aspect: Servant Alpha
Aspect: Partner To The Fey

Re: A Girl's Gotta Research

Postby Eric Noir » Fri Oct 28, 2016 5:54 am

"Besides the student body," added Eric, somewhat jokingly, "myself included." He was probably pretty weird even by the institute standard. He
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Eric Noir

Re: A Girl's Gotta Research

Postby Tereza Rozanov » Fri Oct 28, 2016 11:16 am

She chuckles, "Yes, the student body is certainly one of the more unusual things. Where are you from?"
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Tereza Rozanov
High Concept: Winter Wolf
Aspect: Chip Off The Old Ice Block
Aspect: Escaped Asset
Aspect: Servant Alpha
Aspect: Partner To The Fey

Re: A Girl's Gotta Research

Postby Eric Noir » Fri Oct 28, 2016 3:53 pm

"Norwich in Norfolk" said Eric, "Ended up coming here for reasons that should be obvious." It was not much of a mystery that someone like him wouldn't fit in with the rest of the world. "How about you, what's you're story," he landed on the stack of books by her and took a seat, letting his leg hang off the edge.
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Eric Noir

Re: A Girl's Gotta Research

Postby Tereza Rozanov » Fri Oct 28, 2016 4:30 pm

"Long and unpleasant, but I'm from Russia," she says as if that goes a long way towards explaining it. "Haven't been there in years though."
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Tereza Rozanov
High Concept: Winter Wolf
Aspect: Chip Off The Old Ice Block
Aspect: Escaped Asset
Aspect: Servant Alpha
Aspect: Partner To The Fey

Re: A Girl's Gotta Research

Postby Eric Noir » Fri Oct 28, 2016 7:58 pm

"I can only imagine," said Eric, looking at the books. He imagined since she was neither studying or reading for pleasure that something about the books she was reading struck a personal cord with her. "Something Grimm I take it," he ventured, inserting the small pun to inject some humor into it.
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Eric Noir

Re: A Girl's Gotta Research

Postby Tereza Rozanov » Fri Oct 28, 2016 9:43 pm

"Relatively speaking," she says with a small smile. She taps the books, "Had some recent mission experiences that showed some gaps in my knowledge."
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Tereza Rozanov
High Concept: Winter Wolf
Aspect: Chip Off The Old Ice Block
Aspect: Escaped Asset
Aspect: Servant Alpha
Aspect: Partner To The Fey

Re: A Girl's Gotta Research

Postby Eric Noir » Sat Oct 29, 2016 10:13 pm

Eric had heard of the "fairy invasion" second hand, and he was sceptical. He assumed this was what she was talking about. Of course he was starting to be less skeptical after seeing the teleportation device in the workshop. "So this stuff is relevant to that? Seems a bit more fantasy them reality."
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Eric Noir

Re: A Girl's Gotta Research

Postby Tereza Rozanov » Sat Oct 29, 2016 10:26 pm

"You have to be careful. It's not *all* true," she says, looking at the books. "But it's better than being completely ignorant, as long as you go in knowing it's not completely true."
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Tereza Rozanov
High Concept: Winter Wolf
Aspect: Chip Off The Old Ice Block
Aspect: Escaped Asset
Aspect: Servant Alpha
Aspect: Partner To The Fey

Re: A Girl's Gotta Research

Postby Eric Noir » Sun Oct 30, 2016 1:16 am

"I figured that much," he said, "Honestly I'm skeptical of some of the stories about fairies trying to take over the mansion." He thought that probably sounded ironic from someone who for all intensive purposes looked like one. "Anything interesting?" he probed, wondering if there was anything entertaining.
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Eric Noir

Re: A Girl's Gotta Research

Postby Tereza Rozanov » Sun Oct 30, 2016 1:20 am

"I don't know about the ones in the mansion, but I certainly fought some in town." She considers the book for a long moment, "The werewolf 'myth' seems to vary a lot from culture to culture. That's all I've gathered so far."
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Tereza Rozanov
High Concept: Winter Wolf
Aspect: Chip Off The Old Ice Block
Aspect: Escaped Asset
Aspect: Servant Alpha
Aspect: Partner To The Fey

