[Plot] Queen's Pawn Game

Built on the Braddock Estate not far from the Manor, these were constructed for the university's benefit to help house the student population.

[Plot] Queen's Pawn Game

Postby Katarina Karkov » Tue May 26, 2020 7:42 pm

Katarina walked back into the dooms after her date with Prince Alex, a little unsteady on her feet, a little pale in complexion. She carefully navigated her way through the common rooms, taking off her tiara and tracing it's outlines with one hand.

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Katarina Karkov
High Concept: Golden Girl
Aspect: Sheltered Upbringing
Aspect: Diplomatic Immunity
Aspect: Obliviously Privileged
Aspect: Real-Life Roleplayer
Aspect: Heart of...Well, You Get It

Re: Queen's Pawn Game

Postby Nika Novak » Tue May 26, 2020 8:08 pm

Nika, having shadowed her silently to and from the restaurant, follows her into the common room with bit of a mixed expression on her face, chewing on her lower lip in a rare break of composure.

"That... didn't seem like it went well." she carefully ventures.
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Nika Novak
High Concept: Committed Bodyguard
Aspect: Secret Romantic
Aspect: Symkarian Pride
Aspect: Rigid Rules

Re: Queen's Pawn Game

Postby Katarina Karkov » Tue May 26, 2020 8:16 pm

"Nika," Katarina said quietly, as the two walked. "I need you to run a complete background and family check on Drake Martin and Basil Benson.

It is my understanding that Mr. Benson's family comes from some unspecified wealth; I need to know where it came from. Do they have connections to Symkaria? Transia? Latveria? I understand he recently purchased a home; I need to know who from and how it was financed.

Mr. Martin comes from Genosha, with very strict and rigid power structures. Who is in the circle of his family? What connections do they have off of the island?

I also will need the complete itinerary of the Sablinovas, both public and private, for the last three months. If you have trouble with the latter, you can contact," she said, pausing for a second to catch herself. "...You can try Brigadier Monomakh at the Puternicstani border; use the coded phrase 'Grand Dawn'. I need to know which of the other families Prince Alex, or his mother, or any of their associated vassals, have been in contact with."

She took a deep breath. "And I will need to schedule a meeting with...whoever is the head at the London embassy at the moment; I know that has recently changed. And, in all likelihood, with His Majesty the King, as well, but let us try to save that for as long as possible."
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Katarina Karkov
High Concept: Golden Girl
Aspect: Sheltered Upbringing
Aspect: Diplomatic Immunity
Aspect: Obliviously Privileged
Aspect: Real-Life Roleplayer
Aspect: Heart of...Well, You Get It

Re: Queen's Pawn Game

Postby Nika Novak » Tue May 26, 2020 8:28 pm

"Right. Of course." she says, all business.

"What happened?" she goes on a bit softer. "Did Basil and Drake screw something up?"
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Nika Novak
High Concept: Committed Bodyguard
Aspect: Secret Romantic
Aspect: Symkarian Pride
Aspect: Rigid Rules

Re: Queen's Pawn Game

Postby Katarina Karkov » Tue May 26, 2020 8:39 pm

"I do not know yet, which is why I need the information as quickly as possible. I am afraid I have been very foolish, very foolish indeed. The extent to which the damage is already done is an unknown at this point, but I am hopeful it is not yet too late to save face.

In your check on the Sablinovas, try to figure out how on Earth they figured out where I was. I understand my photo was printed in the London Times, but I do not expect many Symkarian nobles spent their days reading the society papers of foreign newspapers. Mr. Benson was aware of my status long before I was aware that he was aware; he should probably be the primary focus of this investigation."
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Katarina Karkov
High Concept: Golden Girl
Aspect: Sheltered Upbringing
Aspect: Diplomatic Immunity
Aspect: Obliviously Privileged
Aspect: Real-Life Roleplayer
Aspect: Heart of...Well, You Get It

