Sept 7 - I'm not napping, I'm studying...

The Estate's meticulously kept gardens, including a hedgemaze that students have occasionally described as "sadistic" and a sizable rose garden. Benches in shaded spots are plentiful, and the gardens are popular to study in on pleasant days. The nearby stables are still maintained with a number of well-heeled equines.

Sept 7 - I'm not napping, I'm studying...

Postby Trev Anderson » Sun Jun 21, 2015 6:41 am

Trev lounged on a big blanket in the shade of a large oak tree not far from the front gates, backpack half open next to him, and a large textbook open in front of him. Ostensibly he was reading his psychology textbook. What he was really doing was snoring soundly, his sunglasses askew as he used Chapter 3 as a pillow.
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Trev Anderson

Re: Sept 7 - I'm not napping, I'm studying...

Postby Lillian Clearwater » Sun Jun 21, 2015 5:13 pm

The blonde had underestimated the distance between the last bus stop and her destination, and as if things couldn't have been any worse she had been wandering around the campus for a good hour. She had been carrying, or dragging rather because it was simply too heavy from all of the books she carried in it, a faded blue duffle bag. There were undoubtedly more books than clothes in her bag. She had tried to sort through them before she left the island of Muir, tried to figure out which ones to leave behind, but she found herself unable to part with any of them.

"Crap..." she whimpered, letting go of the duffle bag's strap, turning in a tight circle to take in her surroundings. "Where the hell am I?" she groaned and plopped on top on her duffle bag on the ground. Lillian was tired and hungry. Her whole entire body hurt. She'd never get to her dorm at this rate. And she still had to register and sign up for classes! Pushing up her reading glasses to rest on top of her head, Lillian rubbed her tired eyes. Her ears twitched when she heard the sound of someone snoring. She got up and followed the sound, dragging her heavy bag behind her by the strap.

She found a boy studying under a tree. No. Napping. He was napping. Chewing on her lip she stood there for a good minute watching him as she debated on whether or not to wake him. Deciding against waking him, Lillian glanced up into the tree. Maybe she could just wait for him to wake up? Maybe she could follow him when he did wake up, and maybe, just maybe she'd get to where she was suppose to be and finally register for her classes. Hopefully the good ones hadn't filled up.

Lillian shifted into her house cat form and left the duffle bag on the ground in front of the sleeping boy. She scaled the tree and perched in one of the branches above him.
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Lillian Clearwater

Re: Sept 7 - I'm not napping, I'm studying...

Postby Trev Anderson » Sun Jun 21, 2015 5:44 pm

The scratching of claws against bark was ultimately what woke Trev up with a start, his head popping up with page 57 of his textbook still adhered to his face and half ripped out of his otherwise brand new textbook.

"God *damnit,*" he grumbled to himself groggily, pulling out his phone and checking the time. He'd been out for a while.

Trev pushed himself up off his stomach and sat back down rubbing his face and righting his sunglasses on his face. It was then that he noticed an overstuffed duffel bag near him. More curiously was the pile of girls' clothing next to it. He looked around, confused. "What the..."

Is someone...running around without clothes?
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Trev Anderson

Re: Sept 7 - I'm not napping, I'm studying...

Postby Lillian Clearwater » Sun Jun 21, 2015 6:04 pm

Lillian winced. She had not meant to wake him. She might have been able to take a quick nap herself if she hadn't. But now it was too late. The boy was awake and he was very much aware her belongings littered on the ground. Regardless, she stayed still, and pressed her belly to the branch in a low profile.

The cat's eyes were a most usual color, a light grey. She watched him, wondering what he'd do next, her long tail casually swinging back and forth.
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Lillian Clearwater

Re: Sept 7 - I'm not napping, I'm studying...

Postby Trev Anderson » Sun Jun 21, 2015 6:11 pm

Trev stood up and scanned the grounds slowly while stretching, not seeing anyone (and not looking up). "The hell? Where did these come from?" he mumbled to himself. He knelt down to examine the duffle bag more closely and see if there were any identifying tags on it.
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Trev Anderson

Re: Sept 7 - I'm not napping, I'm studying...

Postby Lillian Clearwater » Sun Jun 21, 2015 7:53 pm

The cat's eyes narrowed. She didn't like that he was touching her belongings. There was no tag on the duffle bag, or any clue as to whom it belonged to. But if he had unzipped it he would have discovered books. Lots and lots of books with few articles of clothing.
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Lillian Clearwater

Re: Sept 7 - I'm not napping, I'm studying...