Re: A Girl's Gotta Research

Postby Eric Noir » Sun Oct 30, 2016 1:30 am

"And I'm guessing it's probably not the same as monster movies," said Eric. He'd watched his fair share of monster movies, though to be honest, the classic monsters seemed to have ridiculously exploitable weaknesses. Well, at least until you got up to Friday the 13th and Nightmare on Elm Street type stuff, that was about when it seemed much more dangerous. "So silver bullets, yea or nea?" he asked.
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Eric Noir

Re: A Girl's Gotta Research

Postby Tereza Rozanov » Sun Oct 30, 2016 1:36 am

"Silver seems to be one of the few constants, though no one seems to know why that is."
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Tereza Rozanov
High Concept: Winter Wolf
Aspect: Chip Off The Old Ice Block
Aspect: Escaped Asset
Aspect: Servant Alpha
Aspect: Partner To The Fey

Re: A Girl's Gotta Research

Postby Eric Noir » Sun Oct 30, 2016 2:00 am

"Extreme allergies?" suggested Eric. "Of course I doubt anything is suddenly going to jump out of a movie at us." He was still skeptical, but was curious about the 'faries' she had fought in town, "So what about these fairy things you fought, what are they all about?" He hadn't really got many details from other accounts, he was guessing it was second hand, so if Tereza had seen them, he could probably find out what was really going on with it.
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Eric Noir

Re: A Girl's Gotta Research

Postby Tereza Rozanov » Sun Oct 30, 2016 2:14 am

"They're called redcaps. They're vicious little bastards. They like to cause pain and kill. We managed to rescue some people they were torturing. They hit like trucks though, you can't let their size fool you."
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Tereza Rozanov
High Concept: Winter Wolf
Aspect: Chip Off The Old Ice Block
Aspect: Escaped Asset
Aspect: Servant Alpha
Aspect: Partner To The Fey

Re: A Girl's Gotta Research

Postby Eric Noir » Sun Oct 30, 2016 5:47 pm

"No problem there," said Eric, getting ti his feet. He jumped off the stack of books, then lifted the stack over his head, illustrating his own strength. "I'm no stranger of big things in small packages." He said before putting the stack back down. It was pretty much showing off, but when you were five inches, you took the opportunity whenever it came.
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Eric Noir

Re: A Girl's Gotta Research

Postby Tereza Rozanov » Sun Oct 30, 2016 8:17 pm

"They seemed unstoppable until we realized their power comes from their hats. We stole those and they started to weaken until we could capture them." She's being completely serious.
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Tereza Rozanov
High Concept: Winter Wolf
Aspect: Chip Off The Old Ice Block
Aspect: Escaped Asset
Aspect: Servant Alpha
Aspect: Partner To The Fey

Re: A Girl's Gotta Research

Postby Eric Noir » Mon Oct 31, 2016 12:10 am

"Guess that's why they call them redcaps," said Eric. He still had his reservations about them being real fairies, but obviously something had happened so he wasn't going to question that. "So nw your prepping for the next potential disaster?" he half asked, half stated.
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Eric Noir

Re: A Girl's Gotta Research

Postby Tereza Rozanov » Mon Oct 31, 2016 3:44 am

"Something like that. Ran into something else strange in town a little bit back, so I'm trying to make sure I understand the possibilities."
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Tereza Rozanov
High Concept: Winter Wolf
Aspect: Chip Off The Old Ice Block
Aspect: Escaped Asset
Aspect: Servant Alpha
Aspect: Partner To The Fey

Re: A Girl's Gotta Research

Postby Eric Noir » Mon Oct 31, 2016 4:15 pm

"So we should stock up on silver bullets," said Eric, partially joking. "Well, I'm a little less interested in chasing after things that go bump in the night, so I'll let you get on with that while I figure out the essentials of a circuit board." He flew back to his book, turning the page to the relevent chapter before sitting down to read it.
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Eric Noir

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