Re: Queen's Pawn Game

Postby Nika Novak » Tue May 26, 2020 8:45 pm

"You'll fix it. We'll fix it. I'll do whatever it takes." she nods. "But you need to tell me what's wrong. What did Prince Alex say to you?"
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Nika Novak
High Concept: Committed Bodyguard
Aspect: Secret Romantic
Aspect: Symkarian Pride
Aspect: Rigid Rules

Re: Queen's Pawn Game

Postby Katarina Karkov » Tue May 26, 2020 8:48 pm

"The dinner started off as expected. You have met Prince Alex, have you not? A buffoon, is he. He believes he is charming, and believes in his beliefs. I was, as to be expected, polite and noncommittal. We spoke of home, we spoke of the Families, we spoke of the crown. We spoke little of England, other than to express his personal distaste. Nothing altogether surprising.

And then, before dessert, he struck. He has a photograph, Nika. Of myself and Jezebelle, together. He showed me a copy."
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Katarina Karkov
High Concept: Golden Girl
Aspect: Sheltered Upbringing
Aspect: Diplomatic Immunity
Aspect: Obliviously Privileged
Aspect: Real-Life Roleplayer
Aspect: Heart of...Well, You Get It

Re: Queen's Pawn Game

Postby Nika Novak » Tue May 26, 2020 8:56 pm

A frown creeps over Nika's face.

"That's... bad. Did he threaten you? Is he blackmailing you!? He better not be..."
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Nika Novak
High Concept: Committed Bodyguard
Aspect: Secret Romantic
Aspect: Symkarian Pride
Aspect: Rigid Rules

Re: Queen's Pawn Game

Postby Katarina Karkov » Tue May 26, 2020 8:58 pm

"It doesn't work like that, Nika," Katarina sighed. "But he would be a fool not to press his advantage. He sees this as his ticket to the throne, one way or another -- marriage, abdication, or removal. And it is a big card to play..."
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Katarina Karkov
High Concept: Golden Girl
Aspect: Sheltered Upbringing
Aspect: Diplomatic Immunity
Aspect: Obliviously Privileged
Aspect: Real-Life Roleplayer
Aspect: Heart of...Well, You Get It

Re: Queen's Pawn Game

Postby Nika Novak » Tue May 26, 2020 9:04 pm

"Only if you stand by it, yes? Disavow it, call it fake, who would believe him if he's so clearly taking advantage of something this... outlandish?"
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Nika Novak
High Concept: Committed Bodyguard
Aspect: Secret Romantic
Aspect: Symkarian Pride
Aspect: Rigid Rules

Re: Queen's Pawn Game

Postby Katarina Karkov » Tue May 26, 2020 9:21 pm

Katarina shook her head.

"That might work against blank accusations, but a photograph changes matters. Where there is one photograph, there are ten. Where there is one voice speaking out, there are a hundred more remaining silent behind them. The Sablinovas are powerful; they would not make this move unless they had a second and a third waiting to go.

There is also the slight problem that the accusations are true, of course, Nika."
User avatar
Katarina Karkov
High Concept: Golden Girl
Aspect: Sheltered Upbringing
Aspect: Diplomatic Immunity
Aspect: Obliviously Privileged
Aspect: Real-Life Roleplayer
Aspect: Heart of...Well, You Get It

Re: Queen's Pawn Game

Postby Nika Novak » Tue May 26, 2020 9:25 pm

"Then we figure out their other moves and come at them! If this is an opening salvo then it's one easily dodged, yes? It's only true for as long as you let it be, right?"
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Nika Novak
High Concept: Committed Bodyguard
Aspect: Secret Romantic
Aspect: Symkarian Pride
Aspect: Rigid Rules

Re: Queen's Pawn Game

Postby Katarina Karkov » Tue May 26, 2020 9:32 pm

"Nika, unless you know something I don't about the science labs here, what has been done can not be undone. It is true, and there are too many people who know to hide it away."
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Katarina Karkov
High Concept: Golden Girl
Aspect: Sheltered Upbringing
Aspect: Diplomatic Immunity
Aspect: Obliviously Privileged
Aspect: Real-Life Roleplayer
Aspect: Heart of...Well, You Get It

