DT1: Eggs, in my tummy, party party (open)

Up until recently maintained as a museum, the childhood home of the Braddock family has been pressed into service as classroom space for the University. Additionally, the increased demands have led to the main ballroom being converted into a cafeteria for University students on a meal plan. The old library has been bolstered with college textbooks.

DT1: Eggs, in my tummy, party party (open)

Postby Emilie » Sun Jul 05, 2015 5:22 pm

Emilie found getting a registration packet for school was easy enough, even without a lot of personal information. The great thing about carrying the X-Gene meant not having to account for the fact you were a homeless vagrant. A very high number of mutants were. She had been told if she returned it by the end of the day, everything would be fine. For the moment she was wearing a "Visitor" Badge clipped onto her belt with all her other junk.

After a bit of a bumble around campus and asking a lot of very nice people where she was going, she obtained a campus map so she found the cafeteria on her own just as she promised Victor she would. She grabbed a tray and moved through the foodline with a muffled jingle.

She felt a little guilty taking the place of a younger student, but she had already found a way to make herself feel better about it. She'd find something to do *for* the school, to balance out what she was taking from it. Volunteer or something. She wasn't strong enough to work on a team, nor had she ever acheived that level of strength. But she was good at lots of things and was confident that she'd find something to do to help out.

She ended up with 'bacon' (which she knew wasn't the bacon she was used to by looking at it but back-bacon and was kind of disappointed.. Oh well maybe tomorrow?) two eggs, fried mushrooms and a fried tomato.

She decided to sit alone, not really knowing what social groups this Victor navigated. So far she hadn't found a single person she recognized from the Institutes either.
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Re: DT1: Eggs, in my tummy, party party (open)

Postby Victor Freud » Sun Jul 05, 2015 5:45 pm

Victor set his tray down beside Emilie's shortly after she got started. His was decked out mostly the same as hers, though there were some baked beans and a big glass of orange juice on his tray as well.

"Well I guess you weren't just a dream then. Though this is my third stop this morning. Do you know how many redheads are at this school? At least two others."
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Victor Freud
High Concept: Face Turning Heel
Aspect: Title of Your Sex Tape / The Gadfly
Aspect: Shrinky Dink Shenanigans
Aspect: Always Second Best
Aspect: Underestimating Badassery
Aspect: Dressed for Success

Re: DT1: Eggs, in my tummy, party party (open)

Postby Emilie » Sun Jul 05, 2015 5:53 pm

"No. Unfortunately I am the nightmare you can't wake up from, deal with it."

Emilie smiled."Did all of them have voluntary extra holes in their face? I got a feeling I'm the only one with voluntary extra holes in my face." She asked in an amused tone. She followed up by playing with one of her piercings from the inside of her mouth causing it to wriggle about on her lip, to emphasis what she was referring to.
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Re: DT1: Eggs, in my tummy, party party (open)

Postby Samantha McManus » Sun Jul 05, 2015 5:58 pm

Looking a bit muzzy because an insane vigilante woke her at an uncivilized hour, Sam starts loading up her tray for breakfast.

Spotting someone she knows, she gives a tired wave to Victor.
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Samantha McManus
High Concept: Waking Goddess
Aspect: Enraptured by Violence
Aspect: Made of Nightmares
Aspect: Not Crazy
Aspect: Driven by Wolves

Re: DT1: Eggs, in my tummy, party party (open)

Postby Victor Freud » Sun Jul 05, 2015 6:07 pm

"Well I dunno, I didn't ask them if they were voluntary or not, that's rude." As clean-cut and straight-edge as Victor appeared, the two of them seemed like almost polar opposites. "How was your night?"

