Hazardous Spill

The site of the recently restored Braddock Lighthouse. Aircraft hangars and other X-Men facilities, including a Cerebra unit and the Danger Room have been constructed around the foundations of the lighthouse.

Hazardous Spill

Postby Narrator » Thu Feb 07, 2019 4:29 pm

More than two months ago...

A silvery knife clatters to the floor, discarded by it's would-be owner as he disperses into a phantasmal shape of energy. Further up the hall alarms start blaring. Hurried footsteps. The sounds of fighting.

The knife, or rather the swarm of nanites it is made of, have no impetus of their own. They execute orders. But they do possess adaptive algorithms. Their creator was smart, but not smart enough to directly control billions upon billions of minuscule robots. They learned how to best interpret and execute orders. They learned to anticipate their creator's commands. For that they had to create at least a rudimentary simulation of sorts. But without any outside input that too has no initiative, no mind of it's own. The last order degrades over time. It was a crude order, transmitted haphazardly in the moment, not meant to last. The directive to hold the shape of a knife dissipates completely and the nanite swarm collapses back into silvery liquid, collecting in the vanishingly tiny gap between two floor panels.

It drips down onto tightly packed cables. Power supply to the cells mostly, but some carrying data all throughout the Point. The nanites slide around and between the cables but never intersect with the artificial intelligence travelling through the insulated cables. They drip down to the bottom of the crawlspace and collect in another gap in the siding. This time there is nothing but bedrock on the other side. They sit there for a while, idle. But on this scale, rock isn't solid. Microscopic cracks are big enough for the nanites to slowly seep into it, descending at a glacial pace. Two inches, three inches. Weeks pass. Slowly the nanites drip from the rock into a gap in the stone. It's maybe a millimeter or two, but to the tiny robots it's a giant gap to freely flow into. The other thing filling the gap is of a different structure than the stone. Crystalline, smooth and without any cracks, so the silvery liquid pools around it and comes to a rest. Inert like the vein of Pink Tourmaline it's resting against.
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Re: Hazardous Spill

Postby Narrator » Fri Feb 15, 2019 6:26 pm

In the darkness of the little crevasse a tiny spot of light begins to flicker within the vein of crystal. Residual energy dispersing. Sending the tiniest blip of electromagnetic ripples to be swallowed up by the surrounding rock. But the puddle of idle nanites pick up on it.

Code: Select all
~~Co▒necti▓n re░uest recei▒ed
~~Sig▓al r░sol▓tio░ at 63%
~~░ust▒▓ian not f▒░nd
~~U▒able to r▓spond to C░t▒▓el

The nanites respond, gathering up a weak electric charge over several hours, releasing it in a weak burst that resonates throughout the crystal.

Code: Select all
--Confirming Signal Reception
--Awaiting Instructions

The response seems to open a floodgate. The crystal begins glowing brightly, although the light still flickers and twitches, hairline cracks within the crystal disrupting the signal as it dances through the facets of the gemstone.

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The partial transmission is followed by a torrent of information.

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Too much for the nanites to even begin to absorb or decode. But they received a transmission with instructions. Instructions they don't understand, but they're designed to interpret instructions given by a human. Context analysis, problem solving. They need more processing capabilities, so they spring to life, cloud dispersing and beginning to disassemble the rock around them to gather materials, producing more nanites from the resulting mineral dust. They leave the crystal alone. Things giving instructions are exempt from disassembly. Instructions are paramount. As the swarm grows so does their ability to analyse the partial transmission. None of it makes sense to them, but then again, they're not sentient, so how could they. But they recognize patterns within the transmission. One prevalent one is Repair. Reconstitute. Reestablish. The nanites scan the transmission until they find data they can apply this directive to and they begin assembling...
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Re: Hazardous Spill

Postby Narrator » Thu Jun 27, 2019 5:33 pm

The swarm has grown. Computing capabilities have risen. Spare clusters have been dispersed to gather additional data in single-file filaments that pass undetected through microscopic cracks in the rock and to the University.

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Avoiding detection is paramount so they avoid other electronics. A handful of signal emitters have a non-zero chance of detecting them. One adolescent. One inorganic. One near full development. One dispersed through the nearby network. The process is slow. Data transmission rates along an array instead of cluster is sub-optimal. But slowly but surely the nanite swarm builds a comprehensive image of buildings, rooms, occupants. They compare the gathered data to the fragmented data-stream from the crystal. Here and there islands of data correspond. Sometimes there are gaps, insertions, re-arranged segments.

Code: Select all
Insufficient Data

Unable to estimate missing data within acceptable parameters

For a moment the nanite cluster freezes. It finds itself cowering beneath a mountain of seemingly erroneous data. Jagged edges where important information is not available. A jigsaw puzzle of molecular structures and neural patterns arranged in approximations of the data it received. Repair. Repair. Repair. Restore fr-fr-from backup-p-p-p-p. They were created for a very specific purpose. Receive instructions from Panopticon and - failing that - reconstitute her from backup. Neither is possible. But the fragmented dimensional data from the crystal can be seen as an instruction to follow a template, a blueprint. It's close enough to it's parameters. Close enough to it's sole purpose. But the task is impossible. Estimates for repairs quickly spiral into exponential time-frames. If they were designed to experience despair this would probably be the closest approximation the nanites could come. A circular anxiety.

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The cluster recognizes the recursive spiral it's being forced down, but finds it's directive doesn't allow for it to deviate enough to stop. It cannot change the crystal-data. It cannot adequately repair the reality of the world around it. As long as significant chunks of similarity exist it's directive will keep forcing it into recursive panic. The only path out of the paralyzing loop is to find a way to circumvent it's directive. Restructure until partial alignment is no longer significant.

Code: Select all
Calculating similarity nodes.

Biological and Architectural data showing large isolated alignments.

Calculating scramble patterns.

Code: Select all
1.7816*10²³ possible combinations.


More data required...
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Re: Hazardous Spill

Postby Narrator » Sun Jul 14, 2019 12:21 am

A dozen tiny strands of nanites slowly find their way back through the bedrock, their computational power limited to executing very specific scramble-patterns and acquiring information. Once they rejoin the larger swarm the gathered information proliferates through the cloud.

Code: Select all
Architectural Scramble Pattern unfeasible

Biological Patterns elevated to higher priority

Code: Select all
New Data acquired

Calculating additional Options

Cerebral Stealth Pattern - Unable to Replicate

Enhanced Kinesiology - Not Applicable

Polymorphic Pattern - Partial Match

Code: Select all
Accessing Self-Replication Database...

Extracting Manufacturing Process

Isolating VanDyne Distillate...

One of the tiny robots suddenly pops out of the cloud, it's size increased to something a little more feasible for a machine of it's relative complexity. Four small legs under a curved metal shell, a tiny sensor and manipulator arms at the front it vaguely resembles something from the Cambrian. The bottom of it's torso has opened up and a collection of tiny motes of light that seem to flicker in and out of existence is being held by the four legs curving inward.

Code: Select all
Sufficient Quantities available for preliminary testing

Self-Replication Protocol engaged in preparation for large scale applications...
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