Issue 1 - Disturbance at the Docks (Team 2)

Though many students might prefer going to London, Maldon provides closer amenities for those without a car or unwilling to pay for a cab. Several pubs are available, though the Rose and Crown is notable for having been where Excalibur spent a good deal of their downtime. Also of note is the Plume Library, home to many rare books.

Re: Issue 1 - Disturbance at the Docks (Team 2)

Postby Michaela Havlin » Tue Jun 16, 2015 5:00 pm

The wrench elicits a loud pop and that head, the one in the middle, seems to lose consciousness. The right head whines and actually cringes, "You shouldn't have done that..." That's when the the leftmost head's eyes flash. Then the teeth flash as the head lunges for his arm, not sparing the teeth this time as it tries to wrench him free.
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Michaela Havlin

Re: Issue 1 - Disturbance at the Docks (Team 2)

Postby Onyx » Tue Jun 16, 2015 5:56 pm

Onyx draws a bola and swings it above her head. She does not look happy at how all of this is going.

She throws it at Flicker Guy, aiming at his legs. Unfortunately, she also puts a bit too much strength into the throw and the bola goes flying quite a bit faster than she intended.
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Re: Issue 1 - Disturbance at the Docks (Team 2)

Postby Narrator » Tue Jun 16, 2015 7:27 pm

Onyx' bola tangles up up one of the guy's legs, which does seem to annoy him enough that he tries to pull it off while standing over Haley.

The muscular guy tries his best to not get bit, although he's not doing an excellent job at it, Michaela's head managing a couple nasty bites while the man starts punching the offending head repeatedly. He doesn't seem like the pain from the bites is bothering him too much.
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Re: Issue 1 - Disturbance at the Docks (Team 2)

Postby Michaela Havlin » Tue Jun 16, 2015 7:34 pm

The blows connect as the beast fights with more savagery than cunning now. And while the hits do damage, the flesh obviously begins knitting itself back together quickly. The other head's eyes flash and now both heads start biting at him as the body bucks, trying to throw him loose.
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Michaela Havlin

Re: Issue 1 - Disturbance at the Docks (Team 2)

Postby Haley Crusek » Tue Jun 16, 2015 10:21 pm

Haley deflected the flying metal from the guy battling Michaela just in time to get punched in the stomach hard enough that she was knocked to the ground gasping for breath. She narrowed her eyes in concentration and stared at the guy's crotch as he stood over her. Then she used her telekinesis and squeezed. Hard.
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Re: Issue 1 - Disturbance at the Docks (Team 2)

Postby Nash Riley » Tue Jun 16, 2015 11:46 pm

Nash makes his way out of the office and into the warehouse itself, trying to get close enough to the pair to scan the briefcase with his powers, hopefully without alerting them of his presence.
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Nash Riley

Re: Issue 1 - Disturbance at the Docks (Team 2)

Postby Narrator » Wed Jun 17, 2015 12:00 am

Michaela Havlin wrote:The blows connect as the beast fights with more savagery than cunning now. And while the hits do damage, the flesh obviously begins knitting itself back together quickly. The other head's eyes flash and now both heads start biting at him as the body bucks, trying to throw him loose.

With both remaining heads snapping at the man Michaela manages to wrangle the third one free and she the man off who stumbles a couple steps before catching himself and turning back around towards the giant dog. He spots the car that Haley had stopped in mid-air and that fell to the ground when the blonde girl had gotten punched. The man hoist the car up with some effort and throws it at Michaela.

Haley Crusek wrote:Haley deflected the flying metal from the guy battling Michaela just in time to get punched in the stomach hard enough that she was knocked to the ground gasping for breath. She narrowed her eyes in concentration and stared at the guy's crotch as he stood over her. Then she used her telekinesis and squeezed. Hard.

The force that had previously held up a car is suddenly focused on the man's crotch and he turns very pale before throwing up right then and there, clutching his groin.

Nash Riley wrote:Nash makes his way out of the office and into the warehouse itself, trying to get close enough to the pair to scan the briefcase with his powers, hopefully without alerting them of his presence.