Victor spies some movement and, recognizing Sam as well, gives her a wave in return. Of course he wasn't thinking about keeping things discrete at the time. Whoops.
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Victor Freud
High Concept: Face Turning Heel
Aspect: Title of Your Sex Tape / The Gadfly
Aspect: Shrinky Dink Shenanigans
Aspect: Always Second Best
Aspect: Underestimating Badassery
Aspect: Dressed for Success

Re: DT1: Eggs, in my tummy, party party (open)

Postby Emilie » Sun Jul 05, 2015 6:18 pm

"Uneventful. Me and my male calico friend continued napping and then he wandered off somewhere, probably to lick his butt."

Now there was a face she recognized... Luckily for Victor he was under no obligation to keep people away from her, just to keep his mouth shut.
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Re: DT1: Eggs, in my tummy, party party (open)

Postby Samantha McManus » Sun Jul 05, 2015 6:32 pm

Having chosen her breakfast, Sam makes her way over to Victor's table.

"See, I thought your power was shrinking, not being a ginger magnet," she chuckles.
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Samantha McManus
High Concept: Waking Goddess
Aspect: Enraptured by Violence
Aspect: Made of Nightmares
Aspect: Not Crazy
Aspect: Driven by Wolves

Re: DT1: Eggs, in my tummy, party party (open)

Postby Victor Freud » Sun Jul 05, 2015 6:45 pm

"I guess I'm just more talented than I thought." Victor said in a very humble manner; British dry humour was rubbing off on him. "Have a seat! Sam, this is Emilie. Emilie, Sam."
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Victor Freud
High Concept: Face Turning Heel
Aspect: Title of Your Sex Tape / The Gadfly
Aspect: Shrinky Dink Shenanigans
Aspect: Always Second Best
Aspect: Underestimating Badassery
Aspect: Dressed for Success

Re: DT1: Eggs, in my tummy, party party (open)

Postby Emilie » Sun Jul 05, 2015 6:50 pm

"Hello Sam, nice to meet you. " She sat upright and offered out her hand for a shake. Unlike Sam, she didn't have a cute Irish accent, which always made her a bit jealous. Hers was boring and American and had never been anything but and she long ago decided to stop wondering why that was. Didn't stop her from being jealous of Sam's accent however.
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Re: DT1: Eggs, in my tummy, party party (open)

Postby Samantha McManus » Sun Jul 05, 2015 7:01 pm

"Likewise," she says, shaking Emilie's hand after setting her tray down.

"Did you just meet, or do you know each other from across the pond?"
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Samantha McManus
High Concept: Waking Goddess
Aspect: Enraptured by Violence
Aspect: Made of Nightmares
Aspect: Not Crazy
Aspect: Driven by Wolves

Re: DT1: Eggs, in my tummy, party party (open)

Postby Victor Freud » Sun Jul 05, 2015 7:03 pm

Victor chose that moment to shove some egg into his mouth. Oh it's so impolite to eat with one's mouth full.
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Victor Freud
High Concept: Face Turning Heel
Aspect: Title of Your Sex Tape / The Gadfly
Aspect: Shrinky Dink Shenanigans
Aspect: Always Second Best
Aspect: Underestimating Badassery
Aspect: Dressed for Success

Re: DT1: Eggs, in my tummy, party party (open)

Postby Emilie » Sun Jul 05, 2015 7:05 pm

"Just met. I'm not from the institute. What about you, did you go?"
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Re: DT1: Eggs, in my tummy, party party (open)

Postby Samantha McManus » Sun Jul 05, 2015 7:07 pm

"Didn't get to. It was too far a way. Mum would've worried too much."
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Samantha McManus
High Concept: Waking Goddess
Aspect: Enraptured by Violence
Aspect: Made of Nightmares
Aspect: Not Crazy
Aspect: Driven by Wolves

Re: DT1: Eggs, in my tummy, party party (open)

Postby Victor Freud » Sun Jul 05, 2015 7:16 pm

"It wasn't so bad. I mean, barring the occasional alien or Sentinel or something."
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Victor Freud
High Concept: Face Turning Heel
Aspect: Title of Your Sex Tape / The Gadfly
Aspect: Shrinky Dink Shenanigans
Aspect: Always Second Best
Aspect: Underestimating Badassery
Aspect: Dressed for Success

Re: DT1: Eggs, in my tummy, party party (open)

Postby Emilie » Sun Jul 05, 2015 7:23 pm

"Well now you're here. I guess the princess was in another castle. At least you got the experience points. Hope you allotted them properly or you're fucked."