Postby Trev Anderson » Sun Jun 21, 2015 8:19 pm

Trev had the distinct impression that he was being watched as he hunched over the still-closed bag, looking for any sort of tag he could find. He looked around again, and finally up, a hint of movement catching his eye as a furry tail twitched. He cocked his head at the cat and smiled nervously--he'd never been a cat person.

"I don't suppose this is yours, is it, kitty?" he joked, not noticing the the cat was wearing what appeared to be unstable molecule garments that many shifters favored.
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Trev Anderson

Re: Sept 7 - I'm not napping, I'm studying...

Postby Lillian Clearwater » Mon Jun 22, 2015 12:50 am

The cat jumped down from the tree. The moment all four paws hit the ground, she shifted and a human girl stood in it's place. "Yes. It's mine," huffed Lillian, standing bare in nothing but a matching set of nude colored undergarments. "And I'd appreciate it if you didn't' touch it!"
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Lillian Clearwater

Re: Sept 7 - I'm not napping, I'm studying...

Postby Trev Anderson » Mon Jun 22, 2015 2:01 am

Trev fell flat on his ass in an attempt to jump backwards away from the cat-turned-girl and he scrambled back like a crab a foot or two, eyes wide. "Jesus Christ!" he yelped.

"I'm sorry, I was looking for a name tag or something. I...just woke up and this bag and these clothes were just sitting here and..."

Trev came to the full realization that the girl was in her underwear in front of him about midway through his explanation and he was staring. He fell silent for a moment as he realized he was staring and averted his eyes as his cheeks flushed bright red, "...sorry. I uh....can leave so you can put your clothes back on or something. Are new student?"
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Trev Anderson

Re: Sept 7 - I'm not napping, I'm studying...

Postby Lillian Clearwater » Mon Jun 22, 2015 2:54 pm

Lillian blinked and looked down at herself as if she too just realized that she wasn't wearing much and was publicly on display. Her pale face flushed crimson. "Don't look you perv!" She shrieked, embarrassed, she was quick to pick up his text book and throw it at his face before running over to hide behind the tree. "Yes, I'm a new student. I'm lost. You think I just follow people around campus in my underwear for fun??" She pressed her back into the bark of the tree as she hid. "Look, can you just...toss my clothes over?"
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Lillian Clearwater

Re: Sept 7 - I'm not napping, I'm studying...

Postby Trev Anderson » Tue Jun 23, 2015 3:28 am

Trev, still sitting prone with his legs slightly apart was in no position to dodge a flying book. Lillian wound find that a 700 page hardcover psychology textbook was rather difficult to throw with any degree of accuracy. Unfortunately for Trev, while the book did miss his face, it did not miss his crotch. His eyes went wide, and he fell backwards clutching his groin and screaming.
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Trev Anderson

Re: Sept 7 - I'm not napping, I'm studying...

Postby Lillian Clearwater » Tue Jun 23, 2015 9:59 pm

Lillian had indeed underestimated her ability to throw heavy objects. Sometimes she forgot that she had little to no strength in her human form. She peaked around the tree when she heard a scream. "Oh, my god!" She gasped, her hands slapping over her mouth. "I'm sorry! " At the moment she was more concerned for his well-being than her clothes. She dashed around the tree and fell on her knees beside him. Lillian winced in sympathetic pain that she couldn't possibly understand. "Shit. Shit. Shit. I'm Sorry! I'm so, SO sorry!"
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Lillian Clearwater

Re: Sept 7 - I'm not napping, I'm studying...

Postby Trev Anderson » Tue Jun 23, 2015 10:35 pm

Trev just groaned on the ground for a moment, unaware of the cute nearly nude girl kneeling next to him on his left. Was his voice actually a bit higher than it was before? "S'fine," he lied, gasping and grunting, "Happens all the time."

Trev reached blindly with his right hand to try and grab her pile of clothes which weren't too far from him, "I'll get your clothes...." Hfelt around for a second and then grabbed the shirt, handing it to Lillian. Her pants, tangled in the shirt, promptly dropped directly onto his face.
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Trev Anderson

Re: Sept 7 - I'm not napping, I'm studying...

Postby Lillian Clearwater » Wed Jun 24, 2015 12:56 am

It was obvious that he was still in pain, and she felt useless in actually helping him. Lillian reached out to grab her clothes as he handed them to her,gasping again when her pants fell on top his face. Her face felt hot with embarrassment. Timidly she removed her pants from his face and set them in her lap. "I'm so sorry," she apologized again, locks of blonde falling over her shoulder as she leaned over him to see if he was alright. Frowning, and with a flush of pink on her cheeks, Lillian asked,"Do I need to go get someone? Or take you to the nearest infirmary??"
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Lillian Clearwater

Re: Sept 7 - I'm not napping, I'm studying...