Nash manages to sneak closer by dodging behind a bunch of crates, his perception telling him that the suitcase is holding a couple of vials of some unknown liquid as well as some kind of device for injecting said liquid. As he's focusing the man's head snaps around towards where Nash is hiding. If Nash is paying attention to the man he'd recognize him as the leader of the protests at the school. He suddenly redoubles his effort to get rid of the scrawny man, pushing him away and briskly walking towards the other end of the warehouse, away from Nash as well as the fighting outside.
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Re: Issue 1 - Disturbance at the Docks (Team 2)

Postby Michaela Havlin » Wed Jun 17, 2015 12:44 am

There's an ugly noise as the horse-sized dog is replaced by a short-ish young woman who drops to her knees as the car sails over her. Her eyes glare hatefully at the man and there's another unpleasant noise as she shifts back. The two active heads open their mouths and breath in unison at the man, actually getting flames this time.
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Michaela Havlin

Re: Issue 1 - Disturbance at the Docks (Team 2)

Postby Nash Riley » Wed Jun 17, 2015 1:13 am

He spotted me? Wait...that guy?

Nash goes after the man in the suit while focusing on him to check if he is armed. Right now Nash's plan is to try and tackle him.
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Nash Riley

Re: Issue 1 - Disturbance at the Docks (Team 2)

Postby Narrator » Wed Jun 17, 2015 2:41 am

Michaela engulfs her opponent in a burst of flame and the man stumbles backwards, dropping to the ground as he swats at himself to extinguish his clothes and hair that have caught on fire.

Nash doesn't notice any weapons on the man, though he does feel an alien urge to just go and leave the man be in his head. He's not important, just let him go.
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Re: Issue 1 - Disturbance at the Docks (Team 2)

Postby Michaela Havlin » Wed Jun 17, 2015 2:49 am

She doesn't wait for him to finish. She moves towards him, one head grabbing at each of his legs as she tries to toss him into the air like a dog toy. She intends to catch him on the way down... honest.
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Michaela Havlin

Re: Issue 1 - Disturbance at the Docks (Team 2)

Postby Narrator » Wed Jun 17, 2015 2:56 am

The man is squirming and struggling on the ground, but he's aware enough of the giant monster-dog that set him on fire to kick his legs at her out of fear. Oddly enough, the kicks the pepper Michaela's heads don't seem nearly as powerful as one would expect from someone who threw a car. They even seem to be getting weaker with everyone, eventually giving her the chance to grab his legs. The man screams as he's tossed into the air.
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Re: Issue 1 - Disturbance at the Docks (Team 2)

Postby Michaela Havlin » Wed Jun 17, 2015 3:12 am

Given the weaker kicks, she does leap and catch him. She's maybe a little rough, but he should come through the process intact, if covered in dog slobber.
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Michaela Havlin

Re: Issue 1 - Disturbance at the Docks (Team 2)

Postby Nash Riley » Wed Jun 17, 2015 3:38 am

Wait, this guy isn't important. Nash thinks as he slows down.

Why was I after him? Wait..he is in my head. He's a telepath? He's that guy from the protests, and we need to find out about the stuff in the brief case.

Nash's somewhat limited training allows him to put up mental shields. They aren't all that great so they probably won't help much if this guy is skilled or powerful.

"I could use some help in here." Nash calls into his head piece as he starts running full out after the guy, who has probably gained a good bit more distance.
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Nash Riley

Re: Issue 1 - Disturbance at the Docks (Team 2)

Postby Narrator » Wed Jun 17, 2015 3:55 am

Thankfully the man is not very skilled at all, so the amount of time it takes Nash to shake off the effect of the mental influence isn't very long at all. The man scrambles to a door leading out of the warehouse but in his hectic he fumbles with the door for too long. When Nash advances on him he panics and throws the briefcase at him before finally managing to pry the door open and escape.

Meanwhile the situation outside seems to be more or less under control. Michaela subdued the super-strong man while Haley has a very firm grip on the speedster's weak-point.
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Re: Issue 1 - Disturbance at the Docks (Team 2)

Postby Nash Riley » Wed Jun 17, 2015 4:57 am

Nash manages to catch the briefcase as it slams into him, but it knocks him off balance and he stumbles into the wall still traveling with a good bit of speed. He then slumps down, but he did manage to keep hold of the 'football', so there is that.
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Nash Riley

Re: Issue 1 - Disturbance at the Docks (Team 2)

Postby Michaela Havlin » Wed Jun 17, 2015 2:59 pm

Michaela trotted up behind the speedster, putting her current burden on the ground. She kept one set of jaws on him and said, "Get the zip ties. I've got this." Her second set of jaws wrapped around the speedster's shoulder to hold him firmly.
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Michaela Havlin

Re: Issue 1 - Disturbance at the Docks (Team 2)

Postby Narrator » Wed Jun 17, 2015 3:11 pm

And with that the two are restrained. Nash managed to get his hands on the suitcase containing god knows what and they all load up into the van to head back to the school.
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