Re: Queen's Pawn Game

Postby Nika Novak » Tue May 26, 2020 9:39 pm

"You can't be serious! Katarina--your Highness. People can be made to understand the importance of their silence, yes? You can't possibly keep... keep on... you know." she gestures, getting properly agitated for the first time since she followed Katarina inside. "I can't shield you from this if you admit it."
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Nika Novak
High Concept: Committed Bodyguard
Aspect: Secret Romantic
Aspect: Symkarian Pride
Aspect: Rigid Rules

Re: Queen's Pawn Game

Postby Katarina Karkov » Tue May 26, 2020 9:41 pm

"Silence has already broken down, Nika -- the Sablinovas have the proof. The cat is out of the bottle. People already know about Jezebelle.

This is why I need that information as quickly as possible. I need to know who can be trusted, and who leaked the information. Only then can the inner circle protect and control the flow of information. It is probably already too late, but we do not know that, yet."
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Katarina Karkov
High Concept: Golden Girl
Aspect: Sheltered Upbringing
Aspect: Diplomatic Immunity
Aspect: Obliviously Privileged
Aspect: Real-Life Roleplayer
Aspect: Heart of...Well, You Get It

Re: Queen's Pawn Game

Postby Nika Novak » Tue May 26, 2020 9:47 pm

"No but... of course, we'll... we'll get to the bottom of this but you can't be making it worse in the meantime. For all we know this whole thing could have been a set up! Mr. Benson and Jezabelle are friends and we know she's good at taking on a new... persona identity... thing." Nika rambles. Katarina may have seen Nika agitated and angry before but never quite this... discombobulated.
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Nika Novak
High Concept: Committed Bodyguard
Aspect: Secret Romantic
Aspect: Symkarian Pride
Aspect: Rigid Rules

Re: Queen's Pawn Game

Postby Katarina Karkov » Tue May 26, 2020 9:49 pm

"You have already investigated Miss Sherlock thoroughly, yes? Do you feel you need to investigate her background further? If so, do so.

Believe me, Nika, I am well aware of Mr. Benson and Jezebelle's relationship. If Mr. Benson can be trusted, then he will prove a tremendous asset in keeping Miss Sherlock safe. If not, we need to know, and quickly."
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Katarina Karkov
High Concept: Golden Girl
Aspect: Sheltered Upbringing
Aspect: Diplomatic Immunity
Aspect: Obliviously Privileged
Aspect: Real-Life Roleplayer
Aspect: Heart of...Well, You Get It

Re: Queen's Pawn Game

Postby Nika Novak » Tue May 26, 2020 9:53 pm

"Right. Right... I will triple-check to make sure I didn't miss anything. We have to make sure, now more then ever." she nods. "Leave it to me."
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Nika Novak
High Concept: Committed Bodyguard
Aspect: Secret Romantic
Aspect: Symkarian Pride
Aspect: Rigid Rules

Re: Queen's Pawn Game

Postby Katarina Karkov » Tue May 26, 2020 9:54 pm

"I will, Nika. Do not worry; we will fight to the bitter end if we have to.

But hurry. Every moment we delay is a moment we do not get back."
User avatar
Katarina Karkov
High Concept: Golden Girl
Aspect: Sheltered Upbringing
Aspect: Diplomatic Immunity
Aspect: Obliviously Privileged
Aspect: Real-Life Roleplayer
Aspect: Heart of...Well, You Get It

Re: Queen's Pawn Game

Postby Nika Novak » Tue May 26, 2020 9:57 pm

"Yes, right away!" she says, snapping to attention.

чорт, чорт, чорт, чорт, чорт!

This did not at all go according to plan. But she can fix this, just one little additional step, one teeny tiny deception to protect Katarina.
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Nika Novak
High Concept: Committed Bodyguard
Aspect: Secret Romantic
Aspect: Symkarian Pride
Aspect: Rigid Rules

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