She smirked at Vic.

"So what's your thing Sam?" Emilie asked, knowing it was a common conversation starter around these here parts.
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Re: DT1: Eggs, in my tummy, party party (open)

Postby Samantha McManus » Sun Jul 05, 2015 7:32 pm

"Shapeshifting. I can turn into other people."
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Samantha McManus
High Concept: Waking Goddess
Aspect: Enraptured by Violence
Aspect: Made of Nightmares
Aspect: Not Crazy
Aspect: Driven by Wolves

Re: DT1: Eggs, in my tummy, party party (open)

Postby Victor Freud » Sun Jul 05, 2015 7:47 pm

"Which is pretty awesome, so congrats on that."
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Victor Freud
High Concept: Face Turning Heel
Aspect: Title of Your Sex Tape / The Gadfly
Aspect: Shrinky Dink Shenanigans
Aspect: Always Second Best
Aspect: Underestimating Badassery
Aspect: Dressed for Success

Re: DT1: Eggs, in my tummy, party party (open)

Postby Emilie » Sun Jul 05, 2015 7:48 pm

"Yea, you win." She smiled, and started cutting her eggs with her fork.
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Re: DT1: Eggs, in my tummy, party party (open)

Postby Samantha McManus » Sun Jul 05, 2015 7:49 pm

"It's not a contest, aye?" She asks, sitting down and digging in.
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Samantha McManus
High Concept: Waking Goddess
Aspect: Enraptured by Violence
Aspect: Made of Nightmares
Aspect: Not Crazy
Aspect: Driven by Wolves

Re: DT1: Eggs, in my tummy, party party (open)

Postby Victor Freud » Sun Jul 05, 2015 7:56 pm

"Yeah, we all want each other's powers instead of our own." Victor prodded the baked beans with his fork. "Whose idea was it to have beans for breakfast anyway?"
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Victor Freud
High Concept: Face Turning Heel
Aspect: Title of Your Sex Tape / The Gadfly
Aspect: Shrinky Dink Shenanigans
Aspect: Always Second Best
Aspect: Underestimating Badassery
Aspect: Dressed for Success

Re: DT1: Eggs, in my tummy, party party (open)

Postby Emilie » Sun Jul 05, 2015 7:59 pm

"not me! I am perfectly contented to be second tier and useless." Emilie joked, trying to make light of the conversation. "Yours, you put them on your plate you goof." She teased.
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Re: DT1: Eggs, in my tummy, party party (open)

Postby Samantha McManus » Sun Jul 05, 2015 8:02 pm

"If you ask for a full breakfast, that's what you get."
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Samantha McManus
High Concept: Waking Goddess
Aspect: Enraptured by Violence
Aspect: Made of Nightmares
Aspect: Not Crazy
Aspect: Driven by Wolves

Re: DT1: Eggs, in my tummy, party party (open)

Postby Victor Freud » Sun Jul 05, 2015 8:06 pm

"I thought it meant, like, hashbrowns or something." Still, he at least tried the stuff
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Victor Freud
High Concept: Face Turning Heel
Aspect: Title of Your Sex Tape / The Gadfly
Aspect: Shrinky Dink Shenanigans
Aspect: Always Second Best
Aspect: Underestimating Badassery
Aspect: Dressed for Success

Re: DT1: Eggs, in my tummy, party party (open)

Postby Emilie » Sun Jul 05, 2015 8:10 pm

"You're not in New York anymore. You can tap the heels on them red chucks together really hard though if you want. Maybe you could get back to Kansas." Ontario. Whatever."You want some of my mushrooms? I don't eat much."