Postby Trev Anderson » Wed Jun 24, 2015 1:28 am

"Just need a minute. I think," he gasped, forcing a smile as he looked up at the girl.

So hot. So out of my league...

"Didn't catch your name. I'm Trev," he said, not moving from the ground.
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Trev Anderson

Re: Sept 7 - I'm not napping, I'm studying...

Postby Lillian Clearwater » Wed Jul 01, 2015 5:43 pm

She blinked at him, tilting her head in curiosity, still bent over him with her arms on either sides of his head. Her blond hair slid over her the front of her shoulders. "I'm Lillian. My friends call me Lily, or at least I'm sure they would if I had any." Lillian tilted her head the other direction as if she was trying to figure him out. She didn't realize she was still half dressed until, by chance, a slight breeze whisked by. Lillian made a sound that was something in between a mewl and a squeak . She grabbed her clothes in haste and quickly darted behind the tree again.
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Lillian Clearwater

Re: Sept 7 - I'm not napping, I'm studying...

Postby Trev Anderson » Wed Jul 01, 2015 11:17 pm

Trev just laid there, closing his eyes as she darted behind the tree,his mixture of pain and nausea slowly subsiding as he tried hard to commit the mental image of the girl in her state of undress to his long term memory.

"Well. Nice to meet you Lilly." He said after a moment of letting her change.
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Trev Anderson

Re: Sept 7 - I'm not napping, I'm studying...

Postby Lillian Clearwater » Thu Jul 02, 2015 3:21 am

She timidly came out from behind the tree now fully dressed. Shyly she tucked a lock of blond hair behind her ear. "Likewise," she said softly, a faint blush rising in her fair cheeks. " So um...if you're feeling better...mind pointing me in the direction of the registration office? I have to register for my classes."
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Lillian Clearwater

Re: Sept 7 - I'm not napping, I'm studying...

Postby Trev Anderson » Thu Jul 02, 2015 3:42 am

"Sure, I can take you there," he said, grimacing as he sat up and pushed himself up. "Let me just grab my stuff here, and I can help you with your bag too."
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Trev Anderson

Re: Sept 7 - I'm not napping, I'm studying...

Postby Lillian Clearwater » Thu Jul 02, 2015 4:03 am

She lightly bit her bottom lip. "No, it's okay. I can get there myself if you just point. I don't want to trouble you after already um...hurting you."
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Lillian Clearwater

Re: Sept 7 - I'm not napping, I'm studying...

Postby Trev Anderson » Thu Jul 02, 2015 4:35 am

"It's fine," he smiled, still clearly a bit uncomfortable, but now standing over his stuff, packing it up into his backpack and tossing it over his shoulder. "I've been hurt worse before, and I love helping new folks get acclimated. Not that I'm much more experienced than you, mind you, but I at least spent a few years at the Institute in Salem, so i've got the flavor of this place down."

Trev started walking--with a bit of a limp--towards the front office where they could get Lillian all checked in. "So you're a cat shifter, eh?"
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Trev Anderson

Re: Sept 7 - I'm not napping, I'm studying...

Postby Lillian Clearwater » Thu Jul 02, 2015 3:59 pm

Lillian dragged her overloaded dufflebag by the strap. It was quite beat up, the canvas fabric torn and worn down; covered in dirt and grass stains which suggested it was either very old or that she dragged it, rather than carried it, when she traveled. "Yes, I am," she said quietly in a tone that sounded like she was bothered by this fact.
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Lillian Clearwater

Re: Sept 7 - I'm not napping, I'm studying...

Postby Trev Anderson » Thu Jul 02, 2015 4:04 pm

"Nothing wrong with that," he smiled. "Do you need a hand with your bag?"
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Trev Anderson

Re: Sept 7 - I'm not napping, I'm studying...

Postby Lillian Clearwater » Thu Jul 02, 2015 4:13 pm

"Yeah, I suppose there's nothing wrong with turning into a giant 165 pound snow leopard. As long as you don't eat anyone." Lillian stopped and stared down at her bag. She really wasn't too keen on asking for help, but...."If you don't mind? It's really heavy though. I books."
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Lillian Clearwater

Re: Sept 7 - I'm not napping, I'm studying...

Postby Trev Anderson » Thu Jul 02, 2015 5:12 pm

That gave Trev a bit of pause, unsure how quite to respond. Thankfully she changed the subject. "Here...take my book bag--looks a lot lighter than yours, and I can carry that." he offered, his bag and picked up hers.