"What do you do for fun Sam?"
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Re: DT1: Eggs, in my tummy, party party (open)

Postby Samantha McManus » Sun Jul 05, 2015 8:22 pm

"You'd probably think I'm boring," she says, judging by Emily's sartorial style.

"I was a homebody for a long time after my powers came out. Just kind of getting used to being social again, aye?"
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Samantha McManus
High Concept: Waking Goddess
Aspect: Enraptured by Violence
Aspect: Made of Nightmares
Aspect: Not Crazy
Aspect: Driven by Wolves

Re: DT1: Eggs, in my tummy, party party (open)

Postby Victor Freud » Sun Jul 05, 2015 8:54 pm

Victor picked some of the mushrooms off of Emilie's plate with his fork and scooped them onto his own.

"Sounds like you should join a club. Do they have the student club things here? My brother was in one at his school."
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Victor Freud
High Concept: Face Turning Heel
Aspect: Title of Your Sex Tape / The Gadfly
Aspect: Shrinky Dink Shenanigans
Aspect: Always Second Best
Aspect: Underestimating Badassery
Aspect: Dressed for Success

Re: DT1: Eggs, in my tummy, party party (open)

Postby Emilie » Sun Jul 05, 2015 9:08 pm

"Judge not a book by it's cover." She laughed, already aware of why Sam thought Emilie wouldn't find her entertaining. Mainly, because people made those assumptions about her before. " My favourite pastimes are knitting,crochet, and baking. When I am not being a lazy twit and just lazing about watching television. Sometimes I read... especially if the book has pictures in it.

But ya know, if you wanna walk on the wild side we can go get some ink or something. Or I could help you get some voluntary holes in your face, then we could match. But it can't be in your bottom lip, because then Victor won't be able to tell us apart anymore." Joking, again.

"If they don't, we could make one." She suggested.
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Re: DT1: Eggs, in my tummy, party party (open)

Postby Victor Freud » Sun Jul 05, 2015 9:36 pm

"I don't think I want that kinda responsibility." Victor replied. "But there's gotta be a board game club or something."
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Victor Freud
High Concept: Face Turning Heel
Aspect: Title of Your Sex Tape / The Gadfly
Aspect: Shrinky Dink Shenanigans
Aspect: Always Second Best
Aspect: Underestimating Badassery
Aspect: Dressed for Success

Re: DT1: Eggs, in my tummy, party party (open)

Postby Emilie » Sun Jul 05, 2015 10:42 pm

Emilie looked at Victor for a moment, her eyes appraising him for some reason. The smile she had now was different then her polite smile she had so far extended to everyone.

"Alright, I'll join with you if it does. As long as I get to play Cards Against Humanity, I need to get the warped thoughts out of my head in a healthy and progressive manner.

And I can't draw, ha."

Emilie looked at Sam next, wondering if she was interested.
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Re: DT1: Eggs, in my tummy, party party (open)

Postby Samantha McManus » Sun Jul 05, 2015 11:42 pm

"I don't think I've ever played that. What's it like?"
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Samantha McManus
High Concept: Waking Goddess
Aspect: Enraptured by Violence
Aspect: Made of Nightmares
Aspect: Not Crazy
Aspect: Driven by Wolves

Re: DT1: Eggs, in my tummy, party party (open)

Postby Victor Freud » Sun Jul 05, 2015 11:51 pm

"Vulgar, but fun, so long as you're willing to say terrible things."
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Victor Freud
High Concept: Face Turning Heel
Aspect: Title of Your Sex Tape / The Gadfly
Aspect: Shrinky Dink Shenanigans
Aspect: Always Second Best
Aspect: Underestimating Badassery
Aspect: Dressed for Success

Re: DT1: Eggs, in my tummy, party party (open)

Postby Emilie » Sun Jul 05, 2015 11:54 pm

"hehehehehe." For some reason, thinking about this gave her the giggles. She was probably recalling something from some memory or something.