"Ooooof," he grunted, picking her bag up, "you weren't kidding."
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Trev Anderson

Re: Sept 7 - I'm not napping, I'm studying...

Postby Lillian Clearwater » Thu Jul 02, 2015 6:08 pm

She took his MUCH lighter backpack and winced when he picked up her dufflebag. "I told you it was heavy. You sure you can manage?"
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Lillian Clearwater

Re: Sept 7 - I'm not napping, I'm studying...

Postby Trev Anderson » Thu Jul 02, 2015 10:15 pm

"Yep," Trev grunted, flashing her a nervous smile.

"I like to read a lot too. Anything in particular?"
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Trev Anderson

Re: Sept 7 - I'm not napping, I'm studying...

Postby Lillian Clearwater » Sat Jul 04, 2015 4:22 am

"Not really," said Lillian with a shrug, "I like to read everything. Although I am partial to mystery novels or classic works of literature....Jules Verne, Jane Austin..."
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Lillian Clearwater

Re: Sept 7 - I'm not napping, I'm studying...

Postby Trev Anderson » Sat Jul 04, 2015 4:37 am

"Very cool," he smiled, sweating a bit with the exertion of carrying the heavy duffel bag full of books towards the administration building. "Well, I'd remember you if you'd been at the Institute back in the states, so where'd you go to school before here? Does X-Corp have a school in the UK, or are your powers sort of new to you?"
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Trev Anderson

Re: Sept 7 - I'm not napping, I'm studying...

Postby Lillian Clearwater » Sat Jul 04, 2015 5:23 am

"I wouldn't know, " she said quietly," I'm sure they have schools in the UK. I lived as a child in London for a short while before I was sent to Muir Island." She had stopped walking and was staring down at her feet. "Now I'm here."
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Lillian Clearwater

Re: Sept 7 - I'm not napping, I'm studying...

Postby Trev Anderson » Sat Jul 04, 2015 5:48 am

Trev looked back at Lilian, apparently having brought up a sore point. "I've met some very cool people who came from Muir--they're even on the teams with me. Spending time there's nothing to be sad about. Unless you're sad about being here...don't be. This place is awesome," he said cheerfully.
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Trev Anderson

Re: Sept 7 - I'm not napping, I'm studying...

Postby Lillian Clearwater » Thu Jul 09, 2015 7:44 pm

Lillian look up from her feet and smiled a small smile. "It seems like a nice place, nice people." She pressed forward again. "What did you mean about that bit when you said 'teams'? Like an after school organization or something?" She tilted her head at him in curiosity.
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Lillian Clearwater

Re: Sept 7 - I'm not napping, I'm studying...

Postby Trev Anderson » Thu Jul 09, 2015 10:47 pm

"You've heard of the X-men, right? That's us." he smiled. "Helping keep the world safe one psycho or criminal at a time."
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Trev Anderson

Re: Sept 7 - I'm not napping, I'm studying...

Postby Lillian Clearwater » Fri Jul 17, 2015 7:35 pm

Lillian stopped dead in her tracks and rounded on Trev. She stared up at him wide eyed as she raised herself up on her toes and leaned in. " X-Men? You mean THE X-Men?!"

"Seriously?! " She gave a joyful cry. " How wonderful is that? That's-That's fantastic! I never imagined-I mean I suspected this school was- THIS IS SO GREAT!" She grabbed him by the shoulders and shook him excitedly.
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Lillian Clearwater

Re: Sept 7 - I'm not napping, I'm studying...

Postby Trev Anderson » Fri Jul 17, 2015 7:39 pm

"That's us," he chuckled. "Once you get all settled, I bet we could talk to Ms. Kinney about getting you on board. Long as you've got your powers mostly sorted and are willing to train with us 3-4 days a week."
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Trev Anderson

Re: Sept 7 - I'm not napping, I'm studying...

Postby Lillian Clearwater » Fri Jul 17, 2015 7:46 pm

"Mostly, huh?" She took a step back, looking thoughtful. " I can do mostly." Lillian tucked her arms into her chest, elbows tucked tight as she fisted her hands trying to contain her excitement. She wanted to hurry up and register. The sooner the better. "As long as I still have time to read and nap, I can do 3-4 training days a week."
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Lillian Clearwater

Re: Sept 7 - I'm not napping, I'm studying...

Postby Trev Anderson » Fri Jul 17, 2015 8:35 pm

"Classes too. But I make it work," he chuckled. "And yeah, mostly. I can control my powers but I'm still working on some things. So. Like. I can't really fly yet, but I can at least scream and not deafen my teammates. I...uh. Well I yell really loud. That's my power basically."
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Trev Anderson

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