"Games where people say terrible things are the only games I stand a chance at winning."
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Re: DT1: Eggs, in my tummy, party party (open)

Postby Samantha McManus » Mon Jul 06, 2015 12:58 am

"Sounds like a game you play when you're drinking."
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Samantha McManus
High Concept: Waking Goddess
Aspect: Enraptured by Violence
Aspect: Made of Nightmares
Aspect: Not Crazy
Aspect: Driven by Wolves

Re: DT1: Eggs, in my tummy, party party (open)

Postby Victor Freud » Mon Jul 06, 2015 1:09 am

"Well, it makes for a good excuse."
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Victor Freud
High Concept: Face Turning Heel
Aspect: Title of Your Sex Tape / The Gadfly
Aspect: Shrinky Dink Shenanigans
Aspect: Always Second Best
Aspect: Underestimating Badassery
Aspect: Dressed for Success

Re: DT1: Eggs, in my tummy, party party (open)

Postby Emilie » Mon Jul 06, 2015 1:29 am

"I actually find it a lot harder when I am drunk.

It's like a group mad lib. There's a black card with either a question or a 'fill in the blank' sentence and you have to come up with a response using the white cards in your hand. Whoever's response is deemed funniest by the person in charge of that round gets a point, and the points determine who wins in the end.

But the group also tends to determine what is funny. What's funny for one group of people isn't necessarily funny for another. For example, once the card 'what is my superpower?' happened to come up, and I played 'vehicular manslaughter'. You're not supposed to say who puts down what card, but my friends were aware of my terrible driving skills soooo they figured it out pretty quickly and to them it was hilarious. But in another situation, it probably wouldn't have been as funny as it was right then.

But since you have to make decisions and I am not good at making good decisions when I am splifficated, when it'd come around to my turn and I just end up dissolving into a giggle fit.

But I mean I don't need to have an excuse for beer if that's on the agenda."
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Re: DT1: Eggs, in my tummy, party party (open)

Postby Samantha McManus » Mon Jul 06, 2015 1:35 am

"Kind of... loses a bit in the translation, I think."
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Samantha McManus
High Concept: Waking Goddess
Aspect: Enraptured by Violence
Aspect: Made of Nightmares
Aspect: Not Crazy
Aspect: Driven by Wolves

Re: DT1: Eggs, in my tummy, party party (open)

Postby Victor Freud » Mon Jul 06, 2015 2:05 am

"It's like apples to apples for terrible people." Victor attempted to clarify.
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Victor Freud
High Concept: Face Turning Heel
Aspect: Title of Your Sex Tape / The Gadfly
Aspect: Shrinky Dink Shenanigans
Aspect: Always Second Best
Aspect: Underestimating Badassery
Aspect: Dressed for Success

Re: DT1: Eggs, in my tummy, party party (open)

Postby Emilie » Mon Jul 06, 2015 2:08 am

Emilie looked at Sam for a moment thoughtfully, her piercing started rolling in a circle again as she played with it between her teeth. She looked at Victor when he attempted to explain further.

"Yep. I'm bad peoples." She laughed, and went back to focusing on her food.
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Re: DT1: Eggs, in my tummy, party party (open)

Postby Samantha McManus » Mon Jul 06, 2015 2:11 am

"Well I mean it sounds like something that you could try to explain all day long and it sounds like rubbish, but it clicks when you actually do it."
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Samantha McManus
High Concept: Waking Goddess
Aspect: Enraptured by Violence
Aspect: Made of Nightmares
Aspect: Not Crazy
Aspect: Driven by Wolves

Re: DT1: Eggs, in my tummy, party party (open)

Postby Emilie » Mon Jul 06, 2015 3:11 am

"Like riding a bike." Emilie suggested back.

"Oh, when we're done will you show me my room Victor? I can find it myself but... why bother when I can be lazy and have you show me?"
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